Hibernate OGM 4.2 Final is out
by Davide D'Alto
after several months of hard work, I'm happy to announce the next final
release of Hibernate OGM: 4.2.
Compared to 4.1.Final, this version includes:
- API for retrieving all executed and failed datastore operations,
- preview for Apache Cassandra support,
- Fongo support,
- new built-in types for boolean mapping,
- Support for MongoDB 3 and MongoDB replica sets
- HQL support improvements and bug fixes,
- bug fixes related to the mapping of embedded properties,
- at least JDK 7 is required.
You can find all the details in the blog post [1].
Many thanks to all the people that helped us make this release possible.
[1] http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/HibernateOGM42FinalIsOut
9 years, 6 months