Fwd: JBDS Usage Stats
by Michelle Murray
I'm updating the docs for Beta2.
I've tried looking through the recent jiras to identify what stats are now being collected for JBDS/JBT installs.
I particularly want to know what's in for JBDS 8.0.0 Beta2.
Please check the screenshot and let me know if I'm missing anything or have anything wrong.
The last table row is the one that I've added for JBDS 8.0.0.
10 years, 9 months
Fwd: Eclipse DemoCamp Beijing
by Fred Bricon
Relaying Paul Verest's request for some speakers for Eclipse DemoCamp
Beijing on June 28th 2014.
More info at https://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse_DemoCamps_Luna_2014/Beijing
Unless you're physically in Beijing at that time, you can participate
via Skype.
I can't make it this year for personal reasons, but I believe many of
you have some quality stuff ready to be presented, so please don't
hesitate to contact Paul (paul.verest(a)live.com)
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From: Paul Verest <paul.verest(a)live.com>
To: rruss(a)redhat.com <rruss(a)redhat.com>, fbricon(a)redhat.com
CC: Max Rydahl Andersen <max.andersen(a)redhat.com>
Subject: Eclipse DemoCamp Beijing RE: [jbosstools-dev] Eclipse process
vs just OSS RE: Nodeclipse IDE (or components) in JBoss Tools?
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Hello Rodney, Fred
This is not urgent, but just to say Hi
and invite again Red Hat to be at Eclipse DemoCamp Beijing
Best regards,
Paul Verest
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10 years, 10 months
JMX profiling agent source code needs a home
by Rob Stryker
Hey all:
For those who are following the JMX additions that are occurring, we've
taken JVM Monitor into our repository for beta2, and intend to continue
taking pieces for beta3 that make sense.
With this in mind, we currently a home for a project in FuseIDE named
This project is not a plugin, but is an Agent jar to be connected to a
given running virtual machine to take stats such as CPU usage, memory
usage, and other profiling data.
Since it's not a …
[View More]plugin, it's most similar to a client jar that we
simply need to build or fetch. Specifically, the new plugin
org.jboss.tools.jmx.jvmmonitor.core needs to somehow fetch the built
jar and put it inside org.jboss.tools.jmx.jvmmonitor.core/lib,
I was wondering what the process should be for this. Should it have its
own repository, similar to the openshift client? Or should it still live
in the jbosstools-server/jmx repository somewhere to be built as part of
the tycho build?
Comments for this topic can either be responded here, or added to
- Rob
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10 years, 10 months