Replacement of deprecated teiid runtime client plugins
by phantomjinx
Afternoon all,
As some of you may know, for Teiid Designer, I have been working over the last few months on a
single teiid-runtime-client plugin that replaces the current 3 (and was soon to be more!)
versioned teiid client plugins. The aims of the single plugin were:
* Forking the teiid codebase and importing as a git submodule was proving unsustainable and fast
becoming unmanagable hence a single plugin contained in (and maintained by Designer devs) was
* The plugin should allow Designer to perform local sql parsing, resolving and validation of vdb
models, as well as connecting/deploying/undeploying to all teiid instances at version 7.7+;
* A single plugin where 90% of the teiid client codebase is the same should be able to handle,
with the help of annotations and version checks, the 10% of differences between teiid versions;
* Only where absolutely necessary should actual different classes be created that are teiid
version-specific, eg. Teiid7Parser, Teiid8Parser;
Thus, the single plugin is backward compatible (but then most of teiid is already backward
compatible!) but it should also be forward limiting in that validating teiid v8 sql syntax against
a teiid v7 version should correctly fail.
Currently, the plugin supports up to teiid v8.7.0.CR2 and will support 8.7.0.Final upon its
release. At this point, the plugin is being soak tested and I have now included it in nightly
builds to allow people to play with it / find bugs and otherwise spot whatevers bits I have missed.
Hope that is clear but any questions do not hesitate to ask.
Paul Richardson
* p.g.richardson(a)
* p.g.richardson(a)
* pgrichardson(a)
"I know exactly who reads the papers ...
* The Daily Mirror is read by people who think they run the country.
* The Guardian is read by people who think they ought to run the country.
* The Times is read by people who do actually run the country.
* The Daily Mail is read by the wives of the people who run the country.
* The Financial Times is read by the people who own the country.
* The Morning Star is read by the people who think the country ought to be run by another country.
* The Daily Telegraph is read by the people who think it is."
Jim Hacker, Yes Minister
10 years, 8 months
JBT 4.2.0.Beta1 respin-b status :: DELAYED
by Nick Boldt
Due to test failures and 1 compilation failure [1] in as.core, tonight's
respin will be DELAYED.
Test failures include the usual "slave was too slow so test timed out"
Affected projects:
* Central (red - test timeout on "virt" slave)
* JavaEE (yellow - 2 test failures)
* VPE (yellow - 1 test failure)
I haven't opened JIRAs for these as I figure the project leads can
decide if these warrant JIRAs or are transient problems due to bad
slaves. SWT errors, disposed widgets, and test timeouts may be transient
problems. However, the JavaEE test failing with
"org.jboss.seam.core.jbpm not found" error sounds serious.
If you're still reading this, there are more details re: test failures
== Central ==
19:05:07 [INFO] .............
FAILURE [40:31.078s]
19:05:07 [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-surefire-plugin:0.19.0:test (default-test) on
project Error while executing
platform: org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineTimeOutException:
Error while executing external command, process killed. Process timeout
out after 2400 seconds -> [Help 1]
== JavaEE ==
junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Component org.jboss.seam.core.jbpm
not found
Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.IllegalStateException: Need an
underlying widget to be able to set the input.(Has the widget been
== VPE ==
org.eclipse.swt.SWTError: No more handles
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
10 years, 8 months
browsersim and cordovasim moved out from jbosstools-vpe
by Denis Golovin
Hello everyone,
last week some changes were done in jbosstools on related to
jbosstools-vpe and jbosstools-aerogear repositories:
1. browsersim from jbosstools-vpe was moved to repository
2. cordovasim from jbosstools-vpe was moved to repository as
cordovasim sub-module
So if you depends on breowsersim/cordovasim please clone new
jbosstools-browsersim repository and do not forget to get latest changes
from jbosstools-vpe and jbosstools-aerogear repositories.
Ids for eclipse features and plug-ins were NOT changed and all related
jobs on jenkins are up and running. All changes were done in master
branches and targeted 4.2.0.Beta2 release.
Let me know if you have problems with local builds related to these changes.
10 years, 8 months
XML Catalog, assistance needed
by Rob Stryker
I'm looking at separating out the xml schema catalog entries into their
own plugin, and a request has been made to add even more schemas. But
I'm having a problem discovering how to do it uniformly. There are
several syntaxes used to add entries, and I really don't know which
syntax to use and when:
We use the following syntaxes at varying times:
This first one (FORMAT 1) is most often used by our legacy dtd's, and I
honestly have no idea how it works at all:
<public publicId="-//JBoss//DTD JBOSS 4.0//EN"
I've seen this next entry (FORMAT 2) added as well. The thing to note
here is that the name attribute, which I believe represents namespace,
is set to, but an open jira indicates
this type of catalog entry will form invalid xml files and we should
avoid it.
<uri name=""
The next syntax (FORMAT 3) is similar, but seems to have a namespace
that points to a specific xsd file.
<uri name=""
The fourth (FORMAT 4) seems most often used by our newest schema, and
seems the most successful one.
<uri name="urn:jboss:1.0"
The problem for me is that when I look at many other xsd files that
could be added, they don't show namespaces in a urn:jboss format.
Looking at the xsd files directly, they also don't have a string like
"" anywhere in the xsd
file, so I can't use formats 4 or 3. I have no idea how format 1 works,
and format 2 has been indicated to be non-functional.
So if I want to add an xsd file that has header like the one below, I
have no idea how to add it:
Ideally, I would make a small script in the plugin to regenerate the
catalog entries based on what files are in the folder. This way it'd be
deterministic, and we can add whole collections of schemas after each
new major release of jee or wildfly. But I really can't figure out which
catalog entry forms to use against what types of xsd files or how to
properly map it at all.
Any help here would be very much appreciated.
10 years, 8 months