Author: vhalbert(a)
Date: 2009-05-16 09:13:23 -0400 (Sat, 16 May 2009)
New Revision: 957
Teiid-580 - adding support for monitoring connector connection pools - this is the stats
class that will be responsibile for passing the info from the server to the client
(rev 0)
trunk/common-internal/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/common/stats/ 2009-05-16
13:13:23 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+package com.metamatrix.common.stats;
+public class ConnectionPoolStats implements Serializable {
+ public static final int NON_XA_POOL_TYPE = 0;
+ public static final int XA_POOL_TYPE = 1;
+ /**
+ * @since 6.1
+ */
+ private static final long serialVersionUID = -2341549955193216875L;
+ /**
+ * This will the name of the connector binding
+ */
+ private String connectorBindingName;
+ /**
+ * This will be identifier used in the registry to identify the connector
+ * binding and in which host and process that it's running in
+ */
+ private String connectorBindingIdentifier;
+ private int poolType;
+ // current state
+ /**
+ * Number of connections currently in use by a client
+ */
+ private int connectionInUse;
+ /**
+ * Number of connections waiting for use by a client
+ */
+ private int connectionsWaiting;
+ /**
+ * Total number of connections currently in the pool
+ */
+ private int totalConnections;
+ // total counts never reset
+ /**
+ * Total number of connections that have been destroyed since the inception of the pool
+ */
+ private int connectionsDestroyed;
+ /**
+ * Total number of connections that have been created since the inception of the pool
+ */
+ private int connectionsCreated;
+ /**
+ * Constructor for ConnectionPoolStats
+ * @param poolType is the connection pool type {@link #NON_XA_POOL_TYPE} or {@link
+ */
+ public ConnectionPoolStats(int poolType) {
+ this.poolType = poolType;
+ }
+ public boolean isXAPoolType() {
+ return (this.poolType==1?true:false);
+ }
+ public String getConnectorBindingName() {
+ return connectorBindingName;
+ }
+ public void setConnectorBindingName(String bindingName) {
+ this.connectorBindingName = bindingName;
+ }
+ public String getConnectorBindingIdentifier() {
+ return connectorBindingIdentifier;
+ }
+ public void setConnectorBindingIdentifier(String identifier) {
+ this.connectorBindingIdentifier = identifier;
+ }
+ public int getConnectionsInuse() {
+ return this.connectionInUse;
+ }
+ public int getConnectionsWaiting() {
+ return this.connectionsWaiting;
+ }
+ public long getConnectionsCreated() {
+ return this.connectionsCreated;
+ }
+ public long getConnectionsDestroyed() {
+ return this.connectionsDestroyed;
+ }
+ public int getTotalConnections() {
+ return this.totalConnections;
+ }
+ public void setConnectionsInUse(int inUseConnections) {
+ this.connectionInUse = inUseConnections;
+ }
+ public void setConnectionsWaiting(int waitingConnections) {
+ this.connectionsWaiting = waitingConnections;
+ }
+ public void setTotalConnections(int totalConnections) {
+ this.totalConnections = totalConnections;
+ }
+ public void setConnectionsDestroyed(int connectionsDestroyed) {
+ this.connectionsDestroyed = connectionsDestroyed;
+ }
+ public void setConnectionsCreated(int connectionsCreated) {
+ this.connectionsCreated = connectionsCreated;
+ }
+ @Override
+ /**
+ * Get string for display purposes
+ * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
+ * @since 6.1
+ */
+ public String toString() {
+ StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
+ str.append(this.connectorBindingIdentifier + "
ConnectionPoolStats:\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ str.append("\tisXAPoolType = " + isXAPoolType()); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ str.append("\ttotalConnections = " + this.totalConnections);
+ str.append("\tinUseConnections = " + this.connectionInUse);
+ str.append("\twaitingConnections = " + connectionsWaiting);
+ str.append("\tconnectionsCreated = " + connectionsCreated);
+ str.append("\tconnectionsDestroyed = " + connectionsDestroyed);
+ return str.toString();
+ }
Property changes on:
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain
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