Compile errors in jbosstools-2.1.x branch
by Marshall Culpepper
There are some compile errors in the in
the jbosstools-2.1.x branch..
It looks like the uses of ICommandImageService were changed to the new
public API (for Ganymede) but those changes were also committed to the
3.3/Europa branch =(. The file in question:
16 years, 7 months
QA Daily report 13 June 2008
by Aliaksey Nis
Hello Denis,
This is Daily QA report for 13 June 2008.
Tasks performed:
1. Free testing of latest available JBDS 1.1.0.GA build and
JBoss Tools 2.1.1GA.
2. Testcases updating.
Creating new testcases from JIRA issues.
Updating projects Archives testcases.
Best regards,
16 years, 7 months
BIRT Deployment
by Snjezana Peco
There is a problem with deploying a BIRT web project when using
Hibernate. Hibernate classes can't be loaded from within the OSGi
framework because they have already been loaded with web classloader.
It is possible to solve this issue in several ways:
1) Using JNDI JDBC datasource.
It is necessary to create a separate session factory within OSGi; the
ODA plugin has to contain Hibernate libraries. In my opinion, this is
the worst solution and I skipped it.
2) Using JNDI SessionFactory and reflection.
The server has to bind the SessionFactory in JNDI, using
<property name="hibernate.session_factory_name"
in the persistence.xml file, for instance.
I have implemented this solution.
3) Creating a Session Facade Bean that would execute and analyze a query
for clients (BIRT OSGi engine)
This solution can be easily implemented, but requires an EJB environment.
4) Injecting web classloader into OSGi bundles using Adaptor Hooks
( I haven't implemented
this method yet, but think that the problem can be solved this way. I
will try it ASAP.
I have committed the plugin that fixes the
BIRT facet (see
and changed the o.j.t.b.oda and o.j.t.b.oda.ui plugins in order to
implement solution #2.
Tested using Ganymede RC2.
16 years, 7 months
Seam 2.0 tests on hudson
by Denis Golovin
I found your comment in Seam core test suite
// Seam 2 tests can't run on hudson for now ;(
// suite.addTestSuite(Seam2FacetInstallDelegateTest.class);
What is the problem with running seam 2.0 tests on hudson?
16 years, 7 months