[...truncated 392 lines...]
error: cannot access AllIcons
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] import com.intellij.icons.AllIcons;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access XmlTagImpl
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] import com.intellij.psi.impl.source.xml.XmlTagImpl;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access XmlUtil
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] import com.intellij.xml.util.XmlUtil;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] protected void updateManifest(Project project, Editor
editor, PsiFile file, DependencyReport dependency) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] location: class MavenCAUpdateManifestIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] public boolean isAvailable(@NotNull Project project, Editor
editor, PsiFile file) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] location: class MavenCAUpdateManifestIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] public class NpmCAInspection extends LocalInspectionTool {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] symbol: class LocalInspectionTool
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] public HighlightDisplayLevel getDefaultLevel() {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] symbol: class HighlightDisplayLevel
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] location: class NpmCAInspection
error: cannot access JsonElementGenerator
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] import com.intellij.json.psi.JsonElementGenerator;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access JsonProperty
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] import com.intellij.json.psi.JsonProperty;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access JsonStringLiteral
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] import com.intellij.json.psi.JsonStringLiteral;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] protected void updateVersion(@NotNull Project project,
Editor editor, PsiFile file, String version) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] location: class NpmCAIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] protected @Nullable FileModifier
createCAIntentionActionInCopy(PsiElement element) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] symbol: class FileModifier
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] location: class NpmCAIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] public boolean isAvailable(@NotNull Project project, Editor
editor, PsiFile file) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.145Z] location: class NpmCAIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public class PipCAInspection extends LocalInspectionTool {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class LocalInspectionTool
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public @NotNull HighlightDisplayLevel getDefaultLevel() {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class HighlightDisplayLevel
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class PipCAInspection
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] protected void updateVersion(@NotNull Project project,
Editor editor, PsiFile file, String version) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class PipCAIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] protected @Nullable FileModifier
createCAIntentionActionInCopy(PsiElement element) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class FileModifier
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class PipCAIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public boolean isAvailable(@NotNull Project project, Editor
editor, PsiFile file) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class PipCAIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public class DockerfileAnnotator extends
ExternalAnnotator<DockerfileAnnotator.Info, Map<BaseImage,
DockerfileAnnotator.Result>> {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class ExternalAnnotator
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] static InspectionProfileEntry getInspection(@NotNull
PsiElement context) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class InspectionProfileEntry
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class DockerfileAnnotator
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public void apply(@NotNull PsiFile file, Map<BaseImage,
Result> annotationResult, @NotNull AnnotationHolder holder) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class AnnotationHolder
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class DockerfileAnnotator
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public class DockerfileInspection extends LocalInspectionTool
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class LocalInspectionTool
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public HighlightDisplayLevel getDefaultLevel() {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class HighlightDisplayLevel
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class DockerfileInspection
error: cannot access DockerFileType
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] import com.intellij.docker.dockerFile.DockerFileType;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access AnAction
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public class ImageReportAction extends AnAction {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access ActionUpdateThread
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public @NotNull ActionUpdateThread getActionUpdateThread()
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access AnActionEvent
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public void actionPerformed(@NotNull AnActionEvent event)
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public void update(@NotNull AnActionEvent event) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class AnActionEvent
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class ImageReportAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public class ImageReportIntentionAction implements
IntentionAction {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class IntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public boolean isAvailable(@NotNull Project project, Editor
editor, PsiFile psiFile) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] location: class ImageReportIntentionAction
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.146Z] public void invoke(@NotNull Project project, Editor editor,
PsiFile psiFile) throws IncorrectOperationException {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] symbol: class Editor
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] location: class ImageReportIntentionAction
error: cannot access DockerFileArgCommand
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] import
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access DockerFileFromCommand
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] import
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access DockerFileRegularOption
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] import
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access DockerFileStringLiteral
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] import
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access DockerFileVariableRefFull
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] import
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access DockerFileVariableRefSimple
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] import
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot access Messages
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] import com.intellij.openapi.ui.Messages;
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] bad class file:
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 55.0
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct
subdirectory of the classpath.
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] static void handleArgCommand(DockerFileArgCommand command,
Map<String, String> variables) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] symbol: class DockerFileArgCommand
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] location: class ImageService
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] static String handleStringLiteral(String value,
List<DockerFileStringLiteral> literals, Map<String, String> variables) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] symbol: class DockerFileStringLiteral
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] location: class ImageService
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] static String handleVariableRefFull(String value,
List<DockerFileVariableRefFull> refs, Map<String, String> variables) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] symbol: class DockerFileVariableRefFull
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] location: class ImageService
error: cannot find symbol
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] static String handleVariableRefSimple(String value,
List<DockerFileVariableRefSimple> refs, Map<String, String> variables) {
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] ^
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] symbol: class DockerFileVariableRefSimple
[2024-10-07T06:23:07.147Z] location: class ImageService
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] Note: Some messages have been simplified; recompile with
-Xdiags:verbose to get full output
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] 100 errors
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] > Task :compileJava FAILED
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] * What went wrong:
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] > Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] * Try:
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] > Run with --scan to get full insights.
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] * Get more help at
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] BUILD FAILED in 1m 16s
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.148Z] 4 actionable tasks: 4 executed
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.734Z] [Pipeline] }
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.763Z] [Pipeline] // stage
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.780Z] [Pipeline] }
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.808Z] [Pipeline] // withCredentials
[2024-10-07T06:23:08.831Z] [Pipeline] step