>> There is a problem with deploying a BIRT web project when
>> Hibernate. Hibernate classes can't be loaded from within the OSGi
>> framework because they have already been loaded with web classloader.
> ...this just sounds like a really broken design in BIRT...I can't beleive
> they don't support using classes from the sourrounding webapp.
BIRT is executed within OSGi; it adds a web application loader as a
context classloader.
The rest of the problem is related to OSGi (and Hibernate), not to BIRT.
But if Birt has the web app as a context classloader how come hibernate can't be
when it exists in there ?
>> 2) Using JNDI SessionFactory and reflection.
>> The server has to bind the SessionFactory in JNDI, using
>> <property name="hibernate.session_factory_name"
>> value="java:/[ODA_DATASOURCE_NAME]"/>
>> in the persistence.xml file, for instance.
>> I have implemented this solution.
> hmm...not sure how many binds it to jndi...not sure even if Seam does that?
I am not sure that I understand your question. Seam doesn't bind a
session factory. Binding the session factory can be done by adding the
above mentioned Hibernate property.
This can be made within the BIRT facet.
Yes, but I would much rather prefer that we had a way to inject a hibernate session to
via a Seam component than tying a dependency to JNDI.
>> 3) Creating a Session Facade Bean that would execute and
analyze a query
>> for clients (BIRT OSGi engine)
>> This solution can be easily implemented, but requires an EJB environment.
> hmm...why ? I don't follow this ?
We could enable a user to choose a type of deployment (by adding a
property to the Hibernate datasource, for instance). Then we would
create a stateful session bean that would implement the
IOdaSessionFactory interface (it is defined in the
org.jboss.tools.birt.oda plugin). The client (HibernateConnection) would
use this bean in a similar way as it uses
ConsoleConfigurationOdaSessionFactory in the design mode or
ServerOdaSessionFactory in the deploy mode.
Ok, but why does it require a stateful session bean ? Why not just a normal java class ?
>> 4) Injecting web classloader into OSGi bundles using Adaptor
>> (
http://wiki.eclipse.org/index.php/Adaptor_Hooks). I haven't implemented
>> this method yet, but think that the problem can be solved this way. I
>> will try it ASAP.
> Ok - sounds interesting.
>> I have committed the org.jboss.tools.birt.core plugin that fixes the
>> BIRT facet (see
>> and changed the o.j.t.b.oda and o.j.t.b.oda.ui plugins in order to
>> implement solution #2.
>> Tested using Ganymede RC2.
> Ok, when I get my ganymede updated ill try.
> Do we need our Birt facet going forward ? Birt it self accepted the patch, right?
The BIRT facet will be available in BIRT RC4, I assume.
I will refactor org.jboss.tools.birt.core after that and probably use
post-install delegate instead the facet.