JBIDE-1785 performance improvements...
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I saw this comment:
"Now loading of previously built Seam model is 30-40 times faster than rebuild,
and takes only 3 seconds for a project with 1000 java files declaring seam components."
That sounds great but i'm curious how we ensure the model is actually uptodate when user starts ?
That would require the build to run anyway right?
16 years, 10 months
Seam UI unit tests failing to compile
by Marshall Culpepper
I've been trying to debug the build problems related to EAP and lately my build is stopping every time on the Seam UI unit tests..
I've attached the error log.. I'll probably stick my nose in and try to fix this myself in a few minutes if no one has a quick answer.
16 years, 10 months
by Vitali Yemialyanchyk
I ask the same question in JIRA, but I do not sure have you a time during
this week to answer JIRA questions, so I ask it here.
according your suggestions - I look at HibernateNature - it is suitable to
fix the issue;
I remember, you told what it has some drawbacks with performance for DB with
many tables -
as I see this problem could also be in xml code completion - cause it uses
HibernateNature - so
may be it will be right to use HibernateNature here and create new issue to
fix/workaround performance problem?
[ Show > ]
Vitali Yemialyanchyk [17/Mar/08 02:04 PM] Max, according your suggestions -
I look at HibernateNature - it is suitable to fix the issue; I remember, you
told what it has some drawbacks with performance for DB with many tables -
as I see this problem could also be in xml code complition - so may be it
will be right to use HibernateNature here and create new issue to
fix/workaround performance problem?
16 years, 10 months
JBossTools 2.0.x fails
by Denis Golovin
JBossTools 2.0.x. buils is always fails because XulRunner link is not
updated. I have no rights for this branch to commit. Could you update
the link?
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/jbds-build/requirements/xulrunner
[get] Getting: http://repository.jboss.org/eclipse/xulrunner/org.jboss.tools.xulrunner.f...
[get] To: /home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/jbds-build/requirements/xulrunner/org.jboss.tools.xulrunner.feature_1.8.1.3-20070904.jar
[get] Getting: ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/xulrunner/releases/
[get] To: /home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/jbds-build/requirements/xulrunner/org.mozilla.xulrunner.win32.win32.x86_1.8.1.3-20070904.jar
[get] Error opening connection java.io.FileNotFoundException: pub/xulrunner/releases/
[get] Error opening connection java.io.FileNotFoundException: pub/xulrunner/releases/
[get] Error opening connection java.io.FileNotFoundException: pub/xulrunner/releases/
[get] Can't get ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/xulrunner/releases/ to /home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/jbds-build/requirements/xulrunner/org.mozilla.xulrunner.win32.win32.x86_1.8.1.3-20070904.jar
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/build.xml:64: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/build.xml:27: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/build.xml:45: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/product/productBuild.xml:69: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/product/productBuild.xml:261: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/product/productBuild.xml:263: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/product/productBuild.xml:217: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/builder-wrap.xml:54: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/builder-wrap.xml:92: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/common/buildRequirements.xml:13: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/qa/services/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/builders/common/buildRequirements.xml:21: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/org.jboss.ide.eclipse.releng/requirements/xulrunner/buildRequirement.xml:9: Can't get ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/xulrunner/releases/ to /home/hudson/hudson_workspace/workspace/JBossTools_2.0.x/jbds-build/requirements/xulrunner/org.mozilla.xulrunner.win32.win32.x86_1.8.1.3-20070904.jar
16 years, 10 months
In VPE was added support for taglibs versions
by Max Areshkau
In VPE was added support for taglib versions
Checks for versions was resolved in
Here some examples how it's can be used in template configuration file:
Example 1:
<vpe:tag name="f:testTldVersion" case-sensitive="yes">
<vpe:if test="tld_version('min=0.0 max=1.2')" >
<vpe:template children="yes" modify="yes">
<div style="background-color:red">
Tld Check function
Example 2:
<vpe:tag name="f:testTldVersion" case-sensitive="yes">
<vpe:if test="tld_version('min=0.0')" >
<vpe:template children="yes" modify="yes">
<div style="background-color:red">
Tld Check function
Example 3:
<vpe:tag name="f:testTldVersion" case-sensitive="yes">
<vpe:if test="tld_version('max=1.2')" >
<vpe:template children="yes" modify="yes">
<div style="background-color:red">
Tld Check function
Function tld_version() checks for taglib version in projects, here can
be 2 parametrs:
1) 'min' - minimal taglib version
2) 'max' - maximal taglib version
In function can' be specified only one paramter 'min' or 'max'.
16 years, 10 months
2.0.1 w/ updated features
by Marshall Culpepper
Hey Max..
Snjezana is reporting that the update site I gave her worked OK for
installing/updating, but I was unable to reproduce her results in Linux
or Mac. I went ahead and added the update site to all the relevant
features in trunk as well as the jbostools-2.0.x branch (see my commit
logs for JBIDE-1499), and after testing locally everything seems to be
working fine.
Should I go ahead and re-tag 2.0.1.GA / rebuild / reupload to
sourceforge? There are about 200 people that managed to download the
2.0.1.GA that's there now, so I can post a message on the blog and on
our forum so they're aware of what's going on (and why we hadn't
announced yet)
The other option would be to keep the binaries that are there, and do a
quick 2.0.2.GA with the new updates etc, but I think this probably
doesn't merit a new release...
Marshall Culpepper
JBoss Developer Studio, JBoss Tools
16 years, 10 months
Hbm2DDLExporterTask logic
by Vitali Yemialyanchyk
I get some question about logic in Hbm2DDLExporterTask - please look at
code lines:
if(drop && create) {
export.create(scriptToConsole, exportToDatabase);
} else {
export.execute(scriptToConsole, exportToDatabase,
drop, create);
But in SchemaExport:
public void create(boolean script, boolean export)
execute(script, export, false, false);
Seems something wrong here - it seems should be:
if(!(drop && create)) {
export.create(scriptToConsole, exportToDatabase);
} else {
export.execute(scriptToConsole, exportToDatabase,
drop, create);
Or just
export.execute(scriptToConsole, exportToDatabase,
drop, create);
Please comment the code.
Best regards,
16 years, 10 months