Author: ron.sigal(a)
Date: 2009-08-15 21:48:47 -0400 (Sat, 15 Aug 2009)
New Revision: 5347
JBREM-1142: Added discussion of the role of the "clientConnectAddress" and
"clientConnectPort" parameters.
Modified: remoting2/branches/2.2/docs/guide/en/chap5.xml
--- remoting2/branches/2.2/docs/guide/en/chap5.xml 2009-08-16 01:44:24 UTC (rev 5346)
+++ remoting2/branches/2.2/docs/guide/en/chap5.xml 2009-08-16 01:48:47 UTC (rev 5347)
@@ -931,6 +931,27 @@
<para>If no client connect address or server bind address specified,
will use the local host's address (via
+ <para><emphasis role="bold">Note</emphasis> The role
played by "clientConnectAddress"
+ and "clientConnectPort" deserves some further elaboration. When a
+ is set up, it is either given an <classname>InvokerLocator</classname>
+ or it is given enough information in an MBean XML file from which to construct an
+ <classname>InvokerLocator</classname>, and a client uses the host field
+ port field in the <classname>InvokerLocator</classname> to determine
how to connect to
+ the server. It follows that if an explicit
+ is passed to the server, then the host and port fields are either given explicitly
+ or are generated, so there is no need for "clientConnectAddress" or
+ fields. However, if the server is configured by way of an MBean XML file, and no
+ <classname>InvokerLocator</classname> is specified, then the
+ and "clientConnectPort" parameters can be used to specify the host and
+ fields in the <classname>InvokerLocator</classname>. If they are
omitted, then
+ the host and port fields will be derived from the values of the
+ and "serverBindPort" parameters (or generated, if those fields are
+ Therefore, there is a role for the "clientConnectAddress" and
+ parameters <emphasis role="bold">only if</emphasis> clients
are meant to connect
+ to a host and port different than the bind host and bind port. Such a situation
+ might occur in the presence of a translating firewall between the client and the
+ server.</para>