Forge meeting minutes - 2015-05-26
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:00:30 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:00:45)
* Current Status and Priorities (gastaldi, 14:04:12)
* The website is still ranked #1 in our priority list (gastaldi,
* I am working in the website (gastaldi, 14:04:51)
* ACTION: koentsje and soro will …
[View More]submit a Tools in Action talk about
Forge for (gastaldi, 14:11:48)
Meeting ended at 14:20:09 UTC.
Action Items
* koentsje and soro will submit a Tools in Action talk about Forge for
Action Items, by person
* koentsje
* koentsje and soro will submit a Tools in Action talk about Forge for
* soro
* koentsje and soro will submit a Tools in Action talk about Forge for
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (16)
* koentsje (6)
* jbott (5)
* jbossbot (4)
* soro (4)
* agoncal (0)
* vineetreynolds (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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9 years, 10 months
Forge meeting minutes - 2015-05-19
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:06:07 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:06:53)
* Status (gastaldi, 14:09:54)
* I am mostly stuck in Windup land. Haven't done much lately. I had a
F2F meeting so I was out all last week. (lincolnthree, 14:10:05)
* Last week I was fixing some bugs for my talk in …
[View More]TDC and getting
ready for the next release (gastaldi, 14:10:36)
* Managed to kill a few JIRAs about adding new Java EE commands
(agoncal, 14:11:09)
* New release (gastaldi, 14:23:29)
* Forge 2.16.1.Final will be out today! (gastaldi, 14:23:45)
* The new website is targeted to be launched before Red Hat Summit
(June 23rd) (gastaldi, 14:36:36)
* Website (gastaldi, 14:42:36)
* The new website is targeted to be launched before Red Hat Summit
(June 23rd) (gastaldi, 14:42:52)
* Upcoming conferences (gastaldi, 14:42:59)
* Forge Tools In Action at BreizCamp (France - June) (agoncal,
* Forge talk at DevoxxUK (UK - June) (agoncal, 14:43:56)
* Refactoring commands (aggregation vs inheritance) (gastaldi,
Meeting ended at 15:24:58 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (61)
* agoncal (32)
* lincolnthree (12)
* jbott (11)
* soro (7)
* lincolnthree1 (6)
* jbossbot (4)
* koentsje (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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9 years, 10 months
Forge meeting minutes - 2015-05-12
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:07:42 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:08:09)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:11:07)
* the Website is still in the top priority list (gastaldi, 14:11:47)
* gastaldi is working hard in converting the website templates to a
fully functional AngularJS application (…
[View More]gastaldi, 14:14:11)
* hopefully the new website should be available before Red Hat Summit
(June 23rd) (gastaldi, 14:15:09)
* Status (gastaldi, 14:16:54)
* This week I'm working in the slides for the CDI 2.0 talk I'll
perform in TDC (gastaldi, 14:17:29)
* I will get back to the website next week (gastaldi, 14:17:41)
* and as usual, fixing bugs and replying to the forums (gastaldi,
* I've sent some PR about Java EE commands (Servlet / REST)
(agoncal_, 14:18:33)
* I merged them :) (gastaldi, 14:18:41)
* My goal is to fit Swarm into Forge, that's why I needed those Java
EE commands (agoncal_, 14:19:02)
* JSON-P support in JavaEE addon (gastaldi, 14:26:18)
* agoncal will create two JIRAs on the Java EE addon (one for JSON-P
and another for JSON-B) (gastaldi, 14:38:46)
Meeting ended at 14:45:21 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (68)
* agoncal_ (39)
* jbott (9)
* jbossbot (5)
* antoine_sd (1)
* agoncal (0)
* koentsje (0)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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9 years, 10 months
Furnace 2.18.0.Final is now released!
by George Gastaldi
One of the most beloved modular container implementations - Furnace -
2.18.0.Final is now available!
This release adds a significant feature: allowing firing events from
external sources.
That's right! Now you can fire events from your runtime and notify your
addons about any events from the outside world. Integration has never
been so easy.
Here is a sample on how to fire events using the new API:
Furnace furnace = ... // Your Furnace instance
EventManager eventManager =
[View More] furnace.getAddonRegistry().getEventManager();
eventManager.fireEvent(new MyEvent()); // Simple isn't?
Best Regards,
*George Gastaldi | Senior Software Engineer*
JBoss Forge Team
T: +55 11 3524-6169
M: +55 47 9711-1000
Red Hat
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See how it works at <>
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9 years, 10 months
Forge meeting minutes - 2015-05-05
by George Gastaldi
#forge Meeting
Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:00:51 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* Agenda (gastaldi, 14:01:10)
* Priorities (gastaldi, 14:03:41)
* The website is a priority, but slides for the upcoming conferences
are too :) (gastaldi, 14:04:17)
* In the next weeks I'll have 2 talks on CDI+Forge, and one talk on
Forge …
[View More]only (agoncal, 14:06:28)
* I'll have a talk about CDI 2.0 next week (gastaldi, 14:06:47)
* Website is still priority #1 :) (lincolnthree, 14:07:48)
* The last lecture in the Sofia University about Java EE will
summarize everything by showing showing Forge. As always in the last
4 years (ivannov, 14:09:31)
* the Website is almost done, still need to re-structure the docs YAML
and fix some layout issues (gastaldi, 14:14:04)
* I will add Github issues to the website with the remaining tasks, in
case someone wants to help me :) (gastaldi, 14:19:35)
* Stacks support (gastaldi, 14:20:20)
* we'll keep the JIRA open and each one brings some thoughts till it's
clearer (gastaldi, 14:38:51)
* Wildfly Swarm support (gastaldi1, 14:39:26)
* LINK: (gastaldi,
* Status report (gastaldi, 15:14:53)
* I am split working in the slides, in the website and fixing Forge
JIRAs (gastaldi, 15:15:41)
* I am starting to work on slides soon, still working on windup slides
first (lincolnthree, 15:16:59)
* LINK: (gastaldi, 15:33:23)
Meeting ended at 15:36:35 UTC.
Action Items
Action Items, by person
* (none)
People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (88)
* agoncal (57)
* vineetreynolds (38)
* ivannov (20)
* lincolnthree (19)
* jbossbot (11)
* jbott (10)
* maxandersen (5)
* gastaldi1 (2)
* gastaldi2 (1)
* koentsje (0)
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9 years, 10 months