Re: JBoss BIRT Integration and org.hibernate.eclipse
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Lets take this on the dev list ;)
> In order to include the BIRT Hibernate ODA data source/data set in a
> BIRT/Seam web project, I need the org.hibernate.eclipse plugin (BIRT web
> project creates an Eclipse configuration in WEB-INF/platform including a
> minimal set of non-UI plugins).
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is WEB-INF/platform ? A BIRT thing ?
Does BIRT really require Eclipse plugins to run !?
We don't want to inject our internal plugins into users deployments do we ?
> However, org.hibernate.eclipse depends
> on org.eclipse.jface and org.eclipse.ui.console. This dependency is
> related to log4j only (KnownConfigurations and PluginLogAppender). Can
> we remove this depencency? We could try to move logging to the
> org.hibernate.eclipse.console plugin, for instance.
What parts do you (as the BIRT plugin) actually need,
and what parts does the user need (as in his BIRT application) ?
16 years, 6 months
Feature and plug-ins required for using the STP BPMN editor
by John Graham
In JBIDE-2237 I've attached a file listing the feature and plug-ins
required to use the STP BPMN editor. This was determined by starting
with a Eclipse 3.4 SDK build and adding the STP BPMN feature from the
Ganymede update site. With these additional plug-ins, I was able to
create and edit BPMN diagrams.
-- John
16 years, 6 months
QA Daily report 4 June 2008
by Aliaksey Nis
Hello Denis,
This is Daily QA report for 4 June 2008.
Tasks performed:
1. Free testing of latest available JBDS 1.1.0.GA build.
2. Testcases updating.
3. Issues verification.
JBoss Tools 2.1.1GA build issues(in progress, waiting for
additional information).
4. Issues report.
New issues found:
Best regards,
16 years, 6 months
BIRT and Seam facet (JBoss BIRT Integration)
by Snjezana Peco
I have tried to create a project to integrate BIRT, JSF and Seam.
The JSF facet is created correctly, but BIRT and Seam have problems when
they are used with other facets.
The BIRT facet works correctly with J2EE 1.4, but doesn't work with Java
EE 5.
The problem is that BIRT's install delegate uses the old API
(WebArtifactEdit) instead of the new model provider.
For more info see:
Steps to reproduce:
Try to create a dynamic web project, choose module version 2.5 and add
the BIRT and JSF 1.2 facet.
web.xml will contain only those artifacts created with the dynamic web
and JSF facet.
I have solved this issue by creating a new facet (JBoss BIRT Reporting
Runtime Component facet).
We probably need to enter a bug against BIRT.
2) Seam
Seam doesn't use WTP API to handle web.xml, but copy web.xml created by
It isn't compatble with any facet that updates web.xml (Seam's web.xml
includes the JSF servlet and mapping, but overwrites the setting added
by the dynamic web and JSF facet )
If the Seam facet is the last executed facet, Seam will overwrite
artifacts added to the web.xml file by other facets (I get this issue
when adding the new correct BIRT facet that doesn't depend on the Seam
If some facet is executed after executing the Seam facet, it will
overwrite Seam setting (I get this issue when adding the new BIRT facet
that depends on the Seam facet).
You can test this by adding the Axis2 Web Service facet when creating a
Seam project. AxisServlet, AxisAdminServlet and servlet mappings for
these servlets won't be created
(the Seam facet overwrites Axis2 setting).
I propose to update web.xml using the WTP API (the model provider) in
order to solve this issue.
16 years, 6 months
a classpath container problem about JBoss server jars
by gridqian
Hi guys,
There is a problem when I create jboss ws and rum a client sample.
Now I focus on extending wtp web service framework to support
JBoss WS. To do this task, we must firstly create a dynamic web
project and then generate web service or web service client codes.
So far I can create web service and web service client. For user's
convenience I generate a client sample to call web service.
But you know, if the dynamic web project is assigned a jboss server
system will add a jboss server classpath container to the project
classpath and add many jars into this container. These jars include
jaxws-rt.jar and jaxws-tools.jar. When I run the web service client
sample class, a issue occurs and the client do not call web servcie
successfully. After google this issue, I found only if remove the
two jars (jaxws-rt.jar and jaxws-tools.jar) from project classpath,
the issue will be fixed successfully.
So how to do to fix this issue? I think we have two ways:
1 when create jboss server classpath container, we do not add these
two jars to the container.
But in this case, I do not know whether other dynamic web projects
can run successfully without these two jars.
2 Like done as before, add all of jars to jboss server container. When I
create web service client project, I remove these two jars from the
but I do not know how remove jars from a container?
Which way is better? and if choose second way, who can tell me how to
remove jars from a classpath container?
16 years, 6 months