Author: vhalbert(a)
Date: 2009-04-26 22:01:23 -0400 (Sun, 26 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 844
TEIID 323 - on the deployment panel don't show the services/connectors in the tree
node below the process.
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/ui/views/deploy/ 2009-04-24
20:16:30 UTC (rev 843)
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/ui/views/deploy/ 2009-04-27
02:01:23 UTC (rev 844)
@@ -108,24 +108,10 @@
- private static final String NO_PSC =
- DeployPkgUtils.getString("drp.nodeployedpsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$
+// private static final String NO_PSC =
+// DeployPkgUtils.getString("drp.nodeployedpsc"); //$NON-NLS-1$
-// private static /*final*/ String[] SVC_HDRS;
-// private static final int SVC_COL = 0;
-// private static final int ENABLED_COL = 1;
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// static {
-// SVC_HDRS = new String[2];
-// SVC_HDRS[SVC_COL] = DeployPkgUtils.getString("drp.service.hdr");
-// SVC_HDRS[ENABLED_COL] = DeployPkgUtils.getString("drp.enabled.hdr");
-// }
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
@@ -602,18 +588,6 @@
// populate PSC column
-// Collection pscs = getConfigurationManager().getDeployedPscs(process);
-// if (pscs != null) {
-// Iterator pscItr = pscs.iterator();
-// while (pscItr.hasNext()) {
-// ProductServiceConfig psc = (ProductServiceConfig);
-// ProductType product = BasicProductType.PRODUCT_TYPE;
-// // getConfigurationManager().getProduct(psc);
-// //tblModel.setValueAt(psc, findProductRow(product), PSC_COL);
-// prodRowMap.put(product, psc);
-// }
-// }
catch (Exception theException) {
@@ -654,14 +628,6 @@
-// public void setMMLEnabled(boolean theEnableFlag) {
-// pnlProps.setReadOnlyForced(!theEnableFlag);
-// pnlProps.refreshDisplay();
-// if (!theEnableFlag) {
-// tblPscs.editingStopped(new ChangeEvent(this));
-// }
-// }
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/ui/views/deploy/model/ 2009-04-24
20:16:30 UTC (rev 843)
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/ui/views/deploy/model/ 2009-04-27
02:01:23 UTC (rev 844)
@@ -71,9 +71,6 @@
public static final String DEPLOYMENTS_HDR =
DeployPkgUtils.getString("dtm.deploymentshdrnode"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- /** The text of all the PSC definitions header nodes. */
-// public static final String PSC_DEFS_HDR =
-// DeployPkgUtils.getString("dtm.pscdefshdrnode"); //$NON-NLS-1$
@@ -82,26 +79,9 @@
//key=object, value=DefaultTreeNode
private HashMap objNodeMap = new HashMap();
- //key=ConfigurationID, value=DefaultTreeNode for Deployments Header
-// private HashMap configDeployHdrMap = new HashMap();
- //key=ConfigurationID, value=DefaultTreeNode for PSC Definitions Header
- // private HashMap configPscDefHdrMap = new HashMap();
//key=hostID, value=HashMap (key=ConfigurationID, value=node-HostWrapper as content)
private HashMap hostConfigMap = new HashMap();
- //key=ComponentTypeID of product, value=HashMap (key=ConfigurationID,
-// private HashMap prodConfigMap = new HashMap();
- // deployed pscs
- //key=VMComponentDefnID, value=(key=ProductServiceConfig ID,value=node-PscWrapper)
- // private HashMap procPscMap = new HashMap();
- // psc defns
- //key=ProductServiceConfigID, value=(key=ConfigurationID, value=node-PscWrapper)
- private HashMap pscConfigMap = new HashMap();
/** The root node. This node will not be shown. */
private DefaultTreeNode root;
@@ -135,12 +115,12 @@
VMComponentDefn vm =;
this.addDeployedProcess(vm, h, theConfig, false);
- Collection svcs = theConfig.getDeployedServicesForVM(vm);
- for (Iterator<DeployedComponent> svcit=svcs.iterator();
svcit.hasNext();) {
- DeployedComponent dep =;
- this.addDeployedService(dep, vm, h, theConfig, false);
- }
+// Collection svcs = theConfig.getDeployedServicesForVM(vm);
+// for (Iterator<DeployedComponent> svcit=svcs.iterator();
svcit.hasNext();) {
+// DeployedComponent dep =;
+// this.addDeployedService(dep, vm, h, theConfig, false);
+// }
@@ -160,16 +140,6 @@
// create configuration node
SortableChildrenNode configNode = createNode(theConfig, root);
- // add deployments header
-// SortableChildrenNode deployHdrNode = new SortableChildrenNode(DEPLOYMENTS_HDR,
-// configNode.addChild(deployHdrNode);
-// configDeployHdrMap.put(theConfig.getID(), deployHdrNode);
- // add psc defs header
-// SortableChildrenNode pscDefsHdrNode = new SortableChildrenNode(PSC_DEFS_HDR,
-// configNode.addChild(pscDefsHdrNode);
-// configPscDefHdrMap.put(theConfig.getID(), pscDefsHdrNode);
// notify tree model listeners
if (fireevent) {
ConfigurationTreeModelEvent event =
@@ -208,8 +178,6 @@
private void addDeloyedHost(Host theHost, Configuration theConfig, boolean fireevent)
DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
-// DefaultTreeNode deployHdrNode =
-// (DefaultTreeNode)configDeployHdrMap.get(theConfig.getID());
DefaultTreeNode hostNode =
createHostNode(theHost, theConfig, configNode);
HashMap map = (HashMap)hostConfigMap.get(theHost.getID());
@@ -268,106 +236,6 @@
- * Adds a deployed PSC node to the model.
- *
- * @param thePsc the user object of the deployed PSC node being created
- * @param theProcess the user object of the new node's process ancestor node
- * @param theHost the user object of the new node's host ancestor node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the new node's configuration ancestor
- * node
- */
-// public void addDeployedPsc(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// VMComponentDefn theProcess,
-// Host theHost,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// // event fired by the createPscNode method
-// createPscNode(thePsc, theProcess, theHost, theConfig);
-// }
- /**
- * Adds a deployed service node to the model.
- * @param theService the user object of the deployed service node being
- * created
- * @param thePsc the user object of the new node's deployed PSC ancestor node
- * @param theProcess the user object of the new node's process ancestor node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the new node's configuration ancestor
- * node
- */
-// public void addDeployedService(
-// DeployedComponent theService,
-// VMComponentDefn theProcess,
-// Host theHost,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// DefaultTreeNode pscNode = getPscNode(thePsc, theProcess);
-// DefaultTreeNode serviceNode = createNode(theService, pscNode);
-// DefaultTreeNode processNode = serviceNode.getParent();
-// DefaultTreeNode hostNode = processNode.getParent();
-// DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
-// // notify tree model listeners
-// ConfigurationTreeModelEvent event =
-// new ConfigurationTreeModelEvent(ConfigurationTreeModelEvent.NEW,
-// serviceNode,
-// configNode,
-// new DefaultTreeNode[] {pscNode,
-// processNode,
-// hostNode,
-// configNode});
-// fireConfigurationChange(event);
-// }
- /**
- * Adds a product node to the model.
- * @param theProduct the user object of the product node being created
- * @param theConfig the user object of the new node's configuration
- * ancestor node
- */
-// private void addProduct(
-// ProductType theProduct,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
-// DefaultTreeNode pscDefHdrNode =
-// (DefaultTreeNode)configPscDefHdrMap.get(theConfig.getID());
-// DefaultTreeNode productNode = createNode(theProduct, pscDefHdrNode);
-// HashMap map = (HashMap)prodConfigMap.get(theProduct.getID());
-// if (map == null) {
-// // has no PSCs for any config
-// map = new HashMap();
-// prodConfigMap.put(theProduct.getID(), map);
-// }
-// map.put(theConfig.getID(), productNode);
-// // notify tree model listeners
-// ConfigurationTreeModelEvent event =
-// new ConfigurationTreeModelEvent(ConfigurationTreeModelEvent.NEW,
-// productNode,
-// configNode,
-// new DefaultTreeNode[] {configNode});
-// fireConfigurationChange(event);
-// }
- /**
- * Adds a PSC definition node to the model.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the PSC definition node being created
- * @param theProduct the user object of the new node's product ancestor node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the new node's configuration
- * ancestor node
- */
-// public void addPscDefn(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// ProductType theProduct,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// // event fired by the createPscNode method
-// createPscNode(thePsc, theProduct, theConfig);
-// }
- /**
* Adds a service definition node to the model.
* @param theService the user object of the deployed service definition node
* being created
@@ -392,13 +260,11 @@
Configuration theConfig,
boolean fireevent) {
- // DefaultTreeNode pscNode = getPscNode(thePsc, theConfig);
DefaultTreeNode processNode = getUserObjectNode(theProcess);
DefaultTreeNode serviceNode = createNode(theService, processNode);
DefaultTreeNode hostNode = getHostNode(theHost, theConfig);
-// DefaultTreeNode productNode = serviceNode.getParent();
DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
// notify tree model listeners
@@ -436,20 +302,12 @@
-// else if (theEvent.isPscDefinitionChange()) {
-// addPscDefn(theEvent.getPscDefinition(),
-// theEvent.getProduct(),
-// config);
+// else if (theEvent.isDeployedServiceChange()) {
+// addDeployedService(theEvent.getDeployedService(),
+// theEvent.getProcess(),
+// theEvent.getHost(),
+// config);
// }
- else if (theEvent.isDeployedServiceChange()) {
- addDeployedService(theEvent.getDeployedService(),
- theEvent.getProcess(),
- theEvent.getHost(),
- config);
- }
-// else if (theEvent.isProductChange()) {
-// addProduct(theEvent.getProduct(), config);
-// }
else if (theEvent.isDeleted()) {
if (theEvent.isHostChange()) {
@@ -460,17 +318,12 @@
-// else if (theEvent.isPscDefinitionChange()) {
-// deletePscDefintion(theEvent.getPscDefinition(),
-// theEvent.getProduct(),
-// config);
-// }
- else if (theEvent.isDeployedServiceChange()) {
- deleteDeployedService(theEvent.getDeployedService(),
- theEvent.getProcess(),
- theEvent.getHost(),
- theEvent.getConfiguration());
- }
+// else if (theEvent.isDeployedServiceChange()) {
+// deleteDeployedService(theEvent.getDeployedService(),
+// theEvent.getProcess(),
+// theEvent.getHost(),
+// theEvent.getConfiguration());
+// }
else if (theEvent.isModified()) {
if (theEvent.isHostChange()) {
@@ -528,87 +381,8 @@
return createNode(wrap, theParent);
- /**
- * Creates a PSC tree node used for PSC definitions.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the new node
- * @param theProduct the user object of the new node's parent node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the new node's configuration node
- */
-// private void createPscNode(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// ProductType theProduct,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// PscWrapper wrapper = new PscWrapper(thePsc, theConfig);
-// HashMap map = (HashMap)prodConfigMap.get(theProduct.getID());
-// DefaultTreeNode productNode =
-// (DefaultTreeNode)map.get(theConfig.getID());
-// DefaultTreeNode pscNode = createNode(wrapper, productNode);
-// DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
-// map = (HashMap)pscConfigMap.get(thePsc.getID());
-// if (map == null) {
-// // new psc
-// map = new HashMap();
-// pscConfigMap.put(thePsc.getID(), map);
-// }
-// map.put(theConfig.getID(), pscNode);
-// // notify tree model listeners
-// ConfigurationTreeModelEvent event =
-// new ConfigurationTreeModelEvent(ConfigurationTreeModelEvent.NEW,
-// pscNode,
-// configNode,
-// new DefaultTreeNode[] {productNode,
-// configNode});
-// fireConfigurationChange(event);
-// }
- * Creates a PSC tree node used for deployed PSCs.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the new node
- * @param theProcess the user object of the new node's parent node
- * @param theHost the user object of the new node's host ancestor node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the new node's configuration ancestor
- * node
- */
-// private void createPscNode(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// VMComponentDefn theProcess,
-// Host theHost,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// PscWrapper wrapper = new PscWrapper(thePsc, theProcess);
-// DefaultTreeNode processNode = getUserObjectNode(theProcess);
-// if (processNode == null) {
-// return;
-// }
-// DefaultTreeNode pscNode = createNode(wrapper, processNode);
-// DefaultTreeNode hostNode = pscNode.getParent();
-// DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
-// HashMap map = (HashMap)procPscMap.get(theProcess.getID());
-// if (map == null) {
-// // process doesn't have any PSCs yet
-// map = new HashMap();
-// procPscMap.put(theProcess.getID(), map);
-// }
-// map.put(thePsc.getID(), pscNode);
-// // notify tree model listeners
-// ConfigurationTreeModelEvent event =
-// new ConfigurationTreeModelEvent(ConfigurationTreeModelEvent.NEW,
-// pscNode,
-// configNode,
-// new DefaultTreeNode[] {processNode,
-// hostNode,
-// configNode});
-// fireConfigurationChange(event);
-// }
- /**
* Deletes a host node from the model.
* @param theHost the user object of the host node being deleted
* @param theConfig the user object of the deleted node's configuration
@@ -664,70 +438,8 @@
- * Deletes a deployed Deployed Service node from the model.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the deployed PSC node being created
- * @param theProcess the user object of the deleted node's process
- * ancestor node
- * @param theHost the user object of the deleted node's host ancestor node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the deleted node's configuration
- * ancestor node
- */
- public void deleteDeployedService(
- DeployedComponent theService,
- VMComponentDefn theProcess,
- Host theHost,
- Configuration theConfig) {
- DefaultTreeNode serviceNode = getUserObjectNode(theService);
- DefaultTreeNode processNode = serviceNode.getParent();
- DefaultTreeNode hostNode = processNode.getParent();
- DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
- // notify tree model listeners
- ConfigurationTreeModelEvent event =
- new ConfigurationTreeModelEvent(ConfigurationTreeModelEvent.DELETED,
- serviceNode,
- configNode,
- new DefaultTreeNode[] {processNode,
- hostNode,
- configNode});
- fireConfigurationChange(event);
- }
- /**
- * Deletes a PSC definition node from the model.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the PSC definition node being deleted
- * @param theProduct the user object of the deleted node's product
- * ancestor node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the deleted node's configuration
- * ancestor node
- */
-// public void deletePscDefintion(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// ProductType theProduct,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// DefaultTreeNode pscNode = getPscNode(thePsc, theConfig);
-// DefaultTreeNode productNode = pscNode.getParent();
-// DefaultTreeNode configNode = getUserObjectNode(theConfig);
-// // delete from model
-// removeUserObject(pscNode.getContent());
-// // notify tree model listeners
-// ConfigurationTreeModelEvent event =
-// new ConfigurationTreeModelEvent(ConfigurationTreeModelEvent.DELETED,
-// pscNode,
-// configNode,
-// new DefaultTreeNode[] {productNode,
-// configNode});
-// fireConfigurationChange(event);
-// }
- /**
* Notifies all registered {@link ConfigurationChangeListener}s that the
* tree model has changed.
* @param theEvent the event being sent to the listeners
@@ -743,16 +455,8 @@
- * Gets the deployments header node for the given configuration.
- * @param theConfig the configuration whose header node is being requested
- * @return the deployments header node
- */
-// public DefaultTreeNode getDeploymentsHeaderNode(Configuration theConfig) {
-// return (DefaultTreeNode)configDeployHdrMap.get(theConfig.getID());
-// }
- /**
* Gets the host node of the given configuration.
* May return null if <code>theHost</code> is null.
* @param theHost the host whose node is being requested
@@ -772,43 +476,6 @@
- * Gets the PSC definitions header node for the given configuration.
- * @param theConfig the configuration whose header node is being requested
- * @return the PSC definitions header node
- */
-// public DefaultTreeNode getPscDefinitionsHeaderNode(Configuration theConfig) {
-// return (DefaultTreeNode)configPscDefHdrMap.get(theConfig.getID());
-// }
- /**
- * Gets the requested PSC definition node.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the PSC definition node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the PSC definition node's configuration
- * ancestor node
- */
-// public DefaultTreeNode getPscNode(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// HashMap map = (HashMap)pscConfigMap.get(thePsc.getID());
-// return (DefaultTreeNode)map.get(theConfig.getID());
-// }
- /**
- * Gets the requested deployed PSC node.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the deployed PSC node
- * @param theProcess the user object of the deployed PSC node's process
- * ancestor node
- */
-// public DefaultTreeNode getPscNode(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// VMComponentDefn theProcess) {
-// HashMap map = (HashMap)procPscMap.get(theProcess.getID());
-// return (DefaultTreeNode)map.get(thePsc.getID());
-// }
- /**
* Gets the requested user object's node.
* @param theUserObject the user object whose node is being requested
* @return the requested user object's node
@@ -826,31 +493,10 @@
public boolean isHeaderNode(DefaultTreeNode theNode) {
return (theNode == root);
- // return (isDeploymentsHeaderNode(theNode));
-// || isPscDefinitionsHeaderNode(theNode));
- }
+ }
- /**
- * Indicates if the given node is a deployments header node.
- * @param theNode the node being checked
- * @return <code>true</code> if the node is a deployments header node;
- * <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
-// public boolean isDeploymentsHeaderNode(DefaultTreeNode theNode) {
-// return configDeployHdrMap.containsValue(theNode);
-// }
- * Indicates if the given node is a PSC definitions header node.
- * @param theNode the node being checked
- * @return <code>true</code> if the node is a PSC definitions header
- * <code>false</code> otherwise.
- */
-// public boolean isPscDefinitionsHeaderNode(DefaultTreeNode theNode) {
-// return configPscDefHdrMap.containsValue(theNode);
-// }
- /**
* Modifies a deployed host node in the model.
* @param theProcess the user object of the node being modified
* @param theHost the user object of the modified node's host ancestor node
@@ -894,21 +540,6 @@
- /**
- * Modifies a PSC definitions node in the model.
- * @param thePsc the user object of the node being modified
- * @param theProduct the user object of the modified node's product
- * ancestor node
- * @param theConfig the user object of the modified node's configuration
- * ancestor node
- */
-// public void modifyPscDefinition(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// ProductType theProduct,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// // not sure if anything needs to be done here
-// }
* Modifies a service definitions node in the model.
@@ -953,12 +584,7 @@
public void refresh() {
- // configDeployHdrMap.clear();
- // configPscDefHdrMap.clear();
- // prodConfigMap.clear();
- // procPscMap.clear();
- pscConfigMap.clear();
fireModelChangedEvent(this, root);
@@ -994,142 +620,6 @@
// PscWrapper INNER CLASS
- /**
- * The <code>PscWrapper</code> class wraps a {@link ProductServiceConfig}
- * that PSC definitions and deployed PSCs can be distinguished.
- */
-// public class PscWrapper {
-// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// // FIELDS
-// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// private ProductServiceConfig psc;
-// private VMComponentDefn proc;
-// private Configuration config;
-// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// /**
-// * Constructs a <code>PscWrapper</code> that wraps a deployed PSC.
-// * @param thePsc the user object of the deployed PSC
-// * @param theProcess the user object of the deployed PSC's process
-// */
-// public PscWrapper(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// VMComponentDefn theProcess) {
-// psc = thePsc;
-// proc = theProcess;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Constructs a <code>PscWrapper</code> that wraps a PSC
-// * @param thePsc the user object of the deployed PSC
-// * @param theConfig the user object of the deployed PSC's configuration
-// */
-// public PscWrapper(
-// ProductServiceConfig thePsc,
-// Configuration theConfig) {
-// psc = thePsc;
-// config = theConfig;
-// }
-// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// // METHODS
-// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-// /**
-// * Indicates if the given input parameter is equal to this object.
-// * @param theObject the object being compared
-// * @return <code>true</code> if equal;
<code>false</code> otherwise.
-// */
-// public boolean equals(Object theObject) {
-// if (theObject instanceof PscWrapper) {
-// PscWrapper otherObj = (PscWrapper)theObject;
-// if (psc.equals(otherObj.getPsc())) {
-// if (isDefinition() == otherObj.isDefinition()) {
-// if (isDefinition()) {
-// return (config.equals(otherObj.getConfig()));
-// }
-// return (proc.equals(otherObj.getProcess()));
-// }
-// }
-// return false;
-// }
-// return false;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Gets the associated configuration. Only used if wrapping a PSC
-// * definition.
-// * @return the associated configuration of the PSC definition or
-// * <code>null</code> if wrapping a deployed PSC.
-// */
-// public Configuration getConfig() {
-// return config;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Gets the associated process. Only used if wrapping a deployed PSC.
-// * @return the associated process of the deployed PSC or
-// * <code>null</code> if wrapping a PSC definition.
-// */
-// public VMComponentDefn getProcess() {
-// return proc;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Gets the wrapped PSC object.
-// * @return the wrapped PSC object
-// */
-// public ProductServiceConfig getPsc() {
-// return psc;
-// }
-// /**
-// * Indicates if this object wraps a PSC definition.
-// * @return <code>true</code> if this object wraps a PSC
-// * <code>false</code> otherwise.
-// */
-// public boolean isDefinition() {
-// return (config != null);
-// }
-// /**
-// * Indicates if this object wraps a deployed PSC.
-// * @return <code>true</code> if this object wraps a deployed PSC;
-// * <code>false</code> otherwise.
-// */
-// public boolean isDeployed() {
-// return (proc != null);
-// }
-// /**
-// * Gets a hash code value.
-// * @return a hash code value
-// */
-// public int hashCode() {
-// int result = psc.hashCode();
-// if (isDefinition()) {
-// return result + config.hashCode();
-// }
-// return result + proc.hashCode();
-// }
-// /**
-// * Gets this object's string representation which is it's associated
-// * {@link ProductServiceConfig}'s <code>toString</code>.
-// * @return the string representation
-// */
-// public String toString() {
-// return psc.toString();
-// }
-// }
// HostWrapper INNER CLASS