Hi Koen ,),
What we did when cleaning up the exadel source code base was to follow the rule of thumb:
If your public API exposes API from another plugin you would reexport it, otherwise no.
I remember we found that somewhere on
eclipse.org as their golden rule too...but can't
remember where ,)
(for some reason koen gets emails but cant send to the list...working
on that, but in the meantime here is his mail)
Do we have a policy regarding exporting dependencies of a plugin to
possible extenders of this plugin? Or do we expect extenders to include
the dependencies themselves in their extensions?
An example:
plugin A depends on:
plugin 1
plugin 2
plugin 3
plugin B depends on
plugin 1
plugin 3
plugin A
plugin C depends on
plugin 1
plugin 3
plugin A
The way this can be tackled AFAIK is
- including the dependencies of B and C in extenso in the manifest file
- exporting the dependencies of plugin A on plugin 1 and plugin 3 and
only including a dependency on plugin A in plugin B and plugin C
Do we have a preferred way?
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