antlr packages and lib not exported in Hibernate Tools 4.0.1
by Bastian Ugimachi
Dear all,
I am currently working on an Eclipse-Plugin that is built on top of the
Hibernate Tools project. For example, I am using the following statements
to get the AST of a named query:
try {
HqlParser parser = HqlParser.getInstance(statementString);
} catch (RecognitionException | TokenStreamException e) {
AST statementAst = parser.getAST();
For this to work well with Hibernate Tools Version 4.0.0, I added bundle
org.hibernate.eclipse.libs as …
[View More]required bundle to my plug-in configuration
(which resolved to
org.hibernate.eclipse.libs_4.0.0.Final-v20141016-1911-B82 so far).
However, I now updated to Hiberate Tools 4.0.1
(org.hibernate.eclipse.libs_4.0.1.Final-v20150324-2307-B95). The problem I
have now is that the following imports cannot be resolved:
import antlr.RecognitionException;
import antlr.TokenStreamException;
import antlr.collections.AST;
The problem seems to arise from the fact, that in the new version's
MANIFEST.MF, the antlr... packages are not exported and
lib/hibernate/antlr-2.7.6.jar is not listed in the Bundle-ClassPath any
more (I reformatted both MANIFEST.MFs, that you can find attached, to allow
a convenient comparison). After manually adding the antlr-related entries
to the new version's MANIFEST.MF, my code works pretty well again.
My question is thus:
(a) Do you consider this to be a bug in the realease of Hibernate Tools
(b) If yes for (a): Do you have an idea when this issue could be solved?
(c) If no for (a): Which alternative solution would you suggest? I mean,
manually editing the MANIFEST.MF of realeased plug-ins is not quite the
best practice, is it? I tried to manally add antlr-2.7.6.jar as library to
my project, which solved the compilation error, but yields a
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: antlr.LLkParser cannot be found by
Any advice?
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9 years, 10 months
by Max Rydahl Andersen
I wrote a script to check how good/bad we were on actually having tags
for the various releases.
First I found the ones missing the recent Alpha2 tag:
Then I thought about how it was looking for other releases so I made the
script a bit more …
[View More]advanced
It loads all historical tags of jbosstools-base and with a "since"
marker to not get false positives:
With this the list is a tad longer (full details at: missing 13 tags
jbosstools-freemarker missing 12 tags
jbosstools-server missing 13 tags
jbosstools-build-ci missing 8 tags
jbosstools-aerogear missing 6 tags
jbosstools-hibernate missing 6 tags
jbosstools-birt missing 5 tags
jbosstools-central missing 5 tags
jbosstools-portlet missing 5 tags
jbosstools-forge missing 4 tags
jbosstools-webservices missing 4 tags
jbosstools-build missing 3 tags
jbosstools-openshift missing 3 tags
jbosstools-build-sites missing 3 tags
jbosstools-vpe missing 2 tags
jbosstools-livereload missing 2 tags
jbosstools-arquillian missing 2 tags
jbosstools-jst missing 1 tags
jbosstools-discovery missing 1 tags
jbosstools-browsersim missing 1 tags
If you believe my script reported wrongly on this please let me know and
otherwise i'll create a task jira for these next week.
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9 years, 10 months
new JBoss Central available from nightly builds
by Fred Bricon
FYI, I’ve merged the current Central/HTML5 rework to jbosstools-central master.
This means you can see the new Central in action after installing the latest nightly build from <>
It’s far from being complete, but you’ll at least get a taste of what’s to come in JBT 4.3/JBDS 9.
What works :
- Central is now an html5 page maintained at…
[View More]jbosstools-central-webpage <>
- the page is served from a swt browser widget (using webkit under the hood).
- about 220 quickstarts are available as of today (some target eap 6.3, other target 6.4)
- search is craaazy fast, as it is local to the webpage (no round trips to dcp server)
- it’s fast to load and scales better in small windows, compared to the existing version.
- proxy wizards are injected to search results
- external links are opened in a browser window
- JBoss Buzz results visible as carousel under the title
- early access label displayed according to EA settings (UI to be reviewed)
- you can build <> locally (after installing node and grunt-cli) and test it by starting Eclipse with -Djboss.central.webpage.url=file:///path/to/jbosstools-central-webpage/target/ <file:///path/to/jbosstools-central-webpage/target/> or -Djboss.central.webpage.url=/path/to/jbosstools-central-webpage/target/gruntbuild.
What doesn’t work :
- for some reason I just broke the quickstart integration, which used to work, I swear. Will fix it on Monday
- current webpage is served directly from <>, I need to get <> built from Jenkins and deployed to Nexus. At least that gives us some good flexibility in terms of maintenance.
- search engine uses staging <> service, instead of <>
- The development workflow isn’t finalized yet. I need to set up and tune grunt watch, so that changes in html/js/sass can be picked up directly from eclipse.
- title still too big, needs to scale down
- offline mode is not supported (both for central and the quickstarts, groovy script not update yet)
- quickstarts not integrated to the existing project examples wizard
- legacy examples are not displays in the results, yet.
- project requirements not inferred yet (from existing metadata?)
- project tags should be added
- maybe find another default icon for quickstarts.
- layout needs to be tuned (needs to scale on 3 cols, instead of 4 and 2 currently)
- needs some tabzilla-like button (see the red hat at top right of <>) to display show on startup
- APIs are in still unstable, expect them to break.
- you might notice some slight font flickering, due to the carousel script. I tried to minimize it but it’s still visible in the search bar’s hint text
- many other small stuff that are missing, that I can’t think of right now.
So, give it a try, we’d be happy to hear some feedback, good or bad, ideas to make it better (JIRA is your friend).
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9 years, 11 months
created 'easymport' component
by Max Rydahl Andersen
After seeing incoming issues related to easymport being misclassified
I've now created an 'easymport' component lead by mistria.
I suggest for issues that are related to easymport + another component
(i.e. aerogear-hybrid) has both components set, and if it is purely a
easymport issue we can remove the other component.
9 years, 11 months