[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-17748) Update TP with Tern.java v.
by Victor Rubezhny (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17748?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Victor Rubezhny commented on JBIDE-17748:
Sure, that couple of features should be replaced by that single new one.
> Update TP with Tern.java v.
> ---------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-17748
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17748
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Feature Request
> Components: target-platform
> Affects Versions: 4.2.0.Beta3
> Reporter: Victor Rubezhny
> Assignee: Nick Boldt
> Fix For: 4.2.0.Beta3
> *Need to switch jst.jsdt to the latest tested Tern v.0.3.0. It contains few important fixes regarding cintent assist initialization and Node.js preferences like:*
> - https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/pull/72 -NPE in ImageResource.registerImageDescriptor()
> - https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/pull/80 - An embedded install of Node.js should be used by default
> - https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java/pull/87 - Find a way to configure Tern Modules that are default for Nature Adapters defined on a project
> *Reason:*
> jbosstools-jst is going to provide integration between torn.java and jsdt. torn.java is going to be used to improve JavaScript support
> *License and owner:*
> - Root License is EPL. Owner is Angelo ZERR.
> -- core
> --- org.json.simple - EPL (included into torn-feature below)
> ---- lib/json-simple-1.1.1.jar - Apache License 2.0 (see http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt)
> --- org.mozilla.javascript
> ---- lib/js.jar - Mozilla Public License Version 2.0 (see http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/)
> --- tern.core - EPL (included into tern-feature below)
> --- tern.server.nodejs - EPL (included into tern-server-nodejs-feature below)
> ---- tern.server.nodejs/node_modules/tern/LICENSE
> ----- node_modules/acorn/LICENSE
> ------ node_modules/codemirror/LICENSE
> ------ node_modules/glob/LICENSE
> ------- node_modules/inherits/LICENSE
> ------ node_modules/minimatch/LICENSE
> ------- node_modules/lru-cache/LICENSE
> ------- node_modules/sigmund/LICENSE
> ----- node_modules/typescript/LICENSE - Apache License v. 2.0
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.ui - EPL (included into tern-server-nodejs-feature below)
> -- eclipse
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.core - EPL (included into tern-feature below)
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.jsdt - EPL (included into tern-jsdt-feature below)
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.core - EPL (included into tern-server-nodejs-feature below)
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.ui - EPL (included into tern-server-nodejs-feature below)
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.linux.gtk.x86 - Supposed to be EPL but it is not included anywhere yet
> ---- node-v0.10.22-linux-x86.zip has several LICENSE files inside (download)
> ----- LICENSE
> ----- lib/node_modules/npm/LICENSE - The Artistic License 2.0
> ----- lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/*/LICENSE
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.linux.gtk.x86_64 - EPL (included into tern.eclipse.linux.gtk.x86.feature below)
> ---- node-v0.10.22-linux-x86_64.zip has several LICENSE files inside (download)
> ----- LICENSE
> ----- lib/node_modules/npm/LICENSE - The Artistic License 2.0
> ----- lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/*/LICENSE
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.macosx.cocoa.x86_64 - EPL (included into tern.eclipse.macosx.cocoa.x86_64.feature below)
> ---- node-v0.10.22-macosx-x86_64.zip has several LICENSE files inside (download)
> ----- LICENSE
> ----- lib/node_modules/npm - The Artistic License 2.0
> ----- lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/*/LICENSE
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.win32.win32.x86 - EPL (include into tern.eclipse.win32.win32.x86.feature below)
> ---- node-v0.10.22-win32-x86.zip has no LICENSE files inside (download)
> ----- node-v0.10.22-win32-x86/node.exe - see http://nodejs.org/download/ for licensing information for node.exe.
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.server.nodejs.embed.win32.win32.x86_64 - EPL (include into tern.eclipse.win32.win32.x86.feature below)
> ---- node-v0.10.22-win32-x86_64.zip has no LICENSE files inside (download)
> ----- node-v0.10.22-win32-x86_64/node.exe - see http://nodejs.org/download/ for licensing information for node.exe.
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.tools.core - EPL (included into tern.eclipse.ide.tools.feature below)
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.tools.ui - EPL (included into tern.eclipse.ide.tools.feature below)
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.ui - EPL (included into tern-feature below)
> --- tern.eclipse - EPL (included into tern-feature below)
> -- update-site
> --- tern-feature - EPL (see licens.httml)
> --- tern-jsdt-feature - EPL (see licens.httml)
> --- tern-server-nodejs-feature - EPL (see licens.httml)
> --- tern.eclipse.ide.tools.feature - EPL (see plicense.html)
> --- tern.eclipse.linux.gtk.x86_64.feature - EPL (see license.html)
> --- tern.eclipse.macosx.cocoa.x86_64.feature - EPL (see license.html)
> --- tern.eclipse.win32.win32.x86.feature - EPL (see license.html)
> *Original repo:*
> http://oss.opensagres.fr/tern.repository/0.4.0-SNAPSHOT/
> *JBoss mirror:*
> http://downloads.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/requirements/tern.java-0.4....
> *Sources:*
> https://github.com/angelozerr/tern.java
> *Affected projects:*
> jbosstools-jst
> jbosstools-aerogear
> *Include in JBDS:*
> No
> *Type of dependency:*
> distribution
> *List of bundles added/removed:*
> TBD: need to update PR to use features
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-17752) For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2: Code Freeze + Branch [Webservices]
by Xavier Coulon (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17752?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Xavier Coulon updated JBIDE-17752:
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3 [Webservices]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta3, 8.0.0.Beta3|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta4 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta4-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for Webservices task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [Webservices]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2, 8.0.0.Beta2|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for Webservices task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
> For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2: Code Freeze + Branch [Webservices]
> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-17752
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17752
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Sub-task
> Components: webservices
> Reporter: Xavier Coulon
> Assignee: Xavier Coulon
> Priority: Blocker
> Labels: task
> Fix For: 4.2.0.Beta2
> For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3 [Webservices]: Please perform the following tasks:
> 0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
> Otherwise:
> 0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
> [Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta3, 8.0.0.Beta3|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
> 1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
> *NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
> {code}
> mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
> {code}
> 2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
> {code}
> <parent>
> <groupId>org.jboss.tools</groupId>
> <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
> <version>4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> {code}
> 3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
> {code}
> mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta4 # (if the TP is already released)
> or
> mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta4-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
> {code}
> 4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch;
> {code}
> git checkout master
> git pull origin master
> git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
> git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
> {code}
> 5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
> {code}
> git checkout master
> git pull origin master
> {code}
> 6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
> {code}
> <parent>
> <groupId>org.jboss.tools</groupId>
> <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
> <version>4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> {code}
> Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
> * *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch, and
> * *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
> 7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
> 8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
> [Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for Webservices task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-17752) For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2: Code Freeze + Branch [Webservices]
by Xavier Coulon (JIRA)
Xavier Coulon created JBIDE-17752:
Summary: For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2: Code Freeze + Branch [Webservices]
Key: JBIDE-17752
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17752
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Sub-task
Components: webservices
Reporter: Xavier Coulon
Assignee: Xavier Coulon
Priority: Blocker
Fix For: 4.2.0.Beta2
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [Webservices]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2, 8.0.0.Beta2|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for Webservices task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-17751) For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3: Code Freeze + Branch [LiveReload]
by Xavier Coulon (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17751?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Xavier Coulon updated JBIDE-17751:
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [LiveReload]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta3, 8.0.0.Beta3|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for LiveReload task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [LiveReload]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2, 8.0.0.Beta2|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for LiveReload task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
> For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3: Code Freeze + Branch [LiveReload]
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-17751
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17751
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Sub-task
> Components: livereload
> Reporter: Xavier Coulon
> Assignee: Xavier Coulon
> Priority: Blocker
> Labels: task
> Fix For: 4.2.0.Beta2
> For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [LiveReload]: Please perform the following tasks:
> 0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
> Otherwise:
> 0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
> [Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta3, 8.0.0.Beta3|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
> 1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
> *NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
> {code}
> mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
> {code}
> 2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
> {code}
> <parent>
> <groupId>org.jboss.tools</groupId>
> <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
> <version>4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> {code}
> 3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
> {code}
> mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
> or
> mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
> {code}
> 4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch;
> {code}
> git checkout master
> git pull origin master
> git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
> git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
> {code}
> 5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
> {code}
> git checkout master
> git pull origin master
> {code}
> 6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
> {code}
> <parent>
> <groupId>org.jboss.tools</groupId>
> <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
> <version>4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> {code}
> Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
> * *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch, and
> * *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
> 7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
> 8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
> [Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for LiveReload task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-17751) For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3: Code Freeze + Branch [LiveReload]
by Xavier Coulon (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17751?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugi... ]
Xavier Coulon updated JBIDE-17751:
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [LiveReload]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta3, 8.0.0.Beta3|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for LiveReload task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [LiveReload]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta3, 8.0.0.Beta3|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for LiveReload task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
> For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3: Code Freeze + Branch [LiveReload]
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBIDE-17751
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17751
> Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
> Issue Type: Sub-task
> Components: livereload
> Reporter: Xavier Coulon
> Assignee: Xavier Coulon
> Priority: Blocker
> Labels: task
> Fix For: 4.2.0.Beta2
> For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [LiveReload]: Please perform the following tasks:
> 0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
> Otherwise:
> 0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
> [Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta3, 8.0.0.Beta3|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
> 1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
> *NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
> {code}
> mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
> {code}
> 2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
> {code}
> <parent>
> <groupId>org.jboss.tools</groupId>
> <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
> <version>4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> {code}
> 3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
> {code}
> mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
> or
> mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
> {code}
> 4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch;
> {code}
> git checkout master
> git pull origin master
> git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
> git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x
> {code}
> 5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
> {code}
> git checkout master
> git pull origin master
> {code}
> 6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
> {code}
> <parent>
> <groupId>org.jboss.tools</groupId>
> <artifactId>parent</artifactId>
> <version>4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT</version>
> </parent>
> {code}
> Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
> * *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta3x{color}* branch, and
> * *{color:orange}4.2.0.CR1-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
> 7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
> 8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
> [Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for LiveReload task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBIDE-17751) For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3: Code Freeze + Branch [LiveReload]
by Xavier Coulon (JIRA)
Xavier Coulon created JBIDE-17751:
Summary: For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta3: Code Freeze + Branch [LiveReload]
Key: JBIDE-17751
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-17751
Project: Tools (JBoss Tools)
Issue Type: Sub-task
Components: livereload
Reporter: Xavier Coulon
Assignee: Xavier Coulon
Priority: Blocker
Fix For: 4.2.0.Beta2
For JBIDE 4.2.0.Beta2 [LiveReload]: Please perform the following tasks:
0. If nothing has changed in your component since 4.1.1.Final / 7.1.0.GA (eg., XulRunner, GWT, Freemarker, BIRT), *{color:red}Reject this JIRA{color}*.
0. Make sure your component has no remaining unresolved JIRAs set for fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2
[Unresolved JIRAs with fixVersion = 4.2.0.Beta2, 8.0.0.Beta2|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20%3D%20%2...]
1. Ensure your component features/plugins have been [properly upversioned|http://wiki.eclipse.org/Version_Numbering#Overall_example], eg., from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1.
*NOTE:* If you already did this for the previous milestone you do *not* need to do so again.
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.sonatype.tycho:tycho-versions-plugin:0.17.0:set-version -DnewVersion=1.0.1-SNAPSHOT
2. Update your root pom to use parent pom version 4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT;
3. Ensure you've built & run your plugin tests using the latest target platform version 4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT;
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3 # (if the TP is already released)
mvn clean verify -Dtpc.version=4.40.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT # (if still being staged)
4. Branch from your existing master branch into a new *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch;
git checkout master
git pull origin master
git checkout -b jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
git push origin jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x
5. *NOW THAT YOU HAVE BRANCHED*, check out your *{color:orange}master branch{color}*.
git checkout master
git pull origin master
6. Update your *{color:orange}master branch{color}* parent pom to use the latest version, *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}*:
Now, your root pom will use parent pom version:
* *{color:blue}4.2.0.Beta2-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:blue}jbosstools-4.2.0.Beta2x{color}* branch, and
* *{color:orange}4.2.0.Beta3-SNAPSHOT{color}* in your *{color:orange}master{color}* branch.
7. Close (do not resolve) this JIRA when done.
8. If you have any outstanding [New + Noteworthy JIRAs|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project%20in%20%28JBDS%2...] to do, please complete them next.
[Search for all task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...], or [Search for LiveReload task JIRA|https://issues.jboss.org/issues/?jql=%28%28project+in+%28JBDS%29+and...]
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] (JBDS-2635) Installation sometimes fail with bundle was not found on Windows
by Denis Golovin (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-2635?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.... ]
Denis Golovin updated JBDS-2635:
Fix Version/s: 8.0.0.CR1
(was: 8.0.0.Beta3)
> Installation sometimes fail with bundle was not found on Windows
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Key: JBDS-2635
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBDS-2635
> Project: Developer Studio (JBoss Developer Studio)
> Issue Type: Bug
> Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
> Components: installer
> Affects Versions: 7.0.0.Beta1
> Environment: JBDS 7.0.0.Beta1, W8_64, Java 1.7.0_07
> Reporter: Jiri Peterka
> Assignee: Denis Golovin
> Fix For: 8.0.0.CR1
> Attachments: 1369261136479.log, 1372203584223.log, 1372203590931.bak_0.log, 1372203590931.bak_1.log, 1372203590931.bak_2.log, 1372203590931.log, 1372355790692.log
> For the first time JBDS 7.0.0.Beta1 failed on windows8:
> {code}
> An error occurred while installing the items
> session context was:(profile=jbds, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Install, operand=null --> [R]org.eclipse.jst.common.frameworks 1.1.601.v201208160700, action=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.touchpoint.eclipse.actions.InstallBundleAction).
> The artifact file for osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.jst.common.frameworks,1.1.601.v201208160700 was not found.
> Application failed, log file location: C:\vw\jbds-7.0.0-beta1\studio\p2\director\configuration\1369261136579.log
> {code}
This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
10 years, 7 months