No way to get rid of annoying lifecycle warning ?
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I'm not sure when it was introduced but it started to drive me crazy..
We got this in our parent pom (and a few other plugins):
<!--This plugin's configuration is used to store Eclipse m2e settings only.
It has no influence on the Maven build itself.-->
<!-- Workaround for -->
Which seem to cause our build to spit out a warning for *every* damn component:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building gwt.all 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[WARNING] The POM for org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping:jar:1.0.0 is missing, no dependency information available
[WARNING] Failed to retrieve plugin descriptor for org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping:1.0.0: Plugin org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping:1.0.0 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Failed to read artifact descriptor for org.eclipse.m2e:lifecycle-mapping:jar:1.0.0
X ~420.
Can we not avoid this ? didn't m2e actually get fixed to not require these kind of changes....or at least have a way to dump this [warning] on every build ? (i.e. shouldn't this not only be present in a specific m2e profile ?!
Fred/Mickael, ?
12 years, 3 months
how to disable Eclipse UserValidationDialog?
by André Dietisheim
In OpenShift tooling I have a dialog that allows you to create/edit
connections to OpenShift. Behind the scenes I'm using HttpUrlConnection
to talk to the OpenShift REST service. If I provide invalid
user-credentials Eclipse pops up a dialog for the user to provide
username and password on top of my dialog.
It turns out that Eclipse is registering it's very own Authenticator in
HttpUrlConnection which is invoking the Eclipse credentials dialog if
the Http response is 401.
Does anybody know how to disable this in Eclipse? I'm pretty stuck, I'd
appreciate any input.
12 years, 3 months
jboss-nightly profiles
by Andrej Podhradsky
Hi Nick,
I noticed your change in parent pom
<!-- TODO: This SOA profile should be based on usage of a SOA-specific TP made of unified + JBT -->
- <jbosstools-site>${jbosstools-nightly-staging-composite}</jbosstools-site>
- <jbosstools-tests-site>${jbosstools-nightly-staging-composite-soa-tooling}</jbosstools-tests-site>
+ <jbosstools-site>${jbosstools-nightly-staging-composite-soa-tooling}</jbosstools-site>
+ <jbosstools-tests-site>${jbosstools-nightly-soa-tooling-tests}</jbosstools-tests-site>
Yesterday me and Mickael discussed about this ;-) the impossibility of setting two repositories (core + soa) using nightly profiles.
As I got to know, there will be a soa specific target platform (when?) so it was a temporary solution. For me it is no problem to specify
the repo from command line but having this resolved in pom is always better.
Just wondering from where is build
Have a nice day!
Andrej Podhradsky
Quality Assurance Associate
JBoss SOA Platform
IRC: apodhrad at #jbossqa #jbosssoa #jbosssoaqa #devstudio-qa #brno
12 years, 3 months
Parent pom:, and local.* profiles to disappear
by Mickael Istria
Hi all,
As we have moved to Tycho 0.16, we can now leverage Maven mirroring for
performance tuning. It appears that part of the parent pom (namely, and local.* profiles) were set up in order
to perform this task before Tycho supported it.
Those profiles makes our parent pom way more complicated that it can be
now, that's why it is planned to remove all those profiles from parent
pom. We'll wait a few days for builds to get more stable before trying
anything, but it's important that you know it so if you use any of these
profiles locally, your usual way to build will probably fail. If you're
actually using those profiles and don't know how to deal with Tycho
mirroring, please read [1] and feel free to ask questions if you're not
sure about something.
FYI, parent pom used to be 900+ lines 1.5 month ago, it's currently 700
lines (including 120 lines of documentation) and after this change it
would be 600 lines. And if one day bug list [2] gets fixed and released,
we can make it 540 lines (including 90 lines of doc) without removing
any of its features.
We also feel more and more the need for an SOA parent pom and a JBDS
parent pom [3], that would inherit from our "main" parent pom. This
would also reduce responsibility, and size, of the JBT parent pom.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
12 years, 3 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] [tycho-user] Parent pom:, and local.* profiles to disappear
by Max Rydahl Andersen
mikael - i think you posted this on the wrong list ;0) now fixed.
On 14 Nov 2012, at 10:01, Mickael Istria <mistria(a)> wrote:
> Hi all,
> As we have moved to Tycho 0.16, we can now leverage Maven mirroring for performance tuning. It appears that part of the parent pom (namely, and local.* profiles) were set up in order to perform this task before Tycho supported it.
> Those profiles makes our parent pom way more complicated that it can be now, that's why it is planned to remove all those profiles from parent pom. We'll wait a few days for builds to get more stable before trying anything, but it's important that you know it so if you use any of these profiles locally, your usual way to build will probably fail. If you're actually using those profiles and don't know how to deal with Tycho mirroring, please read [1] and feel free to ask questions if you're not sure about something.
> FYI, parent pom used to be 900+ lines 1.5 month ago, it's currently 700 lines (including 120 lines of documentation) and after this change it would be 600 lines. And if one day bug list [2] gets fixed and released, we can make it 540 lines (including 90 lines of doc) without removing any of its features.
> We also feel more and more the need for an SOA parent pom and a JBDS parent pom [3], that would inherit from our "main" parent pom. This would also reduce responsibility, and size, of the JBT parent pom.
> Cheers,
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Mickael Istria
> Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
> My blog - My Tweets
> _______________________________________________
> tycho-user mailing list
> tycho-user(a)
12 years, 3 months
JAX-RS, JPA and JSF Maven configurators moving to m2e-wtp@eclipse
by Fred Bricon
Hi all,
we decided to contribute the JAX-RS, JPA and JSF Maven configurators
back to the m2e-wtp project
( where we believe they
truly belong :
- JAX-RS, JPA and JSF are WTP components
- current JBoss Tools coupling is really light, when it exists.
I'm currently preparing the initial contribution by changing the
projects namespaces, making them build without any JBoss Tools
dependencies, before submitting Contribution Questionnaires (CQ) on
Eclipse IPZilla.
Since Snjeza and I, contributors on the aforementioned plugins, are
already committers on m2e-wtp, the IP clearance should be pretty
General goal is to release the migrated plugins from their new home next February, as part of m2e-wtp 0.17.0, along the Juno
SR2 release train.
JBT 4.0 and JBDS 6.0 will still embed the JBoss version of the plugins
next december, but the plan is to make them shutdown gracefully once
m2e-wtp 0.17.0 is active. I have not decided yet if we should make the
features updateable by their m2e-wtp counterparts yet (but there's a
good chance that's what we'll do).
As a consequence, JAX-RS, JPA and JSF configurators enter in maintenance
mode in JBIDE : bug can still be fixed in JBT, but new features should
be requested in bugzilla
Fred Bricon
12 years, 3 months