That's what I was afraid of :-). What about automatically reloading
configuration -- did I miss that in the spec?
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On Mar 20, 2009, at 12:40 AM, Ed Burns <Ed.Burns(a)SUN.COM> wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 04:07:08 -0400, Kito Mann
>>>>> > said:
KM> So, after perusing the spec, I noticed that there's no mention
KM> specifically of Groovy. And I don't see much on the Groovy site
KM> itself indicating when/if the Groovy JSR will ever be finished.
KM> insight?
Right, as you know, at nearly every JSF 2 talk I give, I implore the
audience to pepper Mr. La Forge with annoying emails about completing
the JSR. Until it is completed, we can't explicitly mention Groovy.
The spec language we currently have is as specific as I can get.
Do you have another suggestion?