Eclipse plugins testing structure
by Aurelien Pupier
I'm currently trying to improve test structure for Jboss Fuse Tooling
project (
On Max recommendation, I take a look at jbosstools-devdoc
When i take a look to
. This project is in tests folder but it launches tycho-surefire-plugin.
As far as I understand Tycho, it means that it is launching an OSGi
platform. From my point of view, it means that these tests are already
integration tests and the only difference between tests and itests
currently is more fast vs slow tests.
What I wanted to achieve is to have really fast unit test, so I created
a fragment and so use maven-surefire-plugin. You can see the fragment
and the parent pom configuration:
Did I misunderstood something?
Are there counterpoints to use fragments and maven-surefire-plugin?
Are there other examples which are matching more closely to my usecase
in jboss tools codebase?
Thanks by advance for your help
Aurelien Pupier
Senior Software Engineer in JBoss Fuse Tooling Team
8 years, 8 months
Proposed changes to target platform 4.52.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT: Mars.2.RC1 + AERI, Docker, Easymport, Red Deer, YAML Editor
by Nick Boldt
*Note that the PR is incomplete (found newer Mars and WTP bits than
what was mirrored yesterday) but I'm sending this out in advance so
people are aware of the forthcoming changes.*
-Here is a proposal for a change to the JBoss Tools and Red Hat JBoss
Developer Studio 4.52.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT target platforms (for JBT
4.3.1.Beta2 / JBDS 9.1.0.Beta2).
It consists of the following changes:
* (see also linked JIRAs)
: update to latest Mars.2.RC1 [newer mirror still in progress]
: update to e4.ui.importer (Easymport) 0.2.0.v20151123-1229
: update to Birt 4.5.0.v201510231925
: update to WTP M-3.7.2-20160118020043 [newer mirror still in progress]
: update to Docker
: addition of Red Deer 1.0.1.Final
: addition of AERI 1.100.0.v20151228-1159
: move of YAML editor from Central to JBT/JBDS TP
p2diff reports will be attached to the above JIRA (once the mirrors
are done and the PRs are updated).
Please review the above PR(s), as they will be applied later today in
preparation for Beta2 code freeze tomorrow.
You can use the following to build & test the
target-platform locally against your component(s).
Build target-platform:
$ cd /path/to/jbosstools-target-platforms/jbosstools/multiple
$ git fetch origin pull/188/head && git checkout FETCH_HEAD
$ mvn clean install
Then, to test the new "multiple" target platform against your component's build:
$ cd /path/to/your/jbosstools-component
$ mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.52.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
9 years
EclipseCon France, June 7th-9th
by Mickael Istria
The call for paper for EclipseCon France (June 7th-9th, Toulouse) is
Any talks about Eclipse-related technologies is welcome, from user or
extender perspective. That includes Eclipse IDE, JBoss Tools, Eclipse
Che, Vert.x, IoT, LocationTech... So many topics where Red Hat is relevant!
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat <>
My blog <> - My Tweets
9 years, 1 month
FYI: now building 4.3.1.CR1 // 4.3.1.Beta2x effectively frozen
by Nick Boldt
Alexey has requested that the current pile of 4.3.mars/9.0.mars jobs
[1] be reconfigured to build from the 4.3.x branch. Currently, they
are set to build from the 4.3.1.Beta2x branch, in case we need a
This means that starting from this change, the 4.3.1.Beta2x branch is
effectively frozen, since we won't be building any CI builds from
there (unless we switch back).
This also means that IFF we need a Beta2b respin (hopefully unlikely
since there's really no time in the schedule for it), it will come
with a bigger-than-normal cost:
a) I will have to delete all the CR1 CI builds so they don't pollute
the Beta2 aggregation with the wrong BUILD_ALIAS qualifiers
b) I will have to switch the jobs back to use the 4.3.1.Beta2x branch
c) I will have to build THE WHOLE STACK, not just the jobs which
caused the respin (ie., for respin-a we only rebuilt Base and
Openshift, then the JBT and JBDS aggregates & discovery sites). This
will create what looks like a much larger diff for QE since the
qualifiers will be incremented even though bitwise the contents are
the same.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
9 years, 1 month
Fwd: [] Neon+1 Naming Results
by Nick Boldt
ICYMI, Eclipse simrel release for 2017 will be called Oxygen.
Not nearly as noble a name as this year's release, but still a breath
of fresh air after all the planet & scientist names used in the past.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chris Aniszczyk <caniszczyk(a)>
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [] Neon+1 Naming Results
To: "" <>
Just to follow up on this, "Eclipse Oxygen" it is for Neon+1:
On Thu, Jan 14, 2016 at 10:35 AM, Chris Aniszczyk <caniszczyk(a)> wrote:
> The results are in:
> 1. Oxygen (Condorcet winner: wins contests with all other choices)
> 2. Odyssey loses to Oxygen by 121–112
> 3. Osiris loses to Oxygen by 141–94, loses to Odyssey by 131–97
> 4. Opal loses to Oxygen by 136–95, loses to Osiris by 112–109
> 5. Oberon loses to Oxygen by 143–98, loses to Opal by 115–110
> 6. Orpheus loses to Oxygen by 142–90, loses to Oberon by 121–99
> 7. Ozone loses to Oxygen by 152–61, loses to Orpheus by 111–103
> 8. Ohm loses to Oxygen by 152–69, loses to Ozone by 103–99
> 9. Oceana loses to Oxygen by 161–54, loses to Ohm by 103–94
> 10. Oort loses to Oxygen by 158–63, loses to Oceana by 116–78
> I've started the process to legally clear the name via bug 485861
> --
> Cheers,
> Chris Aniszczyk
> +1 512 961 6719
Chris Aniszczyk
+1 512 961 6719
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Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
9 years, 1 month