Author: tejones
Date: 2010-05-13 14:31:49 -0400 (Thu, 13 May 2010)
New Revision: 2125
Added Translator discovery and configuration
Deleted: trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/
--- trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13
16:19:04 UTC (rev 2124)
+++ trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13
18:31:49 UTC (rev 2125)
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
- * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
- * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed
- * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-package org.teiid.rhq.plugin;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataNumeric;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementReport;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementScheduleRequest;
-import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.configuration.ConfigurationFacet;
-import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.measurement.MeasurementFacet;
-import org.teiid.rhq.comm.ConnectionConstants;
- * Component class for the MetaMatrix Host Controller process.
- *
- */
-public class ModelComponent extends Facet {
- private final Log LOG = LogFactory
- .getLog(ModelComponent.class);
- /**
- * @see org.teiid.rhq.plugin.Facet#getComponentType()
- * @since 1.0
- */
- @Override
- String getComponentType() {
- return ConnectionConstants.ComponentType.Resource.Model.TYPE;
- }
- /**
- * The plugin container will call this method when your resource component
- * has been scheduled to collect some measurements now. It is within this
- * method that you actually talk to the managed resource and collect the
- * measurement data that is has emitted.
- *
- * @see MeasurementFacet#getValues(MeasurementReport, Set)
- */
- public void getValues(MeasurementReport report,
- Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> requests) {
- for (MeasurementScheduleRequest request : requests) {
- String name = request.getName();
- // TODO: based on the request information, you must collect the
- // requested measurement(s)
- // you can use the name of the measurement to determine what you
- // actually need to collect
- try {
- Number value = new Integer(1); // dummy measurement value -
- // this should come from the
- // managed resource
- report.addData(new MeasurementDataNumeric(request, value
- .doubleValue()));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- LOG.error("Failed to obtain measurement [" + name //$NON-NLS-1$
- + "]. Cause: " + e); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- protected void setOperationArguments(String name, Configuration configuration,
- Map argumentMap) {
- if (name.equals(ConnectionConstants.ComponentType.Operation.GET_PROPERTIES)){
- String key = ConnectionConstants.IDENTIFIER;
- argumentMap.put(key, getComponentIdentifier());
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/
trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13
16:19:04 UTC (rev 2124)
trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13
18:31:49 UTC (rev 2125)
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
- * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
- * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed
- * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-package org.teiid.rhq.plugin;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
-import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
-import org.jboss.managed.api.ComponentType;
-import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedComponent;
-import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedProperty;
-import org.jboss.managed.plugins.ManagedObjectImpl;
-import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValueSupport;
-import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.GenericValueSupport;
-import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValue;
-import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.SimpleValueSupport;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Property;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyList;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyMap;
-import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple;
-import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.DiscoveredResourceDetails;
-import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.InvalidPluginConfigurationException;
-import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceComponent;
-import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceDiscoveryComponent;
-import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceDiscoveryContext;
-import org.teiid.rhq.plugin.util.PluginConstants;
-import org.teiid.rhq.plugin.util.ProfileServiceUtil;
- * Discovery component for the MetaMatrix Host controller process
- *
- */
-public class ModelDiscoveryComponent implements ResourceDiscoveryComponent {
- private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
- public Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoverResources(
- ResourceDiscoveryContext discoveryContext)
- throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException, Exception {
- Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoveredResources = new
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- String modelName = "myModel" + i;
- DiscoveredResourceDetails detail = new DiscoveredResourceDetails(
- discoveryContext.getResourceType(), // ResourceType
- modelName, // Resource Key
- modelName, // Resource Name
- null, // Version TODO can we get that from discovery ?
- PluginConstants.ComponentType.Model.DESCRIPTION, // Description
- discoveryContext.getDefaultPluginConfiguration(), // Plugin
- // Config
- null // Process info from a process scan
- );
- Configuration c = detail.getPluginConfiguration();
- c.put(new PropertySimple(modelName, "name"));
- PropertyList list = new PropertyList("multisourceModels");
- PropertyMap map = new PropertyMap("model",
- new PropertySimple("oraclesource", "sourceName"),
- new PropertySimple("JNDINameOracle", "jndiName"),
- new PropertySimple("MySQLsource", "sourceName"),
- new PropertySimple("JNDINameMySQL", "jndiName"));
- list.add(map);
- detail.setPluginConfiguration(c);
- // Add to return values
- discoveredResources.add(detail);
-"Discovered Teiid Model: " + modelName);
- }
- return discoveredResources;
- }
- /**
- * @param mcVdb
- * @param configuration
- */
- private void getConnectors(ManagedComponent model,
- Configuration configuration) {
- // Get Connector(s) from Model
- ManagedProperty property = model.getProperty("connectorBindingNames");
- CollectionValueSupport valueSupport = (CollectionValueSupport) property
- .getValue();
- MetaValue[] metaValues = valueSupport.getElements();
- PropertyList connectorsList = new PropertyList("connectors");
- configuration.put(connectorsList);
- for (MetaValue value : metaValues) {
- SimpleValueSupport simpleValueSupport = (SimpleValueSupport) value;
- String connectorName = (String) simpleValueSupport.getValue();
- PropertyMap connector = new PropertyMap("connector",
- new PropertySimple("name", connectorName));
- connectorsList.add(connector);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ (from
rev 2015, trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/
--- trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/
(rev 0)
+++ trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13
18:31:49 UTC (rev 2125)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
+ * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed
+ * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+package org.teiid.rhq.plugin;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementDataNumeric;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementReport;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.measurement.MeasurementScheduleRequest;
+import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.configuration.ConfigurationFacet;
+import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.measurement.MeasurementFacet;
+import org.teiid.rhq.comm.ConnectionConstants;
+ * Component class for the MetaMatrix Host Controller process.
+ *
+ */
+public class TranslatorComponent extends Facet {
+ private final Log LOG = LogFactory
+ .getLog(TranslatorComponent.class);
+ /**
+ * @see org.teiid.rhq.plugin.Facet#getComponentType()
+ * @since 1.0
+ */
+ @Override
+ String getComponentType() {
+ return ConnectionConstants.ComponentType.Resource.Model.TYPE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The plugin container will call this method when your resource component
+ * has been scheduled to collect some measurements now. It is within this
+ * method that you actually talk to the managed resource and collect the
+ * measurement data that is has emitted.
+ *
+ * @see MeasurementFacet#getValues(MeasurementReport, Set)
+ */
+ public void getValues(MeasurementReport report,
+ Set<MeasurementScheduleRequest> requests) {
+ for (MeasurementScheduleRequest request : requests) {
+ String name = request.getName();
+ // TODO: based on the request information, you must collect the
+ // requested measurement(s)
+ // you can use the name of the measurement to determine what you
+ // actually need to collect
+ try {
+ Number value = new Integer(1); // dummy measurement value -
+ // this should come from the
+ // managed resource
+ report.addData(new MeasurementDataNumeric(request, value
+ .doubleValue()));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ LOG.error("Failed to obtain measurement [" + name //$NON-NLS-1$
+ + "]. Cause: " + e); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ protected void setOperationArguments(String name, Configuration configuration,
+ Map argumentMap) {
+ if (name.equals(ConnectionConstants.ComponentType.Operation.GET_PROPERTIES)){
+ String key = ConnectionConstants.IDENTIFIER;
+ argumentMap.put(key, getComponentIdentifier());
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Copied: trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/
(from rev 2064,
--- trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/
(rev 0)
trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13
18:31:49 UTC (rev 2125)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
+ * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
+ * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed
+ * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA.
+ */
+package org.teiid.rhq.plugin;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
+import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ComponentType;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedComponent;
+import org.jboss.managed.api.ManagedProperty;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.types.MetaType;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.CollectionValueSupport;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValue;
+import org.jboss.metatype.api.values.MetaValueFactory;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.Configuration;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyList;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertyMap;
+import org.rhq.core.domain.configuration.PropertySimple;
+import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.DiscoveredResourceDetails;
+import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.InvalidPluginConfigurationException;
+import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceDiscoveryComponent;
+import org.rhq.core.pluginapi.inventory.ResourceDiscoveryContext;
+import org.teiid.adminapi.impl.PropertyMetadata;
+import org.teiid.rhq.plugin.util.PluginConstants;
+import org.teiid.rhq.plugin.util.ProfileServiceUtil;
+ * Discovery component for Teiid Translator instances
+ *
+ */
+public class TranslatorDiscoveryComponent implements ResourceDiscoveryComponent {
+ private final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());
+ public Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoverResources(
+ ResourceDiscoveryContext discoveryContext)
+ throws InvalidPluginConfigurationException, Exception {
+ Set<DiscoveredResourceDetails> discoveredResources = new
+ Set<ManagedComponent> translators = ProfileServiceUtil
+ .getManagedComponents(new ComponentType(
+ PluginConstants.ComponentType.Translator.TYPE,
+ PluginConstants.ComponentType.Translator.SUBTYPE));
+ for (ManagedComponent translator : translators) {
+ Map<String, ManagedProperty> managedPropertyMap = translator
+ .getProperties();
+ String translatorKey = translator.getName();
+ String translatorName = ProfileServiceUtil.getSimpleValue(
+ translator, "name", String.class);
+ /**
+ *
+ * A discovered resource must have a unique key, that must stay the
+ * same when the resource is discovered the next time
+ */
+ DiscoveredResourceDetails detail = new DiscoveredResourceDetails(
+ discoveryContext.getResourceType(), // ResourceType
+ translatorKey, // Resource Key
+ translatorName, // Resource Name
+ null, // Version
+ PluginConstants.ComponentType.Translator.DESCRIPTION, // Description
+ discoveryContext.getDefaultPluginConfiguration(), // Plugin
+ // Config
+ null // Process info from a process scan
+ );
+ Configuration c = detail.getPluginConfiguration();
+ PropertyList list = new PropertyList("translatorList");
+ PropertyMap propMap = null;
+ c.put(list);
+ for (ManagedProperty prop : managedPropertyMap.values()) {
+ propMap = new PropertyMap("translatorMap");
+ String name = prop.getName();
+ if (name.equals("translator-property")) {
+ getTranslatorValues(prop.getValue(), propMap, list);
+ } else {
+ propMap.put(new PropertySimple("name", name));
+ propMap.put(new PropertySimple("value", ProfileServiceUtil
+ .stringValue(prop.getValue())));
+ propMap.put(new PropertySimple("description", prop
+ .getDescription()));
+ list.add(propMap);
+ }
+ }
+ detail.setPluginConfiguration(c);
+ // Add to return values
+ discoveredResources.add(detail);
+"Discovered Teiid Translator: " + translatorName);
+ }
+ return discoveredResources;
+ }
+ public static <T> void getTranslatorValues(MetaValue pValue,
+ PropertyMap map, PropertyList list) {
+ MetaType metaType = pValue.getMetaType();
+ PropertyMetadata unwrappedvalue = null;
+ if (metaType.isCollection()) {
+ for (MetaValue value : ((CollectionValueSupport) pValue)
+ .getElements()) {
+ if (value.getMetaType().isComposite()) {
+ map = new PropertyMap("translatorMap");
+ unwrappedvalue = (PropertyMetadata) MetaValueFactory
+ .getInstance().unwrap(value);
+ map
+ .put(new PropertySimple("name", unwrappedvalue
+ .getName()));
+ map.put(new PropertySimple("value", unwrappedvalue
+ .getValue()));
+ map
+ .put(new PropertySimple("description",
+ "Custom property"));
+ list.add(map);
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalStateException(pValue
+ + " is not a Composite type");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/
--- trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13 16:19:04
UTC (rev 2124)
+++ trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/ 2010-05-13 18:31:49
UTC (rev 2125)
@@ -331,7 +331,6 @@
String jndiName = (String) sourceMap.get("jndiName");
String translatorName = (String) sourceMap.get("translatorName");
PropertyMap multiSourceModel = null;
- PropertyMap multiSourceModel2 = null;
PropertyMap model = null;
if (supportMultiSource){
@@ -352,13 +351,7 @@
new PropertySimple("visibility", visibility),
new PropertySimple("supportsMultiSource",
- sourceModelsList.add(model);
- multiSourceModel = new PropertyMap("model",
- new PropertySimple("name", modelName),
- new PropertySimple("sourceName", sourceName),
- new PropertySimple("jndiName", jndiName),
- new PropertySimple("translatorName", translatorName));
- multiSourceModelsList.add(multiSourceModel);
+ sourceModelsList.add(model);
model = new PropertyMap("model",
new PropertySimple("name", modelName),
Modified: trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/util/
--- trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/util/ 2010-05-13
16:19:04 UTC (rev 2124)
+++ trunk/console/src/main/java/org/teiid/rhq/plugin/util/ 2010-05-13
18:31:49 UTC (rev 2125)
@@ -121,6 +121,22 @@
+ public interface Translator {
+ public final static String TYPE = "teiid"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ public final static String SUBTYPE = "translator"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ public final static String NAME = "Translator"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ public final static String DESCRIPTION = "Teiid Translator"; //$NON-NLS-1$
+ public static interface Operations {
+ }
+ public static interface Metrics {
+ }
+ }
public interface Model {
public final static String TYPE = "teiid"; //$NON-NLS-1$
Modified: trunk/console/src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml
--- trunk/console/src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml 2010-05-13 16:19:04 UTC (rev
+++ trunk/console/src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml 2010-05-13 18:31:49 UTC (rev
@@ -16,7 +16,758 @@
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA *
02110-1301 USA. */
+ <!DOCTYPE plugin [
+<!ENTITY managedObjectMetrics '
+ <metric property="runState" displayType="summary"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="30000"
dataType="trait" category="performance"/>
+<!ENTITY translatorConfiguration '
+ <resource-configuration>
+ <c:list-property name="translatorList" description="Properties for
this translator"
+ readOnly="true">
+ <c:map-property name="translatorMap">
+ <c:simple-property name="name" displayName="Name"
+ description="Name of this property" readOnly="true" />
+ <c:simple-property name="value" displayName="Value"
+ description="Value of this property" readOnly="true" />
+ <c:simple-property name="description"
+ description="Description of this property" readOnly="true"
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </resource-configuration>
+<!ENTITY datasourceAndConnectionFactoryOperations '
+ <operation name="flush" displayName="Flush"
+ description="Flush the connections in the pool"/>
+ <operation name="listFormattedSubPoolStatistics" displayName="List
Formatted Sub Pool Statistics"
+ description="Obtain a formatted sub pool statistics report">
+ <parameters>
+ <c:simple-property required="false"
+ <c:description>
+ The fully qualified name of the Java class to use to format the the
sub pool statistics. The default
+ is
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ </parameters>
+ <results>
+ <c:simple-property name="result"
+ <c:description>
+ A formatted sub pool statistics report.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ </results>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="listStatistics" displayName="List Statistics"
description="Obtain a statistics report">
+ <results>
+ <c:map-property name="result"/>
+ </results>
+ </operation>
+<!-- TODO: Use one shared XML entity for datasource and connection factory metrics.
+<!ENTITY datasourceMetrics '
+ <!-- Traits -->
+ <metric property="poolJndiName" displayType="summary"
displayName="Pool JNDI Name"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="trait" category="performance"
+ description="the JNDI name of the connection pool for this
+ <!-- Numerics -->
+ <metric property="availableConnectionCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="summary"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"
+ description="the maximum number of connections that are
+ <metric property="connectionCount" measurementType="dynamic"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"
+ description="the number of connections that are currently in the
+ <metric property="connectionCreatedCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"
+ description="the number of connections that have been created since the
datasource was last started"/>
+ <metric property="connectionDestroyedCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"
+ description="the number of connections that have been destroyed since
the datasource was last started"/>
+ <metric property="inUseConnectionCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"
+ description="the number of connections that are currently in
+ <metric property="local-transaction" displayType="summary"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="trait" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="maxConnectionsInUseCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"
+ description="the most connections that have been simultaneously in use
since this datasource was started"/>
+ <metric property="maxSize" measurementType="dynamic"
displayType="detail" displayName="Max Size"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="minSize" measurementType="dynamic"
displayType="detail" displayName="Min Size"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+<!-- NOTE: For Datasource ManagedProperty annotations, see:
+ Descriptions of datasource config props can also be culled from the following
+ -->
+<!ENTITY datasourceAndConnectionFactoryConnectionResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:simple-property name="min-pool-size"
+ displayName="Minimum Pool Size"
+ type="integer"
+ required="false"
+ defaultValue="0">
+ <c:description>
+ The minimum number of connections the pool should hold. The default is 0.
+ </c:description>
+ <c:constraint>
+ <c:integer-constraint minimum="0"/>
+ </c:constraint>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="max-pool-size"
+ displayName="Maximum Pool Size"
+ type="integer"
+ required="false"
+ defaultValue="10">
+ <c:description>
+ The maximum number of connections the pool should hold. The default is 10.
+ </c:description>
+ <c:constraint>
+ <c:integer-constraint minimum="0"/>
+ </c:constraint>
+ </c:simple-property>
+<!ENTITY datasourceConnectionResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:simple-property name="jndi-name"
+ displayName="JNDI Name"
+ description="The global JNDI Name under which to bind the
+ type="string"/>
+ <c:simple-property name="user-name"
+ displayName="Username"
+ description="The default username when creating a new
+ type="string"
+ activationPolicy="immediate"
+ required="false"/>
+ <c:simple-property name="password"
+ displayName="Password"
+ description="The default password when creating a new
+ type="password"
+ activationPolicy="immediate"
+ required="false"/>
+<!ENTITY datasourceAndConnectionFactoryAdvancedResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:simple-property name="allocation-retry" type="integer"
+ defaultValue="0">
+ <c:description>
+ The number of times that allocating a connection should be tried before
throwing an exception. The default
+ is 0.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="allocation-retry-wait-millis"
type="long" required="false" units="milliseconds"
+ defaultValue="5000">
+ <c:description>
+ The time in milliseconds to wait between retrying to allocate a connection.
The default is 5000 (5 seconds).
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="background-validation" type="boolean"
required="false" defaultValue="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Specify if connections should be validated on a background thread versus
being validated
+ prior to use. Background validation is meant to reduce the overall load on
the RDBMS system when validating
+ a connection. The default is No.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="background-validation-millis"
type="long" required="false" units="milliseconds"
+ defaultValue="0">
+ <c:description>
+ The interval, in milliseconds, at which the ConnectionValidator will run.
Set to 0 to disable background
+ validation. The default is 0.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="blocking-timeout-millis"
displayName="Blocking Timeout in Milliseconds"
+ units="milliseconds" defaultValue="30000"
+ type="integer" required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Indicates the maximum time in milliseconds to block while waiting for a
connection before throwing
+ an exception. Note that this blocks only while waiting for a permit for a
connection, and will never
+ throw an exception if creating a new connection takes an inordinately long
time. The default is 30000
+ (30 seconds).
+ </c:description>
+ <c:constraint>
+ <c:integer-constraint minimum="0"/>
+ </c:constraint>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="idle-timeout-minutes" type="integer"
+ displayName="Idle Timeout" units="minutes"
required="false" defaultValue="30">
+ <c:description>
+ The maximum time, in minutes, a connection may be idle before being closed.
The default is 30.
+ </c:description>
+ <c:constraint>
+ <c:integer-constraint minimum="0"/>
+ </c:constraint>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="isSameRM-override-value"
type="boolean" required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ If set, unconditionally sets the boolean return value of
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="jmx-invoker-name"
+ <c:description>
+ The ObjectName of the JMX Invoker MBean associated with this datasource.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:map-property name="metadata" required="false"
description="Metadata properties.">
+ <c:simple-property required="false"
+ <c:description>
+ The name of the corresponding type-mapping in
+ </c:description>
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option name="Cloudscape"
+ <c:option name="DB2" value="DB2"/>
+ <c:option name="DB2/400" value="DB2/400"/>
+ <c:option name="Derby" value="Derby"/>
+ <c:option name="Firebird" value="Firebird"/>
+ <c:option name="FirstSQL/J"
+ <c:option name="Hypersonic SQL" value="Hypersonic
+ <c:option name="InformixDB"
+ <c:option name="Ingres" value="Ingres"/>
+ <c:option name="InterBase" value="InterBase"/>
+ <c:option name="MaxDB" value="MaxDB"/>
+ <c:option name="McKoi" value="McKoi"/>
+ <c:option name="Mimer SQL" value="Mimer SQL"/>
+ <c:option name="MS SQLSERVER" value="MS
+ <c:option name="MS SQLSERVER2000" value="MS
+ <c:option name="Oracle7" value="Oracle7"/>
+ <c:option name="Oracle8" value="Oracle8"/>
+ <c:option name="Oracle9i" value="Oracle9i"/>
+ <c:option name="PointBase" value="PointBase"/>
+ <c:option name="PostgreSQL"
+ <c:option name="PostgreSQL 7.2" value="PostgreSQL
+ <c:option name="PostgreSQL 8.0" value="PostgreSQL
+ <c:option name="SapDB" value="SapDB"/>
+ <c:option name="SOLID" value="SOLID"/>
+ <c:option name="Sybase" value="Sybase"/>
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ </c:map-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="no-tx-separate-pools" type="boolean"
+ displayName="No Tx Separate Pools"
+ <c:description>Whether or not to use separate pools. The default is
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option name="True" value="true"/>
+ <c:option name="False" value="false"/>
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="prefill" type="boolean"
+ <c:description>
+ Whether to attempt to prefill the connection pool to the minimum number of
connections. NOTE: Only
+ supporting pools (OnePool) support this feature. A warning can be found in
the logs if the pool does not
+ support this. The default is No.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:map-property name="security-domain" displayName="Security
Settings" required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Security settings for connections in the pool.
+ </c:description>
+ <c:simple-property name="securityDeploymentType"
+ required="false" defaultValue="NONE">
+ <c:description>
+ Indicates whether Subject (from security domain), application-supplied
+ (such as from getConnection(user, pw)), both Subject and app-supplied
+ or neither Subject nor app-supplied parameters are used to distinguish
+ in the pool. The default is "NONE".
+ </c:description>
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option name="None" value="NONE"/>
+ <c:option name="Application"
+ <c:option name="Domain" value="DOMAIN"/>
+ <c:option name="Domain and Application"
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="domain" type="string"
+ required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ The name of the JAAS security manager that will handle authentication
(only required if security
+ deployment type is DOMAIN or DOMAIN_AND_APPLICATION). This name
correlates to the JAAS login-config.xml
+ descriptor application-policy/name attribute.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ </c:map-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="statistics-formatter"
+ <c:description>
+ The fully qualified class name of the class to use for formatting managed
connection pool statistics for
+ this datasource. The class must implement the
+ interface. The default is
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="type-mapping" displayName="Type
Mapping" required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ The name of the corresponding type-mapping in
+ </c:description>
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option name="Cloudscape" value="Cloudscape"/>
+ <c:option name="DB2" value="DB2"/>
+ <c:option name="DB2/400" value="DB2/400"/>
+ <c:option name="Derby" value="Derby"/>
+ <c:option name="Firebird" value="Firebird"/>
+ <c:option name="FirstSQL/J" value="FirstSQL/J"/>
+ <c:option name="Hypersonic SQL" value="Hypersonic
+ <c:option name="InformixDB" value="InformixDB"/>
+ <c:option name="Ingres" value="Ingres"/>
+ <c:option name="InterBase" value="InterBase"/>
+ <c:option name="MaxDB" value="MaxDB"/>
+ <c:option name="McKoi" value="McKoi"/>
+ <c:option name="Mimer SQL" value="Mimer SQL"/>
+ <c:option name="MS SQLSERVER" value="MS
+ <c:option name="MS SQLSERVER2000" value="MS
+ <c:option name="Oracle7" value="Oracle7"/>
+ <c:option name="Oracle8" value="Oracle8"/>
+ <c:option name="Oracle9i" value="Oracle9i"/>
+ <c:option name="PointBase" value="PointBase"/>
+ <c:option name="PostgreSQL" value="PostgreSQL"/>
+ <c:option name="PostgreSQL 7.2" value="PostgreSQL
+ <c:option name="PostgreSQL 8.0" value="PostgreSQL
+ <c:option name="SapDB" value="SapDB"/>
+ <c:option name="SOLID" value="SOLID"/>
+ <c:option name="Sybase" value="Sybase"/>
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="use-java-context"
+ displayName="Use Java Context"
+ type="boolean" defaultValue="true"
+ required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Indicates whether the JNDI name should be bound under the "java"
+ which causes the DataSource to only be accessible from within the JBossAS
+ The default is Yes.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="use-strict-min" type="boolean"
+ <c:description>
+ Whether idle connections below the min-pool-size should be closed. The
default is No.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="validate-on-match" type="boolean"
required="false" defaultValue="true">
+ <c:description>
+ The validate-on-match element indicates whether or not connection level
validation should be done when a
+ connection factory attempts to match a managed connection for a given set.
This is typically exclusive to
+ the use of background validation. The default is Yes.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+<!ENTITY datasourceAdvancedResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:simple-property name="check-valid-connection-sql"
+ displayName="Check Valid Connection SQL"
+ <c:description>The SQL statement to use to check the validity of a pool
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property required="false"
+ <c:description>
+ The connection definition inside the RAR deployment uniquely identified by
the connection factory interface,
+ e.g. "javax.sql.DataSource".
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="exception-sorter-class-name"
type="string" activationPolicy="immediate"
+ displayName="Exception Sorter Class Name"
+ <c:description>
+ The fully qualified name of a Java class to use to check if an exception
should be broadcast.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="new-connection-sql" type="longString"
+ displayName="New Connection SQL"
+ <c:description>
+ An SQL statement to execute whenever a new connection is added to the pool;
this can be used to set the
+ connection schema, etc.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="prepared-statement-cache-size"
+ displayName="Prepared Statement Cache Size"
required="false" defaultValue="0">
+ <c:description>
+ The number of prepared statements per connection to be kept open and reused
in subsequent requests. They are
+ stored in an LRU cache. Set to 0 to disable the cache. The default is 0.
+ </c:description>
+ <c:constraint>
+ <c:integer-constraint minimum="0"/>
+ </c:constraint>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="query-timeout"
+ displayName="Query Timeout"
+ type="integer"
+ units="seconds"
+ required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Any configured query timeout in seconds. A value of 0 means no timeout. The
default is 0.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="rar-name" required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ The RAR deployment to associate with the connection manager MBean. e.g.
jms-ra.rar or
+ myapplication.ear#my.rar for nested rars.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="set-tx-query-timeout"
+ displayName="Set Tx Query Timeout"
+ type="boolean"
+ required="false"
+ defaultValue="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Whether to set the query timeout based on the time remaining until
transaction timeout;
+ any configured query timeout will be used if there is no transaction. The
default is No.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="share-prepared-statements"
displayName="Share Prepared Statements"
+ type="boolean"
+ required="false" defaultValue="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Should prepared statements be shared? The default is No.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="stale-connection-checker-class-name"
+ displayName="Stale Connection Checker Class Name"
+ type="string"
+ required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Fully qualified name of the Java class used to check if a connection has
become stale.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="track-statements" type="string"
+ displayName="Track Statements"
+ <c:description>
+ Whether to check for unclosed Statements and ResultSets when connections are
returned to the pool. The
+ default is "yes-no-warnings".
+ </c:description>
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option name="No" value="no"/>
+ <c:option name="Yes" value="yes"/>
+ <c:option name="Yes, but no warnings"
value="yes-no-warnings" default="true"/>
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="transaction-isolation"
+ description="The Transaction Isolation level. The default
setting is to use whichever isolation level is provided by default by the
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option value="TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED" name="Read
default="true" name="Read Committed"/>
name="Repeatable Read"/>
+ <c:option value="TRANSACTION_NONE" name="None"/>
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="url-delimiter" required="false">
+ <c:description>
+ Specifies the delimiter for URLs in connection-url for HA datasources.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="url-selector-strategy-class-name"
+ <c:description>
+ The fully qualified class name of a class that implements the
+ org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.URLSelectorStrategy interface.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="use-try-lock" type="long"
required="false" defaultValue="0">
+ <c:description>
+ Any configured timeout, in milliseconds, for internal locks on the resource
adapter objects. A value of 0
+ means no timeout. The default is 0.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="valid-connection-checker-class-name"
+ displayName="Valid Connection Checker Class Name"
+ <c:description>
+ Fully qualified name of the Java class used to validate if a connection is
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+<!ENTITY nonXaDatasourceConnectionResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:simple-property name="driver-class"
+ displayName="JDBC Driver Class"
+ description="The fully qualified name of the JDBC driver
+ type="string"
+ activationPolicy="immediate"/>
+ <c:simple-property name="connection-url"
+ displayName="Connection URL"
+ description="The JDBC driver URL string."
+ type="string"
+ activationPolicy="immediate"/>
+ <c:map-property name="connection-properties" required="false"
+ description="Arbitrary connection properties that should be
passed to the java.sql.Driver.connect(url, props) method."/>
+<!ENTITY nonXaDatasourceOracleTemplateProps '
+ <c:simple-property name="driver-class"
+ <c:simple-property name="connection-url"
+ <c:simple-property name="exception-sorter-class-name"
+ <c:simple-property name="check-valid-connection-sql"
default="SELECT * FROM DUAL"/>
+ <c:simple-property name="type-mapping"
+ <c:simple-property name="use-try-lock" default="60000"/>
+ <c:map-property name="metadata">
+ <c:simple-property name="typeMapping"
+ </c:map-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="type-mapping"
+ See:
+ -->
+<!ENTITY connectionFactoryConnectionResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:simple-property required="true" name="jndi-name"
displayName="JNDI Name"
+ description="The global JNDI name to bind the connection
factory under."/>
+ <c:simple-property required="true" name="rar-name"
displayName="RAR Name">
+ <c:description>
+ The name of the RAR file that contains the definition for the resource we
want to provide. For nested RAR
+ files, the name would look like myapplication.ear#my.rar.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property required="true"
+ <c:description>
+ The connection factory interface class. It should match the
connectionfactory-interface in the ra.xml file.
+ </c:description>
+ </c:simple-property>
+<!ENTITY connectionFactoryAdvancedResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:list-property required="false" name="config-property">
+ <c:description>
+ Properties to supply to the ManagedConnectionFactory (MCF) MBean service
+ </c:description>
+ <c:map-property name="config-property">
+ <c:simple-property name="name" description="The name of the
configuration property." />
+ <c:simple-property name="type" description="The type of the
configuration property.">
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.String"
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Boolean"/>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Integer"/>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Double"/>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Byte"/>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Short"/>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Long"/>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Float"/>
+ <c:option value="java.lang.Character"/>
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="value" required="false"
description="The value of the configuration property." />
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+<!ENTITY connectionFactoryMetrics '
+ <!-- Traits -->
+ <metric property="poolJndiName" displayType="summary"
displayName="Pool JNDI Name" defaultOn="true"
+ defaultInterval="600000" dataType="trait"
+ <!-- Numerics -->
+ <metric property="availableConnectionCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="summary"
+ displayName="Available Connection Count" description="Number
of available connections."
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="connectionCount" measurementType="dynamic"
+ displayName="Connection Count" defaultOn="true"
defaultInterval="60000" dataType="measurement"
+ category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="connectionCreatedCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ displayName="Connection Created Count" defaultOn="true"
+ dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="connectionDestroyedCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ displayName="Connection Destroyed Count" defaultOn="true"
+ dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="inUseConnectionCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ displayName="In Use Connection Count" description="Mumber of
connections currently in use."
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="maxConnectionsInUseCount"
measurementType="dynamic" displayType="detail"
+ displayName="Max Connections In Use Count"
description="Maximum number of maximum connections that have been in use."
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="maxSize" measurementType="dynamic"
displayType="detail" displayName="Max Size"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+ <metric property="minSize" measurementType="dynamic"
displayType="detail" displayName="Min Size"
+ defaultOn="true" defaultInterval="60000"
dataType="measurement" category="performance"/>
+<!-- These are the operations that both Topics and Queues have. -->
+<!ENTITY destinationOperations '
+ <operation name="removeAllMessages" displayName="Remove All
Messages" description="Remove all messages from the destination."/>
+ <operation name="start" displayName="Start"
description="Start the destination."/>
+ <operation name="stop" displayName="Stop"
description="Stop the destination."/>
+<!ENTITY deploymentResourceConfigProps '
+ <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false"
+ <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false"
+ <c:simple-property required="false" name="domain"/>
+ <c:simple-property required="false" name="excluded"/>
+ <c:simple-property required="false"
+ <c:simple-property required="false" name="exportAll">
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option name="all" value="ALL"/>
+ <c:option name="non-empty" value="NON_EMPTY"/>
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false"
+ <c:simple-property required="false" name="included"/>
+ <c:simple-property required="false" name="name"/>
+ <c:simple-property required="false" name="parentDomain"/>
+ <c:simple-property type="boolean" required="false"
+ <c:simple-property required="false" name="version"/>
+<!--<c:simple-property name="deployDirectory" type="string"
required="true" default="deploy"
+ description="Path of the directory where the EAR
should be deployed (e.g. "deploy" or "farm") - relative to the AS
configuration set directory (e.g. /opt/jboss-5.1.0.CR1/server/default)."/>-->
+<!ENTITY deploymentContentConfigProps '
+ <configuration>
+ <c:group name="deployment" displayName="Deployment
+ <c:simple-property name="deployExploded" type="boolean"
required="true" default="false"
+ description="Should the archive be deployed in
exploded form (i.e. as a directory)"/>
+ </c:group>
+ </configuration>
+<!ENTITY webApplicationMetrics '
+ <metric property="contextRoot"
+ dataType="trait" displayType="summary"
+ description="this context root of this WAR - used as a unique path
prefix for URLs corresponding to this WAR"/>
+ <metric property="virtualHosts"
+ dataType="trait" displayType="summary"
+ description="the virtual hosts to which this WAR is deployed"/>
+<!ENTITY webApplicationContextMetrics '
+ <metric property="virtualHost"
+ dataType="trait" displayType="summary"
+ description="the virtual host with which this context is
+ <!--
+ <metric property="responseTime"
+ dataType="calltime" defaultOn="false"
units="milliseconds" destinationType="URL"
+ description="the minimum, maximum, and average response times for
requests serviced by this webapp"/>
+ -->
+ <metric property="activeSessions"
+ displayName="Currently Active Sessions"
+ units="none" description="the number of sessions that are
currently active for this WAR" />
+ <metric property="maxActive" displayName="Maximum Active
+ units="none" description="the maximum number of sessions that
have been active for this WAR" />
+ <metric property="sessionCounter" displayName="Created
+ units="none" description="the number of sessions created for
this WAR"
+ measurementType="trendsup" />
+ <metric property="expiredSessions" displayName="Expired
+ units="none" description="the number of expired sessions for
this WAR"
+ measurementType="trendsup" />
+ <metric property="rejectedSessions" displayName="Rejected
+ units="none" description="the number of sessions rejected for
this WAR"
+ measurementType="trendsup" />
+ <metric property="sessionAverageAliveTime" displayName="Average
Session Alive Time"
+ units="seconds" description="the average alive time of sessions
for this WAR" />
+ <metric property="sessionMaxAliveTime" displayName="Max Session
Alive Time"
+ units="seconds" description="the maximum alive time of sessions
for this WAR" />
+ <metric property="Servlet.minimumResponseTime" displayName="Minimum
Response Time"
+ units="milliseconds"
+ description="the minimum response time for requests serviced by this
+ <metric property="Servlet.averageResponseTime" displayName="Average
Response Time"
+ units="milliseconds"
+ description="the average response time for requests serviced by this
+ <metric property="Servlet.maximumResponseTime" displayName="Maximum
Response Time"
+ units="milliseconds"
+ description="the maximum response time for requests serviced by this
+ <metric property="Servlet.totalResponseTime" displayName="Total
Response Time"
+ units="milliseconds" measurementType="trendsup"
+ description="the total response time for requests serviced by this
+ <metric property="Servlet.requestCount" displayName="Number of
Requests Serviced"
+ units="none" description="the number of requests serviced by
this WAR"
+ measurementType="trendsup" displayType="summary"/>
+ <metric property="Servlet.errorCount" displayName="Number of Error
+ units="none" description="the number of error responses sent by
this WAR"
+ measurementType="trendsup" displayType="summary"/>
+ <!--
+ ############################################# END OF XML ENTITIES
+ ###############################################
+ -->
<plugin name="TeiidPlugin" displayName="Teiid Plugin"
version="2.0.0" description="Supports management and monitoring of JBoss
@@ -449,12 +1200,11 @@
<c:simple-property name="sourceName"
displayName="Source Name" description="Source name for this
required="false" readOnly="true" />
- <c:simple-property name="translatorName"
- displayName="Translator Name"
description="Name of the translator"
- required="true" />
- <c:simple-property name="jndiName"
- displayName="Connection JNDI Name" description="JNDI name for this
- required="false" />
+ <c:simple-property name="translatorName"
+ displayName="Translator Name" description="Name of the
+ required="true" />
+ <c:simple-property name="jndiName" displayName="Connection JNDI
+ description="JNDI name for this connection" required="false"
<c:simple-property name="visibility"
displayName="Visible" description="Visibility of the model"
required="true" type="boolean">
@@ -465,6 +1215,20 @@
required="true" default="true" type="boolean"
+ <c:list-property name="multisourceModels"
+ description="The multi-source model sources for this VDB">
+ <c:map-property name="model">
+ <c:simple-property name="name" displayName="Name"
+ description="Name of the model" required="true" />
+ <c:simple-property name="sourceName"
+ displayName="Source Name" description="Source name for this
model" />
+ <c:simple-property name="jndiName"
+ displayName="Connector Binding JNDI Name" description="JNDI name
for this connector binding"
+ required="false" />
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
<c:list-property name="logicalModels" readOnly="true"
description="The logical models for this VDB">
<c:map-property name="model">
@@ -491,7 +1255,13 @@
+ </service>
+ <service name="Translators" description="Teiid Translators"
+ class="TranslatorComponent"
+ &translatorConfiguration;