One comment to add to Simon's comments (which I agree with)...
h:dataTable is simply following the pattern set by JSTL's c:forEach,
which we clearly would not want to deviate from without some very
compelling use case.
Simon Lessard wrote On 3/6/2009 12:21 PM ET:
Hi all,
Although I guess it would be technically possible (yet weird and most likely very
complicated) to support EL for the var attribute, it wouldn't make much sense as
'var' is used as a variable name for iteration purpose. In much senses, it's
like a really short lived managed bean and we don't support dynamic managed bean names
either. I wonder how the EL would have to look like to support such feature
(scope[myBean.varName].attribute?) and what kinf od use case it would solve.
~ Simon
From: JSR 314 Open Mailing list on behalf of Ed Burns
Sent: Fri 3/6/2009 10:55 AM
Subject: Why do we disallow EL for h:dataTable "var" attribute?
Someone on JSR-314-COMMENTS asked this question and I don't recall the
answer, but I trust there's a good one since it's baked into the spec.
Any ideas?
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