On 2/15/2013 6:15 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
> I have tested JBoss EAP 6.1.0.DR4 and JBoss AS 7.2-SNAPSHOT
(built using the JBoss AS git master)
> There are two issues in runtime detection:
> - JBoss EAP 6.1.0.DR4 is recognized as AS 7.2
> - JBoss AS 7.2-SNAPSHOT is added as EAP 6.1
> I think we have to add yet another server type (AS 7.2) and, after that, make runtime
detection to recognize JBoss EAP 6.1.0.DR4 correctly.
Rob already did these afaik: see
If you spot other things missing let me know - just do that on jbosstools-dev.
btw. since there are no AS 7.2 going to be released to the wild nor any EAP 6.1 available
we went with adding an "EAP 6.1 (Tech Preview)" adapter.
I have tested jbosstools master that includes the fix for JBIDE-13537.
If it is planned to release JBoss AS 7.2, we will probably have to add
an AS 7.2 (Tech preview) provider.
Anyway, we have to fix the issue with recognizing the version of JBoss
EAP 6.1.
> Snjeza
> On 2/15/2013 8:37 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> I realized that you guys might not be aware of the changes on EAP and SOA-P
runtime side but
>> just want to bring to your attention that AS 7.2/EAP 6.1 servers has changed
their modules dir layout
>> making the recognition and classpath handling we had in place for the AS 7.x/EAP
6.x family malfunction (+ a few other cosmetic changes
>> like use of ansicolors by default in logging output we need to handle)
>> Bug is here:
>> We are currently working on a minimal fix for it in 7.0.Alpha1 to be released
soon so there is some version of JBDS that will have a way
>> to start the upcoming EAP 6.1 alpha - that fix is though pretty fragile because
there is no EAP 6.1 version available yet so things might change.
>> For one it means we no longer have a stable way to provide a classpath
out-of-the-box for users not using Maven at this time.
>> Once we got something stable we'll evaluate our options with respect to JBDS
>> p.s. if you have used the EAP 6 DR3 sent around last week you could still use it
with the tools since that was based on AS 7.2 stream
>> before these modules changes made it in. DR4 is first version that has this
>> /max