Sure, the composite client event tags are not included in the PDL doc.
There is one <composite:clientBehavior> tag with attributes: 'name' -
the virtual event name that composite component has.
'default' "true/false" defines the default event that is enclosed
<f:ajax> tag serves if 'event' attribute was omited.
'event' - the real event name for target component.
'targets' - space-delimited list of component id's for which composite
component behavior or <f:ajax> tag will be redirected.
The model with 'for' attribute was the first implementation but it was
replaced wit 'virtual' event model.
Andy Schwartz wrote:
David -
David Geary wrote On 5/24/2009 5:55 PM ET:
> For JSF 2, we added a "for" attribute to f:actionListener,
> f:converter, etc., but we don't have a "for" attribute for
> AFAICT, that means that although you can attach listeners, validators,
> converters, etc. to a component contained in a composite component,
> you cannot attach Ajax functionality.
> Why is that? Is it an oversight, or is there some compelling technical
> reason to disallow adding Ajax behavior to components contained in
> composites?
We definitely intended to support this, though instead of exposing a
"for" attribute on <f:ajax>, we wanted to leverage the fact that
behaviors already have a targeting mechanism in the "event" name. The
idea was that a composite component would, like any other
ClientBehaviorHolder, expose a set of logical event names that behaviors
can be attached to. So, for example, assuming a composite component
included "OK" and "Cancel" buttons and wanted to allow the user to
attach action behaviors to these, the composite component might surface
"okAction" and "cancelAction" event names, allowing the page author
to do:
<f:ajax event="okAction"/>
<f:ajax event="cancelAction"/>
I know that Alexander did the implementation work to get this up and
running. However, I do not see any pdldoc for the composite tag that
the composite component author uses to specify the supported client
behavior event names (composite:clientBehavior I believe).
Alex, Roger -
Did this make it into 2.0?
> Thanks,
> david