On 12/10/09 8:29 PM, Jim Driscoll wrote:
I would prefer jsf:composite:jim for components under resources/jim,
and jsf:composite:comp/jim for components under resources/comp/jim.
Two characters might not seem like a lot, but why not use jsf instead
of faces if it signifies the same thing to users and is shorter? (We
already use "jsf" in the Ajax library.)
That thought occurred to me, but
I didn't have any good reason to bring
it up, but I think you have a pretty good point there. :)
Further, in the interest of brevity, why say "composite"?
Why not
match the implicit EL object and just say "cc"?
Isn't that just as clear to someone who already knows what #{cc} is?
Concerned that it's too cryptic? Look at the first part of that
phrase. Anyone think that the XML standards guys should have called
it xmlnamespace instead of xmlns?
Shorter is almost always better, especially for frequently typed
+1 on all that :P
Jason Lee, SCJP
President, Oklahoma City Java Users Group
Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems