Martin Kouba commented on CDI-671:
bq. I think John only meant to say that the spec does not mention that you cannot @Inject
It does not say you can ;-). I.e. there is no built-in bean with
{{javax.enterprise.inject.spi.CDI}} in its set of bean types or other wording which would
imply this.
bq. I don't really see any harm in not specifying this. It has been like that since
1.2 and apparently it caused no harm.
Note that in CDI 1.2 there was only {{javax.enterprise.inject.spi.CDI}}, in 2.0 we have
two more use cases ({{SeContainer}}, {{BeanManager.createInstance()}}). So the probability
that a user will run into incompatibilitites is much higher.
SPI element related to Instance are missing info about their
Key: CDI-671
Project: CDI Specification Issues
Issue Type: Clarification
Components: Javadoc and API
Affects Versions: 2.0.Beta1
Reporter: Antoine Sabot-Durand
Fix For: 2.0 .Final
Following elements are related to {{Instance}} interface:
* {{CDI}} class implements {{Instance}}
* {{SeContainer}} extends {{Instance}}
* {{BeanManager.createInstance()}} returns and {{Instance}} object
If these {{Instance}} usage are all {{Instance<Object>}} there's no information
regarding their qualifier.
We should state in Javadoc and spec that these Instance behaves like an injected instance
with {{@Inject @Any Instance<Object>}} to allow access to all beans instance in the
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