>>> well, I figured out how to make pidgin ignore users so
I'm fine w/ it
>>> appearing however you'd like. :)
>> oh, good hint! gone they are, those chat-disturbing commit-messages...
> just stop doing 27 commits for one feature :)
depends on how you work.
Since I ran into HD or even SVN troubles several times since I started working in a
Yes, this approach works nice with individual repos/git/dcvs, works very bad in
onetree/svn/centralized with a big team.
Having a look at our repo history this have lead to many bad builds and failures. It's
just the way of the beast unfortunately.
I commit as soon as I have a consistent part of the story done. This
is even more true for large stories like adding SSH key management to OpenShift. To me
this is far better than working for a week and eventually loose what I've done. And
sure, with git I can finally squish to have the commit/issue you want to have in the
official repo.
> Another reason i can't wait to get this on git.
> /max
>>> On 09/20/2012 05:38 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> Kinda spammy.
>>>> realized I had accidentally enabled both svn and git msgs so it was
double - now removed it.
>>>>> Can we have a separate channel for #jbosstools-commits, into which
only the bot can post comments?
>>>> that feels pointless - could just use RSS feed for that.
>>>> now that I fixed the "double posting", lets see how it goes and
eventually when we move to git commits to main
>>>> master will be much less frequent (a least in theory).
>>>> if its still too spammy - yeah, then i'm fine removing it.
>>>> /max
>>>>> On 09/17/2012 04:35 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> If you hang out in #jbosstools on freenode you might have noticed
CIA-128 talking about the commits going into jbosstools svn repo.
>>>>>> I learned about CIA.vc last week and it turned out that Marshall
C. registered jbosstools on their site back in 2007 or so; but just never hooked it up to
our irc room.
>>>>>> I did that last week as an experiment - let me know what you
think about it.
>>>>>> Once we are on git - CIA.vc's messages will actually be
hooked into github commits making it about a 1000 times more useful ;)
>>>>>> /max
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>>>>> Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
>>>>> Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
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