JSFUnit Beta 1 is out!
by Stan Silvert
I'm only announcing it on the dev list for now, but Beta 1 is done. You
can see the bits in the JBoss release repository here:
All the POM files in trunk have been updated to 1.0-beta-2-SNAPSHOT.
Also, the group id has changed from org.jboss to org.jboss.jsfunit.
This was needed because the repo would look really ugly if all our
little submodules hung off of org/jboss.
A huge thanks to everyone who helped us get to this point. We now have
a beta release of the first open source project dedicated to JSF testing.
17 years
Updated Authentication Tests
by Matt Wringe
I have just updated the authentication tests in the JSFUnit svn repo.
They currently work fine on my machine with both Tomcat and JBoss, but
they these tests are still not enabled by default.
To run the tests:
1) go to jboss-jsfunit-examples/jboss-jsfunit-examples-authentication
3) run mvn -Ptomcat5x,test or mvn -Pjboss4.0,test
I have a couple of questions,
-does Jetty need to be supported (this should not be a problem, I am
just not familar at all with jetty)?
-Should these tests be enabled by default since they require setting
Any other comments welcome,
Matt Wringe
17 years
Re: MyFaces 1.2 XSD
by Dennis Byrne
Thanks Simon, I wasn't aware of this. Will be keeping that test in JSFUnit
for JSF 1.1 users still.
Dennis Byrne
On 11/15/07, Simon Lessard <simon.lessard.3(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Heya,
> JSF 1.2 XSD does contains the uniqueness constraint (MyFaces' XSD):
> <xsd:element name="faces-config" type="javaee:faces-configType">
> <xsd:unique name="faces-config-converter-ID-uniqueness">
> <xsd:selector xpath="javaee:converter"/>
> <xsd:field xpath="javaee:converter-id"/>
> </xsd:unique>
> <xsd:unique name="faces-config-converter-for-class-uniqueness">
> <xsd:selector xpath="javaee:converter"/>
> <xsd:field xpath="javaee:converter-for-class"/>
> </xsd:unique>
> <xsd:unique name="faces-config-validator-ID-uniqueness">
> <xsd:selector xpath="javaee:validator"/>
> <xsd:field xpath="javaee:validator-id"/>
> </xsd:unique>
> <xsd:unique name="faces-config-managed-bean-name-uniqueness">
> <xsd:selector xpath="javaee:managed-bean"/>
> <xsd:field xpath="javaee:managed-bean-name"/>
> </xsd:unique>
> </xsd:element>
> Anyway, that won't protect anyone from using the same name in different
> config files though.
> <dennisbyrne(a)apache.org>
Dennis Byrne
17 years