Question to Exadel: Re SpecialWizard
by Rob Stryker
Hi all:
Can anyone on the Exadel Team explain to me what a Special Wizard
is and how to track down what is actually using it?
In an effort to start cleaning up some of our codebase, use standard
API's, remove duplication, etc, I'm browsing through some parts of the
JBossTools code base and find myself looking at an action that I can't
figure out how to invoke.
In this case, I'm looking at "TomcatVMWizard", which seems like an
interesting class to have and I'd like to see exactly what it does …
[View More]and where
it's used. It extends "AbstractQueryWizard" and implements SpecialWizard.
The odd thing is that the implementation of the action doesn't seem
I'm trying to look at it because I'm curious why we have Tomcat specific
code in our tooling when we should be using standard WTP API's. So
it'd be awesome to find out where this action is used and whether we can
replace it with more efficient code.
Thanks In Advance
- Rob Stryker
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16 years, 9 months
Unit Tests in builds
by Rob Stryker
Hey Marshall:
Archives tests currently arent in the build. Any idea why?
- Rob
16 years, 9 months
QA Daily report 9 and 10 June 2008
by Aliaksey Nis
Hello Denis,
This is Daily QA report for 9 and 10 June 2008.
Tasks performed:
1. Free testing of latest available JBDS 1.1.0.GA build and
JBoss Tools 2.1.1GA.
2. Testcases updating.
Creating new testcases from JIRA issues.
Best regards,
16 years, 9 months
JBIDE-2311 and Archives
by Rob Stryker
I thought I'd update on the state of archives as it relates to all these
pesky NPE's floating around.
This one actually wasn't caused by my poor VFS, but rather by the
underlying library (truezip) and their VFS.
Basically, without doing a huge deep deep dive into TrueZip, it seems
very difficult to successfully ensure
that, once inside an archive, you can be sure that some elements are
treated as files and others as internal archives.
I've fixed the bug, 2311, without regressing on jbide-…
[View More]2290 by checking
first if the destination is inside something that's
already zipped up. If it is, then I use a default "archive detector" to
determine if my file is a nested zip or an exploded
file inside a zip.
The long and the short of it is that, without a much more in-depth model
/ xml file, there's going to be a
difficult time with the use case shown below:
|- zipped.war
|- unzipped.jar
|- someFile.txt
|- src
|- zipped.war (just a folder)
|- unzipped.jar (also a folder)
|- someFile.txt (plain file)
fileset: /src/** -> /dest/zipped.war exploded=false
In the above example, with the current code (post-patch), it is almost
guaranteed that unzipped.jar
will actually be zipped because the fileset itself does not give any
advice on what to do with other
elements below it that may have extensions that want to be zipped.
I've got the unit tests in and a patch that fixes the two most egregious
problems (jbide-2311 and jbide-2290).
This issue has not been complained about yet by anyone, but I can
already tell it will be a problem.
I'll try to make a unit test for that next.
- Rob Stryker
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16 years, 9 months
Next dev irc chat
by Max Rydahl Andersen
As discussed on conf call we will have our next dev irc chat about current issues
on Monday, 16:30 CET (14:30 UTC) in #jbosstools on
Note: you are always welcome in the IRC chat at all other times too ;)
16 years, 9 months
Please set the correct fix version in jira!
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Please take care when resolving a bug that the fix version is correct/makes-sense.
Examples: is set to be fixed in both 3.x and 2.1.x but there is only committed code in trunk for it so can't be fixed in both.
And I also just had to clean up a bunch of issues that were set to be fixed and resovled in 2.1.x - it should be a *specific* version since 2.1.x does not say much.
The last one is mostly my fault since I did not create a specific …
[View More]version until recently, but please if you work on a bug and when you are about to resolve it and there is not a proper version you can set the fix for then ping me and I'll add it - hopefully I will remember to create specific versions so that won't be a problem going forward.
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16 years, 9 months
Hudson jobs
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I were starting to get ultra confused to find things on hudson so I went ahead and created a view.
This view has all the JBDS and JBossTools related builds I could find.
Does anyone know if change the names on the builds will cause any harm besides the URL changing ?
Would like to get "jbosstools-" and "devstudio-" used as the prefix so they get sorted/grouped better in the overall views.
Other things to mention is that some of these …
[View More]seem to be either dead or broken ...
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16 years, 9 months
QA Daily report 6 June 2008
by Aliaksey Nis
Hello Denis,
This is Daily QA report for 6 June 2008.
Tasks performed:
1. Free testing of latest available JBDS 1.1.0.GA build and
JBoss Tools 2.1.1GA.
2. Testcases updating.
Best regards,
16 years, 9 months
by Max Rydahl Andersen
Here is a minor but annoying issue ;)
I've caught a couple of commits lately that uses a non-eclipse standard for the naming of i18n messages.
The commits used:
public static String ERROR_RUNTIME_NAME;
But the i18n standard used in Eclipse and (99% of) JBoss Tools is:
public static String errorRuntimeName;
I thought I caught them all until Grid told me SeamUIMessages has the same issue,
which we should get fixed too at some point (and there might be more ;)
So just thought I would …
[View More]make it sure it's known so when you i18n other new things going forward -
please use the Eclipse standard.
p.s. the reason for using camelcase here vs uppercase is that uppercase is normally
used for constants - this field is actually not a final constant (its initialized dependent on
users settings) AND these i18n messages is used *all* over so having them all being uppercase makes
it harder to read the code.............but it mostly comes down to let us use the same mechanism/standard
as Eclipse to make things more uniform.
Sorry for the interruption ;)
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16 years, 9 months