> btw. you talked about a launch config option ? I was wondering if
better to just do a "debug as..." setup which would configure a remote debug
launch without introducing a new launch type ?
> Could maybe even work/get integrated with the "remote debugging" option
snjezana made ?
Yes, we could try to merge both launch config option, using the same shortcut in the
"Debug As..." menu at the project level. Or could it also appear at the
Application level in the OpenShift Explorer view ?
Both makes sense I believe.
> /max
>>> /max (sent from my phone)
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Xavier Coulon <xcoulon(a)redhat.com>
>>>> Date: 23. apr. 2012 23.50.26 CEST
>>>> To: Max Andersen <manderse(a)redhat.com>
>>>> Subject: Port forwarding
>>>> Hi Max,
>>>> Moving on the 'Port forwarding' setup dialog window, just
remembered the TCP/IP monitor one:
>>>> <Screen Shot 2012-04-23 at 11.47.33 PM.png>
>>>> The nice thing about this table viewer is the "status" and
"start" & "stop" buttons..
>>>> Something to reproduce in our tooling, or not ?
>>>> Thanks for your feedback.
>>>> See you tomorrow
>>>> /Xavier
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