Fwd: JBoss Tools maintenance branch - once tagged for 4.1.0.Final - is open for 4.1.x bug fixes / No new 4.x releases scheduled yet
by Michelle Murray
jbosstools-bpel does not yet have a jbosstools-4.1.x branch [1].
This is breaking the new jenkins build for the 4.1 docs [2].
Is a 4.1.x branch going to be created? Who is going to create it?
[1] https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-bpel
[2] https://jenkins.mw.lab.eng.bos.redhat.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-docs_41/
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Nick Boldt" <nboldt(a)redhat.com>
To: jbosstools-dev(a)lists.jboss.org
Sent: Wednesday, 24 July, 2013 2:21:15 AM
Subject: [jbosstools-dev] JBoss Tools maintenance branch - once tagged for 4.1.0.Final - is open for 4.1.x bug fixes / No new 4.x releases scheduled yet
BEFORE ANYTHING goes into the jbosstools-4.1.x branches, please be sure
that you've tagged your branches with a jbosstools-4.1.0.Final tag.
Then, and only then, the jbosstools-4.1.x branches of the various
projects will be once again open for bug fixing.
This process requires every issue assigned to 4.1.1.Final in JBIDE JIRA
to have PR request attached, reviewed and approved by Max,
Fred or Denis before pushing it to 4.1.x branch.
* There should be no API changes, or new features/plugins in the
maintenance branch. *
Please be aware that most likely nothing will be approved until end of
next week.
Worthy of note too, *there is no scheduled 4.1.1 release* (Beta, CR, or
Final) at this time. There is also *no scheduled 4.2.0* scheduled at
this time.
Both will *most likely* happen, but no dates have been set ... yet.
We should have a better idea of the Aug/Sept/Oct release plans in the
next few weeks - Max is back Monday Aug 29, so the conversations can
begin in earnest then.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
jbosstools-dev mailing list
11 years, 7 months
Help: Applying PRs to two branches
by Michelle Murray
Can anyone instruct me how to apply a PR to two branches?
So I made a PR with some changes. I applied that to master branch. All good.
But I want to also apply the changes in the PR to 4.1.x. But master and 4.1.x are out of sync. When I try to apply my PR, github wants to ap ply all of the previous changes to make the branches the same before applying my changes. I only want to apply my changes.
If you can follow what I'm saying, can you advice what do I need to do? (Or where I've gone wrong!)
11 years, 7 months
JBoss Tools maintenance branch - once tagged for 4.1.0.Final - is open for 4.1.x bug fixes / No new 4.x releases scheduled yet
by Nick Boldt
BEFORE ANYTHING goes into the jbosstools-4.1.x branches, please be sure
that you've tagged your branches with a jbosstools-4.1.0.Final tag.
Then, and only then, the jbosstools-4.1.x branches of the various
projects will be once again open for bug fixing.
This process requires every issue assigned to 4.1.1.Final in JBIDE JIRA
to have PR request attached, reviewed and approved by Max,
Fred or Denis before pushing it to 4.1.x branch.
* There should be no API changes, or new features/plugins in the
maintenance branch. *
Please be aware that most likely nothing will be approved until end of
next week.
Worthy of note too, *there is no scheduled 4.1.1 release* (Beta, CR, or
Final) at this time. There is also *no scheduled 4.2.0* scheduled at
this time.
Both will *most likely* happen, but no dates have been set ... yet.
We should have a better idea of the Aug/Sept/Oct release plans in the
next few weeks - Max is back Monday Aug 29, so the conversations can
begin in earnest then.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
11 years, 7 months
Time for .Final respin! :: PLEASE READ
by Nick Boldt
Later today I'll be moving the parent pom from version 4.1.0.CR1 to
4.1.0.Final and kicking a respin of the whole JBT 4.1 stack so that the
bits will be ready for release.
Today also marks the start of the "Quiet Period" week, wherein (in
theory!) *no code changes should be needed* in any of the
jbosstools-4.1.x branches in github.
In other words, consider your 4.1.x branches as utterly frozen. They
should remain that way until after we release 4.1.0.Final.
If you *HAVE* to commit a change (due to a blocker/critical issue),
please be sure that:
a) there is a JIRA for the change
b) there is a pull request (PR) for the change
c) the PR has been approved by at least two (2) people, such as Fred
Bricon, Denis Golovin, Len DiMaggio, Mickael Istria, or myself.
d) you send an email to this list to notify everyone of the change
This might seem onerous, but it's to ensure that QE knows about
bugs/fixes, and that rel eng knows which job(s) need to be respun to
collect the changes.
Thanks for your understanding!
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
11 years, 7 months