Spawned of a handfull of jira issues to finish that off ... please start
testing your stuff more before committing! Thanks :)
damn case-sensitive filesystem ;)
Thanks and it is now fixed.
> Max,
> Core/General
> is not available.
> Denis
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We now reached 0 outstanding issues for 3.alpha (hurray!) so Rob and
>> Dennis will be able to push the release out when they get online.
>> I'm almost done with what is new and noteworthy, but need some final
>> polishing I will do tonight.
>> You can see the current version here:
>> Feedback welcome!
>> Things I do know:
>> the navigation links are broken
>> I'm missing a screenshot for the archives and JBoss AS part.
>> Need to add some example of BIRT running on a datasource