coo, does it support DnD ?
On 25 juil. 07, at 21:40, Stan Silvert wrote:
FYI, I just finished the ajax4jsf support and an example
application. It's really three apps in one. I combined three of
the ajax4jsf sample apps into one WAR and wrote tests for them.
You can see this in:
The only thing left to add to the example is an index page that
lets you run the tests from the browser.
There is no library I have found that adequately handles the
javascript for the A4J components. So for AJAX, you are only
testing the server side and not the dynamic things that would
happen in the browser.
The Ajax4jsfClient creates the same HTTP request that would be sent
by the A4J.AJAX.Submit javascript function. After that request, it
sends a second request to the server that does a page refresh,
which keeps the client and server side in sync.
For example, I have a page with this form:
<h:form id="form1">
<h:inputText id="input_text" size="50" value="#
<a4j:support id="a4jsupport" event="onkeyup"
<h:outputText value="#{textbean.text}" id="rep"/>
The code to test the AJAX submit looks something like this:
ClientFacade client = new ClientFacade("/pages/echo.jsf");
Ajax4jsfClient ajaxClient = new Ajax4jsfClient(client);
ServerFacade server = new ServerFacade(client);
client.setParameter("input_text", "foo");
assertEquals("foo", server.getManagedBeanValue("#{textbean.text}"));
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Julien Viet
JBoss Portal Project Lead
Red Hat Inc.
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