Comments below..
- We should add a new "ALL" file bundle that includes all
of our plugins
> but no Eclipse dependencies.
I thought about this and i think most of my comments on it went lost in
the skype echo, so here is what I suggested:
Keep the same downloads as we have now under the JBoss-IDE 2.0.0.Beta1
add a new category called JBoss-IDE 2.0.0.Beta1-nodeps (or something) that
simply is the exact same plugins but *without*
any external plugins.
...and may I suggest to move all the MD5 files to a seperate category ?
They are the main reason for all the clutter imo (and it is downloaded by
*very* few people)
..and even move the test builds out of the way too.
The result would be something like:
My only beef with this approach is that we won't have a single sourceforge
release to link to from our downloads page. That being said, we have
complete freedom over our download links and their layout, so given enough
creativity we can probably make this painless for the user..
Thing to consider is:
a) what about source builds ?
My opinion is we should go the JBossAS route and just make one big source
build with all of our source code.. this won't include any JARs or anything
so it should be relatively small yes?
b) should we provide a as a download under the
Not a bad idea and would pretty easy to do..
- Everyone needs to make sure their feature.xml uses
"import" instead of
> "include" for any plugin that is not in your feature (i.e. all eclipse
> dependencies)
does the feature.xml in any way control what gets into the .zip file ?
or is that controlled by something else ?
IIRC "include" tells eclipse to bundle the plugin and "import"
doesn't. Our
build system lets you bundle arbitrary plugins w/ your zip as well.
The next step after is to consider simply depending on features instead of
individual plugins..
Yes, this would be ideal..
- We need to collaborate on a presentation for November's JBWorld
If i understood correctly here is what we are planning to submit
Koen: Hands-on JBPM which uses the desginer
Olav: 2(?) talks about soapui and the jbosside plugin
His name is Ole .. you can blame my terrible American pronunciation skills
Max: Hibernate Tools
(...and someone (Thomas Heute) might also do things in context of Seam)
What I suggest is that we can do a jbosside-BOF or something where we walk
through some of the features of the authors who will be at JBW and then
people ask questions/suggestions etc. I'll find out who I should contact
JBoss to email them directly instead of a "normal" submission.
I think a BOF format would be great for our type of presentation, 2-3 hours
minimum, IMO. We ate up 2+ hours at Vegas like pie...
Marshall Culpepper
JBoss Eclipse IDE Lead, JBoss Inc.