From: JSR 314 Open Mailing list on behalf of Kito Mann
Sent: Fri 4/3/2009 11:34 PM
Subject: Re: [jsr-314-open] Open Community Feedback List? [Was: JavaScript disabled
That would be excellent, especially since *we* don't even get to see
that list.
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On Apr 3, 2009, at 10:05 PM, Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz(a)ORACLE.COM>
Dan Allen wrote On 4/3/2009 3:42 PM ET:
> Of course, this means that we cannot detect whether JavaScript is
> enabled until the first postback is performed. Is there some way
> to get around this? Martin or Jeremy - I know you guys have
> provided solutions for this sort of thing - please let jump in if
> you have any suggestions.
> What we are most interested in is hearing about feedback from the
> community. We don't want a solution that people think is naive. If
> we do it, let's provide a solution that most people are willing to
> accept. Seems obviously, but obvious hasn't worked in the past.
This reminds me of a topic that I've been meaning to raise... Seems
like we are all happy with the new JSR-314-OPEN mailing list.
However, in addition to opening the EG mailing list for observation,
I think it would be helpful to also introduce an open list where
community members can provide feedback in a more visible manner -
ie. instead of closed JSR-314-COMMENTS - how about a JSR-314-
COMMENTS-OPEN with write access for both EG and community members?
I think that this would encourage community members to more actively
follow EG/spec progress (and provide feedback of course). What do
people think about trying to get something along these lines set up?