I'm now running a job every 5 minutes which brings a local svn
mirror uptodate, git svn fetches/rebases a git repo and then
git push mirror to
Time to clone to local: 18 mins = awesome! :D
Fact that it's still read-only: less awesome. (But it's a great start!) :(
This is a *mirror* meaning its only for reading and to get changes
back to svn you need to learn and understand git and its git svn dcommit
http://divby0.blogspot.com/search/label/git for some ideas on how to
use Git as the front end to the *read-write* SVN repo.
Note too that this mirror is, for me, 1.9G on disk. My git-svn clone
(containing only the 3.2.x and trunk branches) was 1.3G when I checked
it out a month ago[1]. This naturally is larger because it contains more
revision history.
Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash Athena