On 18 Sep 2009, at 00:09, Dan Allen wrote:
Our first choice for request #1 is to allow all subscribed members
of the jsr-314-open list to post, with moderation of a person's
inaugural post (webbeans-dev uses this approach, for instance). The
second choice would be to have a separate list open to the
community. In either case, both lists should satisfy request #2.
My preference would be for there to be two email lists, both with
public, non-password-protected, archives. The first is the EG list.
The second is the a discussion list. A regular member of the EG can
post unmoderated to either list. Any subscriber can post to the
discussion list. If a member of the community is an expert on a
particular sub-topic, we should pull them into the EG list, using
moderation to allow their posts through.