Drools Evaluating Rules
by Sasivarnan Manickam
Hi there,
As per my understanding after inserting the facts the drools rule engine
will match the rules with the facts and agenda will be set. In this case
it check all the things and finally setting the agenda.. Is ther any way we
can control this and check only what we need. Waiting for the reply at the
12 years, 9 months
Brainstorming: Target Platform for developers too
by Mickael Istria
Hi all,
As you may know, we leverage Target Platform (TP) at build-time to set
up a build path. A TP is basically a list of dependencies we allow for
build to perform. TP are also usable at dev-time in PDE and guarantees
what you can depend on when you write a plugin. For example, if you
depend on something that is not part of your TP, you'll see some errors
for unresolved bundles.
The next step for this Target Platforms would the *you, developers, use
these target platforms in PDE*. Then we would all ensure we depend on
the same stuff at dev-time and build-time, and it would prevent some
synchronization errors between what you require, and what the TP contain.
You can use TP by importing them into your workspace (checkout
build/target-platform folder), and then enable them with Window >
Preferences > Plugin Development > Target Platform. We already
identified some pitfalls with current TP, but we'll work on making them
more usable for developers. Please report your ideas in JIRA on how to
improve target platforms so that you could use them too. Here are some
first ideas, please contribute to these ideas and raise new ones.
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <http://www.jboss.org/tools>
My blog <http://mickaelistria.wordpress.com> - My Tweets
12 years, 9 months