On 10/26/10 4:13 PM, Ed Burns wrote:
What are we doing with suffix/extension configuration:
AS> - Enhance the DEFAULT_FACELETS_SUFFIX context parameter to allow it
AS> to support multiple values + change the default value to ".xhtml
AS> .view.xml". Or...
AS> - Specify a default value for the FACELETS_VIEW_MAPPINGS context
AS> parameter.
AS> Either of these seem acceptable to me.
EB> I am reluctant to bind .view.xml to be "Facelets". Yes, right now
EB> Mojarra is using the Facelets VDL impl to process .view.xml but I'd
EB> unchanged for 2.1.
I find this confusing. The DEFAULT_FACELETS_SUFFIX and
FACELET_VIEW_MAPPINGS parameters control which views the Facelets VDL
will handle. How does Mojarra determine that the Facelets VDL should
process .view.xml files if this mapping isn't reflected by the default
values of these context parameters?
SUBSECTION: derived view id changes
LU> It seems, but note the algorithm required to deriveViewId() should
LU> call ResourceResolver to check for resources, specially when suffix
LU> mapping is used, so if it is necessary to change section 7.5.2 for
LU> each problem, it could be good to do both changes at once.
What changes are necessary to 7.5.2?
7.5.2 does not specify exactly how the deriveViewId() implementation
should check for the existence of a physical view. The wording is generic:
look for a physical resource with the name candidateViewId. If such a
resource exists, candidateViewId is the correct viewId
As of 2.1, we have introduced a new method that performs this test:
ViewDeclarationLanguage.viewExists(). 7.5.2 could add a sentence that
states that this method should be used to perform the view existence test.
AS> 4. We need some way to wrap a specific VDL (eg. the JSP VDL).
AS> minimal solution would be to introduce a VDL id (eg.
AS> ViewDeclarationLanguage.getId()) and define standard ids for the JSP
AS> and Facelets VDLs.
I'm not opposed, but can you clearly articulate, in one or two
sentences, why we need this?
I need the ability to wrap one of the standard VDL implementations (the
JSP VDL implementation) in order to insert my own logic. (In my case, I
need to substitute my own VDL.viewExists() implementation). While the
VDLFactory contract provides a hook for this, I have no way to
distinguish between VDL implementations. The presence of an id lets me
to know which VDL is being returned from the VDLFactory and thus allows
me to target my wrapper to a single VDL.
CH> A user could actually nominate
http://java.sun.com/jsf/html as the
CH> namespace without a prefix and prefix the html tags--don't know if
CH> that's attractive to anyone.
Yes, they could, but I've not seen any books or articles that do it that
way. I assert that you can't have a proper XML Faces view without having
exactly one of the following
1. some kind of root element on which namespaces are declared
We've got a few options here:
- <html>
- <h:html>
- <f:view>
2. doing what Cay suggests and just have "html" as the root
element, but
have it be the new html renderer that handles the "html" element
3. saying that your view is actually an XHTML view, in which case you
have <html> as the root element with the XHTML namespace as the
non-prefixed namespace.
I *think* that it should be okay to just use a plain old <html> element
even when processing mode = xml. Is there a reason why we should
disallow this?
A big concern about our current XML-centric solution: at the moment we
don't seem to have any clean way to specify a doctype. And since
<h:html> doesn't render a doctype, it looks like our XML-style Facelets
pages will be doctype-less. This seems like a very serious
shortcoming. I think that we need to address this.
SECTION: [UIData transient] [6] [7]
MM> - get/putTransient should be on UIComponent, or
MM> needs to be exposed
I strongly feel we shoul expose TransientStateHelper, not put these
methods on UIComponent.
MM> - no Serializable keys are necessary
MM> But - I am not sure about removing the TransientStateHelper
MM> contract... It doesn't need to extend from StateHelper, that is true
MM> - but won't the code look funny if state-saved property handling
MM> looks different from transient property handling?
Andy's definitive patch is at [7]. Both Andy and Blake favor this patch
because it does not introduce a top-level TransientStateHelper
MM> What I would do:
MM> Double getCalculatedWeight() {
MM> return (Double) getTransientStateHelper().get(PropertyKeys.weight, false);
MM> }
MM> void setCalculatedWeight(Double weight) {
MM> getTransientStateHelper().put(PropertyKeys.weight, weight);
MM> }
MM> Could TransientStateHelper not be an alternative implementation of the
MM> StateHelper interface?
This is completely analogous to the original design with StateHelper().
So, in addition to Martin's assertion about the API design, it is
consistent with our existing patterns.
I'm not convinced {get/put}Transient is better. If you're going to
quibble with that, why not quibble with getStateHelper() as well?
StateHelper is a helper class that is helps the component implementation
and its subclasses. The access modifier of getStateHelper() reflects
this - ie. this is a protected, not public.
With transient state, I was under the impression that we were trying to
address two use cases:
- Internal access from the component + subclasses.
- External access from arbitrary code (eg. Renderers, application logic)
The second use case raises the question of what an appropriate
external/public API might be. I find it awkward that external code
would be required to interact with a UIComponent's "helper" class.
I don't view this as quibbling. We're all just trying to find the best API.
AS> I don't see how adding a new TransientStateHelper contract
AS> this situation. That's not to say that we cannot do this. The
AS> first patch that I provided leaves TransientStateHelper in place.
AS> Just seems like added conceptual overhead that might not be
AS> necessary.
AS> 1. Components storing transient attributes on themselves.
AS> 2. External classes storing transient attributes on components.
The existing StateHelper only addresses 1. Is it ok to allow transient
state to be accessed for case 2 without doing the same for non-transient
Non-transient state is already accessible via public APIs on UIComponent
(eg. getAttributes(), getValueExpression(), etc...) and its subclasses
(eg. property-specific getters/setters). The fact that UIComponent
happens to store state in a StateHelper is effectively an implementation
detail of the component.
BTW, I haven't seen any comments on the questions that I raised
regarding TransientStateHolder. Who implements this besides
UIComponent? Who interacts with this contract?
SECTION: [537-PrePostValidateEvent]
AS> Does this mean that only input, UIData and UIForm components will
AS> deliver these events?
No, it does not mean that *only* those components will deliver those
events. It means that in the case of components who are iterating
components, the event must be published before, or after, the child
component processing. This is true for any components that have
children. I will revise the documentation to be as follows.
Components with children must publish this event after processing their
child nodes in processValidators. This is especially important for
iterating components such as UIData and form components, such as UIForm.
Okay, though I am still a bit confused about how iterating components
are special.
As always, I also worry that the overhead of delivering these system
events through the application-level publication mechanism is going to
be a performance problem for views with large #s of components (common
case for me). I suppose time will tell.