2010/9/9 Ed Burns <edward.burns(a)oracle.com>
>>>>> On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:32:21 -0500, Leonardo
Uribe <lu4242(a)gmail.com>
LU> The OCA was filled. I hope it will be no problem with share this
LU> contribution with myfaces.
I'm about ready to commit the feature to Mojarra head.
I've added the test app and an HtmlUnit driver. Very nice test app.
Great! thanks Ed for look into this issue.
I was thinking if the interface provided for handle transient properties
should be exposed in some
way, adding some methods (getter/setter) on UIComponent, to make possible
manipulate them from "outside"
the component instance. It will be very useful, specially for UIViewRoot.
It is very common to found cases when it is required to "store" a transient
variable related
from the current view. The solution we are doing now is store it on
FacesContext and use as
a key the UIViewRoot instance.
Other example could be found taking a look on h:link rendered. In theory, on
if the component is disabled or has no target href, we should render it as
<span>, but we
need to pass that information to encodeEnd to make it work correctly, and
the only way
to do that is use component attribute map and save that value on the state
without need.
best regards,
I just have to slap the standard copyright header on things before
| edward.burns(a)oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| homepage: |
| 7 work days until handoff of JSF 2.1 change log to jcp