>> This is how things actually worked before we decided to
mirror the
>> google plugins which we stopped to do when we noticed that their licence
>> would not allow us to do so.
> The only time I had to add google gwt update site (As I recall) was when I needed
their SDK.
afaik that's exactly what obviously happened to you now: there was no SDK for indigo
so far, so you had to add their new update site for 3.7. no?
No - the SDK have never been a dependency (except the time you added it in which caused
other problems).
It's just the google core/ui that is missing afaics.
> It fetched the gwt plugin we had an direct dependency on via an associated site url.
This approach broke each time they released a new version with a new name and removed the
old plugin. Right, since they now removed the version from the name we could try that