>>>> On Tue, 12 Jan 2010 09:39:20 +0100, Ganesh
<ganesh(a)j4fry.org> said:
G> Hi,
G> Clicking on:
G> "Issues the EG intends to address for JSF 2.next"
G> on:
G> yields:
G> "Your query returned no results. Please refine your query and try again"
G> which is due to the fact that the link contains:
G> target_milestone=2.next
G> Setting target milestone to 2.0a yields 1 issue (266),
G> which seems scarce to me.
First, please note that 2.0 Rev a is a revision, not an update. We
choose to only make trivial changes in a revision but instead use an
actual spec version update, that is 2.1, for larger changes. I know
it's confusing but both 2.0 Rev a and 2.1 must be conducted through the
JCP Maintenance Release program.
Thanks for pointing out the error in the query. This is probably why
Ryan avoided having these handy queries on the mojarra page: you have to
maintain them! I have updated the links. The "2.0 Rev a" link now
returns 16, and the unscheduled link now returns "204"
We are still in the midst of targeting our issues. Because there is
currently no searchable archive of messages, I'll re-post my request for
issue captains here.
>>>> On Fri, 11 Dec 2009 12:13:42 -0800, Ed Burns
<ed.burns(a)sun.com> said:
EB> Back in August of 2008 [1] we did an issue prioritizing exercise which
EB> involved nominating seven "Issue Captains" to be responsible for
EB> understanding a certain subset of the issues.
EB> At Jim Driscoll's suggestion, I recently re-worked the sub-components in
EB> our issue tracker of record and now they make sense. I am hereby asking
EB> for some more issue captains to take the issues in this query [2] and
EB> assign the proper sub-component. Let's leave the priority field for
EB> another time, but you can set it if you want.
EB> The isssue captains the last time [3] were:
> Issue Captain Issues
> ====================
> Ed Burns
> Roger Kitain
> Jim Driscoll
> Ryan Lubke
> Mike Friedman
> Pete Muir
> Kito Mann
EB> [2] has 253 issues, which means about 36 each.
EB> The work would need to be done in time for the EG meeting I'd like to
EB> have somewhere in the first two weeks of January. I'll send another
EB> mail about that.
EB> Thank you very much.
EB> Ed
EB> [1]
EB> [3]
G> Also, I'm unable to find the issue Matthias mailed through query:
G> though it has target_milestone=2.0 Rev a
I fixed that.
G> Am I missing something essential?
G> How do you keep track of the scheduled issues?
You're in the right place, I just didn't have the system updated.
| ed.burns(a)sun.com | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
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