Author: vhalbert(a)
Date: 2009-09-30 12:04:02 -0400 (Wed, 30 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 1496
Teiid 773 - changed the following:
- the testcase will not use system property to pass in overrides/additions to the loaded file. Now will use an addProperty() method provided on the abstract
testcase that will apply the properties per test.
- remove the datasource_mapping.xml. There is no need to distinquish between xa and
nonxa connector types. The connector type will be specified in the file.
- if using the -DuserDataSources property to control datasource, it will imply order
based on whats specified. The file will now map the model to order
(i.e., pm1:1), where this order determines which datasource it will correspond to based on
the userDataSources property. This mapping is done so that the nightly testing process
can control which datasources are being used and can ensure retestability.
trunk/test-integration/db/src/main/java/org/teiid/test/framework/datasource/ 2009-09-30
16:03:33 UTC (rev 1495)
trunk/test-integration/db/src/main/java/org/teiid/test/framework/datasource/ 2009-09-30
16:04:02 UTC (rev 1496)
@@ -1,30 +1,27 @@
package org.teiid.test.framework.datasource;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
+ * DataSource represents a single database that was configured by a
+ * @author vanhalbert
+ *
+ */
public class DataSource {
- public static final String CONNECTOR_TYPE="connectortype";
- public static final String DIRECTORY="dir";
+ public static final String CONNECTOR_TYPE="db.connectortype";
public static final String DB_TYPE="db.type";
- static Map<String, String> dbtypeBitMaskMap = null;
private Properties props;
private String name;
private String group;
private String dbtype;
- private int bitMask;
public DataSource(String name, String group, Properties properties) { = name; = group;
this.props = properties;
this.dbtype = this.props.getProperty(DB_TYPE);
- this.setBitMask();
@@ -51,10 +48,6 @@
public String getDBType() {
return this.dbtype;
- public int getBitMask() {
- return this.bitMask;
- }
@@ -73,66 +66,6 @@
public static String DERBY = "derby";
- /**
- * These bitmask are used by the test to indicate which database type(s) a specific
- * test is not supported to run against.
- *
- * The exclusion postion was taken because the goal is that all test should be able to
- * run against all sources. However, there are cases where specific database type
- * test are needed.
- *
- *
- * @author vanhalbert
- *
- */
- public static interface ExclusionTypeBitMask{
- // Constants to hold bit masks for desired flags
- static final int NONE_EXCLUDED = 0; // 000...00000000 (empty mask)
- static final int MYSQL = 1; // 2^^0 000...00000001
- static final int ORACLE = 2; // 2^^1 000...00000010
- static final int POSTGRES = 4; // 2^^2 000...00000100
- static final int SQLSERVER = 8; // 2^^3 000...00001000
- static final int DB2 = 16; // 2^^4 000...00010000
- static final int SYBASE = 32; // 2^^5 000...00100000
- static final int DERBY = 64; // 2^^6 000...01000000
- }
- // don't include excluded
- public static int NumBitMasks = 7;
-// static int ALLOWABLE_DATA_TYPES = ExclusionTypeBitMask.MYSQL |
-// ExclusionTypeBitMask.ORACLE |
-// ExclusionTypeBitMask.POSTGRES |
-// ExclusionTypeBitMask.SQLSERVER |
-// ExclusionTypeBitMask.DB2 |
-// ExclusionTypeBitMask.SYBASE |
-// ExclusionTypeBitMask.DERBY;
- static {
- dbtypeBitMaskMap = new HashMap<String, String>(NumBitMasks );
- dbtypeBitMaskMap.put(DataSourcTypes.MYSQL,
- dbtypeBitMaskMap.put(DataSourcTypes.ORACLE,
- dbtypeBitMaskMap.put(DataSourcTypes.POSTRES,
- dbtypeBitMaskMap.put(DataSourcTypes.DB2, String.valueOf(ExclusionTypeBitMask.DB2));
- dbtypeBitMaskMap.put(DataSourcTypes.SQLSERVER,
- dbtypeBitMaskMap.put(DataSourcTypes.SYBASE,
- dbtypeBitMaskMap.put(DataSourcTypes.DERBY,
- }
- public void setBitMask() {
- int rtn = ExclusionTypeBitMask.NONE_EXCLUDED;
- String bitmask = dbtypeBitMaskMap.get(dbtype);
- if (bitmask == null) {
- bitMask = rtn;
- } else {
- bitMask = new Integer(bitmask).intValue();
- }
- }
(rev 0)
trunk/test-integration/db/src/main/java/org/teiid/test/framework/datasource/ 2009-09-30
16:04:02 UTC (rev 1496)
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+package org.teiid.test.framework.datasource;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.teiid.test.framework.ConfigPropertyLoader;
+import org.teiid.test.framework.ConfigPropertyNames;
+import org.teiid.test.framework.exception.QueryTestFailedException;
+import com.metamatrix.core.util.StringUtil;
+ * The DataSourceFactory is responsible for managing the datasources used during a single
+ * It ensures the same data source is used in both the connector binding and during
+ * Otherwise, validation may be validating against a source for which the test didn't
+ *
+ * A test has the option of specifying the following properties to control which data
sources are / or not used
+ *
+ * <li>{@link ConfigPropertyNames#USE_DATASOURCES_PROP} : is a comma delimited
ordered list to control which data sources to use</li>
+ *
+ * This is an ordered list because based on the model:order mapping in the file will map to the ordered list
+ * respectfully.
+ *
+ * Example: in the may specify:
+ * pm1=1
+ * pm2=2
+ *
+ * Set ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCES_PROP=oracle,sqlserver
+ *
+ * This indicates that when a datasource is requested for "pm1", then oracle
datasource will be returned. And when a data source
+ * for "pm2" is requested, then a data source representing sqlserver will be
+ *
+ * <li>{@link ConfigPropertyNames#EXCLUDE_DATASBASE_TYPES_PROP} : is a comma
delimited list indicating which data sources not use
+ * during that specific test.
+ *
+ * @author vanhalbert
+ *
+ */
+public class DataSourceFactory {
+ // the DO_NO_USE_DEFAULT will be passed in when the test are run from maven and no
property is passed in for UseDataSources
+ private static final String DO_NOT_USE_DEFAULT="${usedatasources}";
+ private ConfigPropertyLoader configprops;
+ // contains the names of the datasources when the -Dusedatasources option is
+ // used
+ private Map<String, String> useDS = null;
+ private Set<String> excludedDBTypes = null;
+ private Set<String> unmappedds = new HashSet<String>();
+ private Map<String, DataSource> allDatasourcesMap = null;
+ // map of the datasources assigned to with model
+ private Map<String, DataSource> modelToDatasourceMap = new HashMap<String,
DataSource>(); // key
+ // =
+ // modelname
+ // +
+ // "_"
+ // +
+ // datasourceid
+ // this set is use to track datasources that have already been assigned
+ private Set<String> assignedDataSources = new HashSet<String>();
+ private int lastassigned = 0;
+ public DataSourceFactory(ConfigPropertyLoader config) {
+ this.configprops = config;
+ config();
+ }
+ /**
+ * config is called at the start / setup of the {@link
+ * TransactionContainer#} test. This is to ensure any exclusions /
+ * inclusions are considered for the next executed set of test.
+ *
+ *
+ * @since
+ */
+ private void config() {
+ System.out.println("Configure Datasource Factory ");
+ this.allDatasourcesMap = DataSourceMgr.getInstance().getDataSources();
+ String limitdsprop = configprops
+ .getProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCES_PROP);
+ if (limitdsprop != null && limitdsprop.length() > 0 && !
limitdsprop.equalsIgnoreCase(DO_NOT_USE_DEFAULT)) {
+ System.out.println("Use ONLY datasources: " + limitdsprop);
+ List<String> dss = StringUtil.split(limitdsprop, ",");
+ useDS = new HashMap<String, String>(dss.size());
+ int i = 1;
+ for (Iterator<String> it = dss.iterator(); it.hasNext(); i++) {
+ useDS.put(String.valueOf(i),;
+ }
+ }
+ String excludeprop = configprops
+ .getProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.EXCLUDE_DATASBASE_TYPES_PROP);
+ if (excludeprop != null && excludeprop.length() > 0) {
+ List<String> eprops = StringUtil.split(excludeprop, ",");
+ excludedDBTypes = new HashSet<String>(eprops.size());
+ excludedDBTypes.addAll(eprops);
+ System.out.println("EXCLUDE datasources: " + excludeprop);
+ }
+ }
+ public synchronized DataSource getDatasource(String datasourceid,
+ String modelName) throws QueryTestFailedException {
+ DataSource ds = null;
+ // map the datasource to the model and datasourceid
+ // this is so the next time this combination is requested,
+ // the same datasource is returned to ensure when consecutive calls
+ // during the process
+ // corresponds to the same datasource
+ String key = null;
+ key = modelName + "_" + datasourceid;
+ // if the datasourceid represents a group name, then use the group name
+ // so that all future request using that group name for a specified
+ // model
+ // will use the same datasource
+ if (modelToDatasourceMap.containsKey(key)) {
+ return modelToDatasourceMap.get(key);
+ }
+ if (useDS != null) {
+ String dsname = useDS.get(datasourceid);
+ if (dsname != null) {
+ ds = allDatasourcesMap.get(dsname);
+ if (ds == null) {
+ throw new QueryTestFailedException("Datasource name "
+ + dsname
+ + " was not found in the allDatasources map");
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw new QueryTestFailedException("Model:id " + modelName
+ + ":" + datasourceid
+ + " did not map to the usedatasources: "
+ + useDS.toString());
+ }
+ modelToDatasourceMap.put(key, ds);
+ return ds;
+ }
+ Iterator<DataSource> it = allDatasourcesMap.values().iterator();
+ // need to go thru all the datasources to know if any has already been
+ // assigned
+ // because the datasourceid passed in was a group name
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ DataSource checkit =;
+ if (excludedDBTypes != null
+ && excludedDBTypes.contains(checkit.getDBType())) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!assignedDataSources.contains(checkit.getName())) {
+ ds = checkit;
+ assignedDataSources.add(ds.getName());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ds == null) {
+ int cnt = 0;
+ Iterator<String> itds = assignedDataSources.iterator();
+ // when all the datasources have been assigned, but a new model
+ // datasource id is
+ // passed in, need to reassign a previously assigned datasource
+ // This case will happen when more models are defined than there are
+ // defined datasources.
+ while (itds.hasNext()) {
+ String dsname =;
+ if (cnt == this.lastassigned) {
+ ds = allDatasourcesMap.get(dsname);
+ this.lastassigned++;
+ if (lastassigned >= assignedDataSources.size()) {
+ this.lastassigned = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ds == null) {
+ throw new QueryTestFailedException(
+ "Unable to assign a datasource for model:datasourceid "
+ + modelName + ":" + datasourceid);
+ }
+ modelToDatasourceMap.put(key, ds);
+ return ds;
+ }
+ public void cleanup() {
+ modelToDatasourceMap.clear();
+ unmappedds.clear();
+ assignedDataSources.clear();
+ useDS = null;
+ excludedDBTypes = null;
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ //NOTE: to run this test to validate the DataSourceMgr, do the following:
+ // --- need 3 datasources, Oracle, SqlServer and 1 other
+ ConfigPropertyLoader config = ConfigPropertyLoader.createInstance();
+ DataSourceFactory factory = new DataSourceFactory(config);
+ try {
+ if (factory.getDatasource("1", "model1") == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No datasource was not found");
+ }
+ } catch (QueryTestFailedException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ factory.cleanup();
+ // the following verifies that order of "use" datasources is applied to
request for datasources.
+ System.setProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.USE_DATASOURCES_PROP,
+ config = ConfigPropertyLoader.createInstance();
+ factory = new DataSourceFactory(config);
+ try {
+ DataSource dsfind = factory.getDatasource("2", "model1");
+ if (dsfind == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No datasource was not found as the 2nd
+ }
+ if (dsfind.getConnectorType() == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Connector types was not defined");
+ }
+ if (!dsfind.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("sqlserver")) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Sqlserver was not found as the 2nd
+ }
+ dsfind = factory.getDatasource("1", "model1");
+ if (dsfind == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No datasource was not found as the 2nd
+ }
+ if (!dsfind.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("oracle")) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Oracle was not found as the 2nd datasource");
+ }
+ System.out.println("Datasource :" + dsfind.getName() + " was
+ // the following test verifies that a sqlserver datasource is not
+ // returned (excluded)
+ factory.cleanup();
+ System.setProperty(ConfigPropertyNames.EXCLUDE_DATASBASE_TYPES_PROP,
+ config = ConfigPropertyLoader.createInstance();
+ factory = new DataSourceFactory(config);
+ DataSource ds1 = factory.getDatasource("1", "model1");
+ if (ds1 == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No 1st datasource was found");
+ }
+ DataSource ds2 = factory.getDatasource("2", "model1");
+ if (ds2 == null) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("No 2nd datasource was found");
+ }
+ DataSource reuse = factory.getDatasource("3", "model1");
+ if (reuse == ds1 || reuse == ds2) {
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("The process was not able to reassign an already
used datasource");
+ }
+ } catch (QueryTestFailedException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
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