So with help and moral support from nickboldt and lightguardjp on irc
I think I got all the steps down i need for the svn/git mirror on github.
1) We need to get an authors file to have the svn usernames matched to github id's.
2) When #1 is ready I'll run "git svn clone -s -r13898:HEAD
--authors-file=~/jbosstoolsauthors.txt file:///home/svnsync/repos/jbosstools-mirror
3) After that I'll do a git push -all to github and you'll be able to
fork/checkout from github and use git dcommit to commit back to svn.
4) ??
5) Profit!
#1I already have a authors file with
username->jboss.org name/mail and can do the
import with this but I would prefer we get properly honored for our individual
#2 r13898 is the branchpoint for jbosstools-3.0.x (JBDS 1); the jbosstoolsauthors.txt is
what we need from #1; and the svnsync location is where I got a local svnmirror of
jbosstools running.
#3 this last step might require an intermediate git clone to strip out svn metadata but
that's easy compared to try out once #1/#2 is done.
So in short - please update your
jboss.org user account ASAP :)