AngularJS Eclipse
by Angelo zerr
Hi JBoss guys,
I'm the creator of AngularJS Eclipse and Mickael Istria suggested me to
contact you.
I have seen that you have spoken about AngluarJS Eclipse at
At first, I would like to apologize because Max pinged me on tweeter and I
have not seen that-( Sorry!
I would like to answer about some comments :
>It provides ng-* completion which we do too. And IMO ours is better
>since we provide context-dependent code completion.
>For example we suggest count/when/... attributes only for ng-pluralize
>directives (<ANY ng-pluralize> or <ng-pluralize>)
>Or ng-maxlength only for input directives. Or we don't suggest ng-app if
>it's already defined in any parent tag. Etc. So we analyze the context
>when calculating what can be suggested in the particular place.
Except for "ng-app if it's already defined in any parent tag", AngularJS
Eclipse manages that :
See screenshots at
More it works too with custom directive : see screenshots at
>It does not provide code completion for {{}} expressions which we plan to
do in JBT 4.2.
Today it supports it. See screenshots at
>The upstream project
> is
>supposed to provide some angular specific code completion in *.js files
>but I couldn't manage to make it work.
It seems that it's a problem with node.js Please
Completion is done for angular model (angular.module, etc) but too with the
injection of controller scope and directive (should be improved again). See
AngularJS Eclipse extends the WTP HTML Editor (I don't have created a new
HTML editor).
I would like tell you about pros and cons for using tern :
The cons for using tern :
* needs node.js
* written in Javascript, so it's difficult to debug it with Eclipse. But
tern works in the browser, so I use Chrome to develop the angular plugin.
The pros for using tern :
* very powerful. It manages complex case. See demo at
* tern provides plugin/defintions for ecma5, jquery, node, angular.
* tern is very extensible, so you can create your own tern
definition/plugin like I have done with AngularJS. I use tern in HTML
Editor (see and
Javascript Editor (
* tern can be executed in a browser. This feature can be very interesting
in some case. For instance I'm developping a tern plugin to manage AlloYUi
a javascript framework used by Liferay (see online demo with CodeMirror at
My idea is that you could use this AlloYUi plugin inside Eclipse IDE and
inside the Liferay Portal.
* as tern is written in Javascript, the community is very big.
Hope my information will be useful for you.
Regards Angelo
10 years, 10 months
ACTION REQUIRED :: Compile & Test failures blocking JBT 4.2.0.Beta1 / JBDS 8.0.0.Beta1 code freeze tomorrow Thurs, March 20
by Nick Boldt
The code freeze for JBT 4.2.0.Beta1 / JBDS 8.0.0.Beta1 is next Thursday,
March 20, 2014.
Please ensure that your component references the correct parent pom
version (should be 4.2.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT, not 4.2.0.Alpha2-SNAPSHOT), and
that it can be built & tested correctly. Your job _master job should be
blue in Jenkins, not yellow (test failures) or red (test failures /
compilation failures).
Today, the following jobs are not blue:
== Compilation Failures ==
Hibernate, Openshift:
(red: compilation failures)
(red: compilation failures)
== Test Failures ==
Aerogear, JavaEE:
(yellow: 16 test failures)
(grey: test failures and job timeout after 3hrs; timeout increased to
5hrs: queued for respin)
== Build Failures ==
Forge, VPE, BIRT
(red: build failure, queued for respin)
(red - missing aerogear -;
queued for respin)
(red: TP failure, respinning)
Your N&N are due a week later, on Friday, March 28, 2014.
Additional upcoming dates:
See also this jira for more changes coming for Beta1:
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
10 years, 10 months
Rhino and custom type definitions
by Victor Rubezhny
Hi Angelo!
I'm trying to make it possible to use my cordovajs.js plug-in when Rhino
is configured as Tern server, but with no luck.
So, I have a couple of questions to you...
Actually I'm even not able to see any proposals from existing plug-ins
(like requirejs.js, that is placed in
tern.server.rhino.internal.scripts.tern.plugin package of
tern.server.rhino plug-in). Are there any special things that I should
do in order to make it working? (In my test project's preferences I have
enabled requirejs and my cordovajs in <Project>->Properties->Plugins
Project Properties Page.)
I don't see/am unable to open Tern Console when Rhino used as a server.
There is no possibility to stop/restart server as well.
It looks like there is no ITernConsoleConnector object configured for
Rhino server instance. Is this a result of some re-development that was
focused in usage of NodeJS in favor of Rhino (I mean your work on
"developping a "Tern Builder" which will parse JS files with Tern") or
this works as expected?
Is it possible to write such a ITernConsoleConnector for Rhino server?
(I didn't dig into that code to much...)
Thanks in Advance,
10 years, 10 months
IMPORTANT: New approach for whatsnew for beta1
by Max Rydahl Andersen
For Beta1 Xavier and I think we are ready to adapt the much simpler
whatsnew approach using our new jbosstools-website repo.
I've updated all subtasks of JBIDE-16769 with a comment explaining the
workflow. Please use that.
If any questions ask Xavier or I and we'll help!
10 years, 10 months
Re: [jbosstools-dev] Rhino and custom type definitions
by Victor Rubezhny
As for me personally... I don't like to remove something that works. At
least while it works, don't restrict some new cool features to be
realized, and can be supported with the reasonable costs...
But you're free to perform any changes on your project if you think that
this is really important. So, we'd like to concentrate on new features
while not forgetting about the performance and reliability.
Having Rhino working in this context is not a priority for us (as NodeJS
covers out needs in all possible installation configurations), but it
could be useful to have some alternative for NodeJS server in some
cases. So, I'd like not to remove it at the moment and still to improve
it "in-background".
On 03/19/2014 06:34 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
> 2014-03-19 15:23 GMT+01:00 Victor Rubezhny <vrubezhny(a)
> <>>:
> No, at the moment, we don't need it, because of its poor
> performance and high demands in memory.
> As far as I know, using NodeJS covers all or at least most of our
> needs.
> I just wanted to make my cordovajs.js working with all possible
> (and working, of course) configurations.
> Ok I understand. If I plug Rhino with Eclipse IDE, it should working
> with your cordovajs.js , but I prefer using my energy to develop other
> features. Perhaps I must remove Rhino from the Eclipse IDE?
> Best Regards,
> Victor
> On 03/19/2014 05:54 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
>> Do you need really Rhino implementation? If yes, when do you need it?
>> 2014-03-19 14:52 GMT+01:00 Victor Rubezhny <vrubezhny(a)
>> <>>:
>> Angelo,
>> thanks for your answers!
>> Best Regards,
>> Victor
>> On 03/19/2014 05:50 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
>>> 2014-03-19 14:40 GMT+01:00 Victor Rubezhny
>>> <vrubezhny(a) <>>:
>>> Could you give a short answer on: should content assist
>>> work for requirejs plugin when Rhino is used? (If it
>>> should then I have to continue to investigate on how to
>>> add my cordovajs plug-in into it).
>>> Today, it will not work with Eclipse IDE because I have not
>>> plugged Tern Rhino correctly with Eclipse IDE.
>>> OOM problem... yes, it's a real problem when using Rhino
>>> problem. Not sure if we can do something with this at
>>> the moment.
>>> It's just great that you have that NodeJS solution!
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Victor
>>> On 03/19/2014 05:33 PM, Angelo zerr wrote:
>>>> Hi Victor!
>>>> In short answer, I have gaven up development with Rhino
>>>> because its very slowly and I had problem with
>>>> OutOfMemory when JS files are too big.
>>>> 2014-03-19 14:00 GMT+01:00 Victor Rubezhny
>>>> <vrubezhny(a) <>>:
>>>> Hi Angelo!
>>>> I'm trying to make it possible to use my
>>>> cordovajs.js plug-in when Rhino is configured as
>>>> Tern server, but with no luck.
>>>> So, I have a couple of questions to you...
>>>> Actually I'm even not able to see any proposals
>>>> from existing plug-ins (like requirejs.js, that is
>>>> placed in
>>>> tern.server.rhino.internal.scripts.tern.plugin
>>>> package of tern.server.rhino plug-in). Are there
>>>> any special things that I should do in order to
>>>> make it working? (In my test project's preferences
>>>> I have enabled requirejs and my cordovajs in
>>>> <Project>->Properties->Plugins Project Properties
>>>> Page.)
>>>> I don't see/am unable to open Tern Console when
>>>> Rhino used as a server. There is no possibility to
>>>> stop/restart server as well.
>>>> Tern console works today only with Node.js, but as you
>>>> have seen, it's possible to implement it.
>>>> It looks like there is no ITernConsoleConnector
>>>> object configured for Rhino server instance. Is
>>>> this a result of some re-development that was
>>>> focused in usage of NodeJS in favor of Rhino (I
>>>> mean your work on "developping a "Tern Builder"
>>>> which will parse JS files with Tern") or this works
>>>> as expected?
>>>> No it's not the result of the Tern Builder. Before that
>>>> Rhino doesn't work. My idea about Tern Builder is to
>>>> parse with incremental builder JS files. I had no time
>>>> to implement it-(
>>>> Is it possible to write such a
>>>> ITernConsoleConnector for Rhino server? (I didn't
>>>> dig into that code to much...)
>>>> Yes it's possible, but if we wish to support Rhino in
>>>> Eclipse IDE, there are a lot of work to do, like create
>>>> a "Runtime Tern" to share tern js files. Today those
>>>> tern js (defs, plugin, etc) are stored into the tern
>>>> server node.js project.
>>>> We must create a new project "tern runtime" which will
>>>> hosts thos tern js files.
>>>> I think too it should be very cool to implement tern
>>>> server with Java8 nashor js engine.
>>>> I would like to fix some bugs with angular.js tern
>>>> plugin and works on AlloyUI which is teh JS framework
>>>> used by Liferay. See
>>>> to see screenshots and my idea to use it into the
>>>> Liferay Portal (WebBrowser). I'm working in this issue
>>>> because Liferay IDE could be interested. More there
>>>> were people who will be interested, more can
>>>> be improved (I hope having some contributions like you do).
>>>> So today I have no time to support Rhino, but if you
>>>> want to support it, I will be very glad to help you. I
>>>> think you should create several issues to support it. I
>>>> will help you for that, no problem.
>>>> Regards Angelo
>>>> Thanks in Advance,
>>>> Victor
10 years, 10 months
ACTION REQUIRED: Please review Target Platform 4.40.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT (before JBT 4.2.0.Beta1 / JBDS 8.0.0.Beta1 code freeze on Thurs Apr 20)
by Nick Boldt
Some additional changes to the Beta1-SNAPSHOT target platform:
* add Apache Batik 1.6.0 (BIRT requires it)
* add org.eclipse.ecf.core.feature (no longer bundled in another feature
so must be explicitly included)
* added back in
(was removed via JBIDE-16368)
If you haven't already built your component against the latest TP,
please do so ASAP. I'll be sending out the usual Task JIRAs tonight to
get you ready for tomorrow's code freeze & Beta1x branch (April 20).
On 03/15/2014 03:43 PM, Nick Boldt wrote:
> JBoss Tools Target Platform 4.40.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT has been created and
> is ready for review.
> Please take some time before *Wednesday, March 19* to build your master
> branch component(s) with this new TP.
> If you encounter any issues, please post comments here:
> Changes
> =======
> * Luna M6, WTP 3.6M6, birt 4.4.0.v20140311, Jetty 8.1.14 -
> * egit, mylyn, m2e, m2e-wtp, mavenarchiver are now coming from Luna
> instead of separate sites (easier to maintain)
> * new sapphire features -
> * Built w/ Tycho 0.20.0
> * Other changes:
> Commit details:
> Usage
> =====
> JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Beta1 (and JBDS 8.0.0.Beta1) will be built against the
> forthcoming target platform 4.40.0.Beta1.
> Master branch jobs in Jenkins are already building against
> 4.40.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT.
> Stable branch jobs (those with a "4.2.luna" suffix), will be re-enabled
> after the *Beta1 code freeze on Thursday, March 20*, and will be set to
> use 4.40.0.Beta1.
> Parent pom 4.2.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT on master has been updated to use TP
> 4.40.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT.
> Download
> ========
> Zip:
> Update site:
> Testing/Development
> ===================
> This should be used by default if you're using the latest SNAPSHOT of
> parent pom on master, so a simple "mvn clean verify" should be enough to
> build against this new target platform.
> For other cases, you can try it out and use it directly like this:
> $ mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta1-SNAPSHOT
> For other usage and help (using in IDE, building a mirror locally, using
> a zip...), please read
> What's next?
> ============
> No later than *Wednesday, March 19* the 4.40.Beta1-SNAPSHOT target
> platform will be released into Nexus as 4.40.Beta1, and the github repo
> will be tagged:
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
10 years, 10 months