On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 3:07 AM, Ken Paulsen <Ken.Paulsen(a)sun.com> wrote:
Hi Dan,
How is <s:viewAction ... /> different than <f:event /> (besides that it is
not generalized)?
Navigation. It is all about declarative navigation. After each expression
evaluated, the navigation handler is consulted and if a navigation case is
matched, the remaining actions are short-circuited. If the navigation is a
redirect, the response is wrapped up and the redirect followed
(FacesContext#responseComplete()). If their is just a view ID change, the
process vamps. The developer does not have to do anything special to get
that functionality.
Executing a view action (or preRenderViewEvent listener) on a non-faces
request is like executing the the restore view. Andy and I worked hard to
specify that processing of the f:metadata facet does not build the component
tree. That's because the very presence of a view action could circumvent
rendering of that component tree, hence making it a wasted operation. The
component tree is only built once the preRenderViewEvent listeners complete
and the response is not ended.
Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
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