Author: shawkins
Date: 2009-04-01 17:41:45 -0400 (Wed, 01 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 689
removing multiple runtime exception
trunk/common-core/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/api/exception/ 2009-04-01
21:08:15 UTC (rev 688)
trunk/common-core/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/api/exception/ 2009-04-01
21:41:45 UTC (rev 689)
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
- * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
- * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed
- * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-package com.metamatrix.api.exception;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
- * MultipleRuntimeException is intended for situations where multiple, unrelated
Throwables need to be thrown as a single
- * RuntimeException. This is useful, for example, when an Exception is thrown in both
the try and finally portions of a try-
- * finally block. The Throwables are maintained within a list to allow them to be
ordered by level of importance, with the first
- * Throwable having the highest importance.
- * @since 2.1
- */
-public class MultipleRuntimeException extends RuntimeException
-implements Serializable {
- //# Variables
- private List throwables;
- private String code;
- //# Constructors
- /**
- * Constructs an instance of this class with no message, a zero error code, and no
- * @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException() {
- this(null, null, (List)null);
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with the specified message, a zero error code,
and no Throwables.
- @param message The message describing this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final String message) {
- this(message, null, (List)null);
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with no message, a zero error code, and the
specified set of Throwables.
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final List throwables) {
- this(null, null, throwables);
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with no message, a zero error code, and the
specified set of Throwables.
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final Throwable[] throwables) {
- this(null, null, Arrays.asList(throwables));
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with the specified message, the specified error
code, and no Throwables.
- @param message The message describing this Exception
- @param code The error code associated with this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final String message, final String code) {
- this(message, code, (List)null);
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with the specified message, a zero error code,
and the specified set of Throwables.
- @param message The message describing this Exception
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final String message, final List throwables) {
- this(message, null, throwables);
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with the specified message, a zero error code,
and the specified set of Throwables.
- @param message The message describing this Exception
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final String message, final Throwable[] throwables)
- this(message, null, Arrays.asList(throwables));
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with the specified message, the specified error
code, and the specified set of
- Throwables.
- @param message The message describing this Exception
- @param code The error code associated with this Exception
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final String message, final String code, final
Throwable[] throwables) {
- this(message, code, Arrays.asList(throwables));
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with the specified message, the specified error
code, and the specified set of
- Throwables.
- @param message The message describing this Exception
- @param code The error code associated with this Exception
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public MultipleRuntimeException(final String message, final String code, final List
throwables) {
- super(message);
- constructMultipleRuntimeException(code, throwables);
- }
- //# Methods
- /**
- Adds the specified Throwable to the list of Throwables that comprise this Exception.
- @param throwable The Throwable
- @since 2.1
- */
- public void addThrowable(final Throwable throwable) {
- addThrowable(throwable, throwables.size());
- }
- /**
- Adds the specified Throwable to the list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
at the specified index.
- @param throwable The Throwable
- @param index The index within the list of Throwables at which the Throwable should
be added
- @since 2.1
- */
- public void addThrowable(final Throwable throwable, final int index) {
- if (throwable == null) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("throwable param cannot be
null"); //$NON-NLS-1$
- }
- if (index < 0) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("index cannot be negative");
- }
- throwables.add(index, throwable);
- }
- /**
- Constructs an instance of this class with the specified error code and the specified
set of Throwables.
- @param code The error code associated with this Exception
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- protected void constructMultipleRuntimeException(final String code, final List
throwables) {
- setCode(code);
- setThrowables(throwables);
- }
- /**
- Returns the error code associated with this Exception.
- @return The error code
- @since 2.1
- */
- public String getCode() {
- return code;
- }
- /**
- Returns the list of Throwables that comprise this Exception (Guaranteed not to be
- @return The list of Throwables
- @since 2.1
- */
- public List getThrowables() {
- return throwables;
- }
- /**
- Sets the error code associated with this Exception.
- @param code The error code associated with this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public void setCode(final String code) {
- this.code = code;
- }
- /**
- Sets the list of Throwables that comprise this Exception.
- @param throwables The list of Throwables that comprise this Exception
- @since 2.1
- */
- public void setThrowables(final List throwables) {
- // Could iterate through the list to assert each entry is a Throwable...?
- if (throwables == null) {
- this.throwables = new ArrayList();
- } else {
- this.throwables = throwables;
- }
- }
- /**
- Overridden to return the concatentation of the toString() results from each of the
Throwables within this Exception.
- @since 2.1
- @return the string representation
- */
- public String toString() {
- final StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- final Iterator iter = throwables.iterator();
- while (iter.hasNext()) {
- buf.append(;
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
Modified: trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/ui/dialog/
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/ui/dialog/ 2009-04-01
21:08:15 UTC (rev 688)
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/ui/dialog/ 2009-04-01
21:41:45 UTC (rev 689)
@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@
import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MetaMatrixException;
import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MultipleException;
-import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MultipleRuntimeException;
import com.metamatrix.common.tree.TreeNode;
@@ -547,10 +546,6 @@
for (Iterator iter =
((MultipleException)throwable).getExceptions().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
result = parseThrowable((Throwable), depth+1);
- } else if (throwable instanceof MultipleRuntimeException) {
- for (Iterator iter =
((MultipleRuntimeException)throwable).getThrowables().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- result = parseThrowable((Throwable), depth+1);
- }
} else if (throwable instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
result =
parseThrowable(((InvocationTargetException)throwable).getTargetException(), depth+1);
Modified: trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/util/
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/util/ 2009-04-01
21:08:15 UTC (rev 688)
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/console/util/ 2009-04-01
21:41:45 UTC (rev 689)
@@ -32,11 +32,10 @@
import com.metamatrix.api.exception.ComponentNotFoundException;
import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MetaMatrixException;
import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MultipleException;
-import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MultipleRuntimeException;
import com.metamatrix.common.application.exception.ApplicationInitializationException;
-import com.metamatrix.console.ConsolePlugin;
+import com.metamatrix.console.ConsolePlugin;
import com.metamatrix.console.ui.ViewManager;
import com.metamatrix.console.ui.dialog.ErrorDialog;
import com.metamatrix.core.MetaMatrixCoreException;
@@ -553,10 +552,6 @@
for (Iterator iter =
((MultipleException)throwable).getExceptions().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
result = unRollException((Throwable);
- } else if (throwable instanceof MultipleRuntimeException) {
- for (Iterator iter =
((MultipleRuntimeException)throwable).getThrowables().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- result = unRollException((Throwable);
- }
} else if (throwable instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
result =
Deleted: trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/toolbox/ui/widget/
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/toolbox/ui/widget/ 2009-04-01
21:08:15 UTC (rev 688)
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/toolbox/ui/widget/ 2009-04-01
21:41:45 UTC (rev 689)
@@ -1,720 +0,0 @@
- * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
- * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information
- * regarding copyright ownership. Some portions may be licensed
- * to Red Hat, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
- * 02110-1301 USA.
- */
-package com.metamatrix.toolbox.ui.widget;
-import java.awt.BorderLayout;
-import java.awt.Dialog;
-import java.awt.Dimension;
-import java.awt.FlowLayout;
-import java.awt.Font;
-import java.awt.Frame;
-import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;
-import java.awt.GridBagLayout;
-import java.awt.GridLayout;
-import java.awt.Insets;
-import java.awt.Toolkit;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
-import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import javax.swing.*;
-import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MetaMatrixException;
-import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MultipleException;
-import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MultipleRuntimeException;
-import com.metamatrix.common.tree.TreeNode;
-import com.metamatrix.core.MetaMatrixRuntimeException;
- * @since 2.0
- * @version 2.1
- */
-public class ErrorDialog extends JDialog {
-// private static String sDirectoryName = null;
- private static boolean displayLastException = false;
-// private static final int MAX_EXCEPTION_MSG_LENGTH = 200;
-// private static final int MAX_EXCEPTION_TYPE_LENGTH = 35;
-// private static final String OUT_LOG_FILE_PROP_NAME =
- /**
- * sets a static property that controls how ErrorDialogs generated henceforth will
- * default to showing either the first or last exception in a chain of exceptions.
- * The default is to show the first.
- * @param showLast if true, ErrorDialog will initialize to show the last exception
- * in a chain.
- */
- public static void setDisplayLastException(boolean showLast) {
- displayLastException = showLast;
- }
- private final int ERROR_DIALOG_WIDTH = 400;
- private final int ERROR_DIALOG_HEIGHT_H = 150;
- private final int WHOLE_DIALOG_HEIGHT_H = 500;
- private int WHOLE_DIALOG_HEIGHT_W;
-// private final int LINE_BREAK_MEASURE = 270;
- private boolean detailsPressed = false;
- private ButtonWidget detailsButton = new ButtonWidget("Show Details");
- private ButtonWidget okButton = new ButtonWidget("OK");
-// private Hashtable severityTable = new Hashtable(4);
-// private JScrollPane jScrollPane;
- private JPanel upperPanel;
- private JPanel outerPanel;
- private JPanel lowerPanel;
- private String detailsText;
- private JPanel buttonPanel;
-// private JPanel bPositionPanel;
- private ButtonWidget saveButton = new ButtonWidget("Save Details to
-// private Dimension minimumSize = new Dimension(300, 180);
- private LabelWidget msgLabel;
- private JTextArea msgArea ;
- private JPanel linePanel;
- private JPanel excMsgPanel;
- private GridBagLayout excMsgLayout;
- private int rowCount;
- private LabelWidget detailLabel;
- private JTextArea detailArea;
- private JScrollPane scrollPane;
- private Font font;
- private LabelWidget excepLabel;
- private JComboBox excepField;
- private GridBagLayout lowerPanelLayout;
- private GridBagLayout outerPanelLayout;
- private LabelWidget statementArea;
- private JPanel stateReasonPanel;
- private JTextArea reasonArea;
- private JPanel outterButtonPanel;
- private boolean savesLastFileLoc;
- private List throwables;
- private List throwableNames;
- public ErrorDialog(Frame owner,
- String title,
- String statement,
- String reason)
- {
- super(owner, MessagePanel.ERROR_TITLE, true);
- detailsButton.setEnabled(false);
- createComponent(title, statement, reason, null, null, null);
- setLocationRelativeTo(owner);
- }
- public ErrorDialog(Frame owner,
- String title,
- String statement,
- String reason,
- Throwable exception)
- {
- super(owner, MessagePanel.ERROR_TITLE, true);
- createComponent(title, statement, reason, exception,
- null, null);
- setLocationRelativeTo(owner);
- }
- public ErrorDialog(Frame owner,
- String title,
- String statement,
- String reason,
- String detailedMessage,
- String details)
- {
- super(owner, MessagePanel.ERROR_TITLE, true);
- createComponent(title, statement, reason, null, detailedMessage,
- details);
- setLocationRelativeTo(owner);
- }
- public ErrorDialog(Dialog owner,
- String title,
- String statement,
- String reason)
- {
- super(owner, MessagePanel.ERROR_TITLE, true);
- detailsButton.setEnabled(false);
- createComponent(title, statement, reason, null, null, null);
- setLocationRelativeTo(owner);
- }
- public ErrorDialog(Dialog owner,
- String title,
- String statement,
- String reason,
- Throwable exception)
- {
- super(owner, MessagePanel.ERROR_TITLE, true);
- createComponent(title, statement, reason, exception,
- null, null);
- setLocationRelativeTo(owner);
- }
- public ErrorDialog(Dialog owner,
- String title,
- String statement,
- String reason,
- String detailedMessage,
- String details)
- {
- super(owner, MessagePanel.ERROR_TITLE, true);
- createComponent(title, statement, reason, null, detailedMessage,
- details);
- setLocationRelativeTo(owner);
- }
- private void createComponent(String title,
- String statement,
- String reason,
- final Throwable exception,
- String detailedMessage,
- String details)
- {
- outerPanel = new JPanel();
- Dimension edDimension = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
- Double edDimensionW = new Double (edDimension.getWidth()*3/4);
- WHOLE_DIALOG_HEIGHT_W = edDimensionW.intValue();
- outerPanelLayout = new GridBagLayout();
- outerPanel.setLayout(outerPanelLayout);
- getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- upperPanel = new JPanel();
- upperPanel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(upperPanel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
- //lowerPanel consists of exception, exception message, detail about exception
,save .
- // If detail button is clicked once, the lowPanel is shown
- lowerPanel = new JPanel();
- lowerPanelLayout = new GridBagLayout();
- lowerPanel.setLayout(lowerPanelLayout);
- excMsgPanel = new JPanel();
- excMsgLayout = new GridBagLayout();
- excMsgPanel.setLayout(excMsgLayout);
- detailLabel = new LabelWidget("Details");
- detailLabel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(15,0,0,0));
- detailArea = new JTextArea();
- detailArea.setLineWrap(true);
- detailArea.setWrapStyleWord(true);
- if ( details != null ) {
- detailArea.setText(convertLineFeeds(details));
- // save off text in case user hits Save To File
- detailsText = "Exception:\n\t" + title + "\n\t\t" +
statement +
- "\nreason:\n\t" + reason + "\nMessage:\n\t"
- detailedMessage + "Details\n\t" + details;
- detailsText = convertLineFeeds(detailsText);
- }
- scrollPane = new JScrollPane(detailArea);
- scrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(180, 100));
- detailArea.setCaretPosition(0);
- if (exception != null){
- throwables = new ArrayList();
- throwableNames = new ArrayList();
- Throwable lastException = parseThrowable(exception);
- ByteArrayOutputStream bas = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bas);
- if ( displayLastException ) {
- lastException.printStackTrace(pw);
- } else {
- exception.printStackTrace(pw);
- }
- pw.close();
- detailArea.setText(convertLineFeeds(bas.toString()));
- excepLabel = new LabelWidget("Error:");
- excepField = new JComboBox(throwableNames.toArray());
- msgArea = new JTextArea();
- if ( displayLastException ) {
- msgArea.setText(parseMessage(lastException.getMessage()));
- } else {
- msgArea.setText(parseMessage(exception.getMessage()));
- }
- excepField.addItemListener(new ItemListener(){
- public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e){
- final int ndx = excepField.getSelectedIndex();
- if (ndx < 0) {
- return;
- }
- final Throwable throwable = (Throwable)throwables.get(ndx);
- msgArea.setText(parseMessage(throwable.getMessage()));
- final ByteArrayOutputStream bas = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- final PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(bas);
- throwable.printStackTrace(pw);
- pw.close();
- detailArea.setText(convertLineFeeds(bas.toString()));
- detailArea.setCaretPosition(0);
- }
- });
- if ( displayLastException ) {
- excepField.setSelectedIndex(throwableNames.size() - 1);
- }
- excepLabel.setLabelFor(excepField);
- msgLabel = new LabelWidget("Message:");
- BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(2,0,2,0)));
- msgArea.setBackground(excMsgPanel.getBackground());
- msgArea.setLineWrap(true);
- msgArea.setWrapStyleWord(true);
- msgArea.setEditable(false);
- msgLabel.setLabelFor(msgArea);
- final JScrollPane msgScroller = new JScrollPane(msgArea);
- excMsgLayout.setConstraints(excepLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0,
- GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST,
GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(1, 1, 5, 5), 0, 0));
- excMsgLayout.setConstraints(excepField, new GridBagConstraints(1, 0, 1, 1, 0,
- GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
new Insets(1, 1, 5, 1), 0, 0));
- excMsgLayout.setConstraints(msgLabel , new GridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 1, 0 ,
- GridBagConstraints.NORTHEAST,
GridBagConstraints.NONE, new Insets(1, 1, 1, 5), 0, 0));
- excMsgLayout.setConstraints(msgScroller, new GridBagConstraints(1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1,
- GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
new Insets(1, 1, 1, 1), 0, 0));
- excMsgPanel.add(excepLabel);
- excMsgPanel.add(excepField);
- excMsgPanel.add(msgLabel);
- excMsgPanel.add(msgScroller);
- lowerPanel.add(excMsgPanel);
- // save off exception message in case user hits Save To File
- bas = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- pw = new PrintWriter(bas);
- Iterator iter = throwables.iterator();
- while ( iter.hasNext() ) {
- Throwable t = (Throwable);
- String message = parseMessage(t.getMessage());
- if ( message != null ) {
- pw.write(message);
- }
- t.printStackTrace(pw);
- pw.write('\n');
- }
- pw.flush();
- detailsText = "Exception\n\t" + title + "\n\t\t" +
statement +
- " \nreason:\n\t" + reason +
"\nExceptionType:\n\t" +
- lastException.getClass().getName() +
"\nDetails\n\t" +
- convertLineFeeds(bas.toString());
- detailsText = convertLineFeeds(detailsText);
- }
- else {
- if(details !=null){
- msgLabel = new LabelWidget("Message: " + detailedMessage);
- excMsgLayout.setConstraints(msgLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1,
0, 0,
- GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
new Insets(5, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
- excMsgPanel.add(msgLabel);
- lowerPanel.add(excMsgPanel);
- }
- }
- linePanel = new JPanel();
- linePanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEtchedBorder());
- linePanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,2));
- lowerPanel.add(linePanel);
- lowerPanel.add(detailLabel);
- lowerPanel.add(scrollPane);
- lowerPanelLayout.setConstraints(linePanel , new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1, 0
, 0,
- GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new
Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
- lowerPanelLayout.setConstraints(excMsgPanel , new GridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1, 1,
1.0 , 0,
- GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL, new
Insets(5, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
- lowerPanelLayout.setConstraints(detailLabel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 2, 1, 1,
0, 0,
- GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
- lowerPanelLayout.setConstraints(scrollPane, new GridBagConstraints(0, 3, 1, 1,
1.0, 1.0,
- GridBagConstraints.WEST, GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
new Insets(1, 1, 5, 1), 5, 5));
- lowerPanelLayout.setConstraints(saveButton, new GridBagConstraints(0, 4, 1, 1, 0,
- GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.NONE,
new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
- lowerPanel.add(saveButton);
-// following is upperPanel. it consists of stateReasonPanel, outterButtonPanel.
- statementArea = new LabelWidget(statement);
- stateReasonPanel = new JPanel();
- stateReasonPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
- stateReasonPanel.add(statementArea, BorderLayout.NORTH);
- reasonArea = new JTextArea(reason);
- reasonArea.setLineWrap(true);
- reasonArea.setWrapStyleWord(true);
- font = reasonArea.getFont();
- rowCount = getRowCount(reason);
- reasonArea.setBackground(stateReasonPanel.getBackground());
- reasonArea.setEditable(false);
- TitledBorder tBorder;
- tBorder = new TitledBorder("Reason");
- reasonArea.setName("Reason");
- final JScrollPane scroller = new JScrollPane(reasonArea);
- scroller.setBorder(tBorder);
- stateReasonPanel.add(scroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
- upperPanel.add(stateReasonPanel);
- outterButtonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
- buttonPanel = new JPanel();
- buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2,30,0));
- buttonPanel.add(okButton);
- buttonPanel.add(detailsButton);
- outterButtonPanel.add(buttonPanel);
- upperPanel.add(outterButtonPanel);
- outerPanel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5,5,5,5));
- outerPanel.add(upperPanel);
- outerPanelLayout.setConstraints(upperPanel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 0, 1, 1,
- GridBagConstraints.NORTH, GridBagConstraints.BOTH,
new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
- getContentPane().add(outerPanel);
- // set minimumSize for dialog
- addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter(){
- public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e){
- if (detailsPressed ){
- if (getSize().width < WHOLE_DIALOG_HEIGHT_W || getSize().height
- setLocationRelativeTo(getOwner());
- }
- else{
- if(getSize().width < ERROR_DIALOG_WIDTH || getSize().height <
- }
- }
- });
- okButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
- okClicked();
- }
- });
- getRootPane().setDefaultButton(okButton);
- detailsButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
- detailsClicked();
- }
- });
- saveButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
- saveClicked();
- }
- });
- }
- private void detailsClicked(){
- if(!detailsPressed){
- detailsPressed = true;
- detailsButton.setText("Hide Details");
- outerPanelLayout.setConstraints(lowerPanel, new GridBagConstraints(0, 1, 1,
1, 1.0,1.0,
- GridBagConstraints.CENTER, GridBagConstraints.BOTH, new Insets(0,
0, 0, 0), 0, 0));
- outerPanel.add(lowerPanel);
- ErrorDialog.this.pack();
- ErrorDialog.this.validate();
- }
- else {
- detailsPressed = false;
- detailsButton.setText("Show Details");
- outerPanel.remove(lowerPanel);
- ErrorDialog.this.validate();
- ErrorDialog.this.pack();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Obtain number of rows needed to display the text in reasonArea in order to adjust
the height of the dialog
- * @since 3.0
- */
- protected int getRowCount(final String text){
- if (text == null) {
- return 0;
- }
- return new StringTokenizer(text, "\n").countTokens();
- }
- private void okClicked(){
- dispose();
- }
- /**
- * @since 2.1
- */
- protected String parseMessage(final String message) {
- if (message == null) {
- return null;
- }
- final int ndx = message.indexOf('\n');
- if (ndx >= 0) {
- return message.substring(0, ndx);
- }
- return message;
- }
- /**
- * @since 2.1
- */
- protected Throwable parseThrowable(final Throwable throwable) {
- Throwable result = throwable;
- if (throwable == null) {
- return result;
- }
- throwables.add(throwable);
- throwableNames.add(throwable.getClass().getName());
- if (throwable instanceof MetaMatrixException) {
- result = parseThrowable(((MetaMatrixException)throwable).getChild());
- } else if (throwable instanceof MetaMatrixRuntimeException) {
- result = parseThrowable(((MetaMatrixRuntimeException)throwable).getChild());
- } else if (throwable instanceof MultipleException) {
- for (Iterator iter =
((MultipleException)throwable).getExceptions().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- result = parseThrowable((Throwable);
- }
- } else if (throwable instanceof MultipleRuntimeException) {
- for (Iterator iter =
((MultipleRuntimeException)throwable).getThrowables().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
- result = parseThrowable((Throwable);
- }
- } else if (throwable instanceof InvocationTargetException) {
- result =
- }
- // if one of the chained exceptions did not produce a child exception, then
return the input
- if ( result == null ) {
- return result = throwable;
- }
- return result;
- }
- private void saveClicked() {
- //User wants to save the details on a file. Put up a file chooser.
- String sSelectedFileName = getFileName();
- if ( sSelectedFileName != null ) {
- File file = new File( sSelectedFileName );
- boolean fileOK = false;
- if (file.exists()) {
- //Make sure we can write to file.
- if (file.canWrite()) {
- fileOK = true;
- }
- } else {
- try {
- file.createNewFile();
- fileOK = true;
- } catch (Exception e) {}
- }
- if (!fileOK) {
- String msg = "Error in opening or writing to file.";
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, msg, "File Error",
- } else {
- FileWriter writer = null;
- try {
- writer = new FileWriter(file);
- writer.write(detailsText);
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- String msg = "Error in opening or writing to file.";
- JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, msg, "File Error",
- }
- if (writer != null) {
- try {
- writer.flush();
- writer.close();
- } catch (Exception ex) {}
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public static String convertLineFeeds(String str) {
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
- char b[] = str.toCharArray();
- char p = '?';
- for ( int i=0; i < b.length; ++i ) {
- if ( (p != '\r' ) && (b[i]=='\n'))
- p = b[i];
- buf.append(p);
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
- /**
- * @since 3.0
- */
- protected String getFileName() {
- final FileSystemView view = new FileSystemView();
- final FileSystemFilter filter = new FileSystemFilter(view, new String[]
{"txt"}, "Text documents (*.txt)");
- final DirectoryChooserPanel dirPanel
- = new DirectoryChooserPanel( view,
- DirectoryChooserPanel.TYPE_SAVE,
- new FileSystemFilter[] {filter} );
-, "Save Details", dirPanel);
- if (dirPanel.getSelectedButton() != dirPanel.getAcceptButton()) {
- return null;
- }
- final TreeNode node = dirPanel.getSelectedTreeNode();
- if (node == null) {
- return dirPanel.getParentDirectoryEntry().getFullName() + File.separatorChar
+ dirPanel.getNameFieldText();
- }
- return node.getFullName();
- }
- /**
- @since 2.0
- */
- public boolean savesLastFileLocation() {
- return savesLastFileLoc;
- }
- /**
- @since 2.0
- */
- public void setSavesLastFileLocation(final boolean saves) {
- savesLastFileLoc = saves;
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- /**
- * @since 3.1
- */
- public AbstractButton getOKButton() {
- return okButton;
- }
- //############################################################################################################################
- //# Main
- /**
- * @since 2.0
- */
- public static void main(final String[] arguments) {
- final MetaMatrixException err = new MetaMatrixException("Really big message line
1, "
- + "Really big
message line 2, "
- + "Really big
message line 3, "
- + "Really big
message line 4, "
- + "Really big
message line 5, "
- + "Really big
message line 6, "
- + "Really big
message line 7, "
- + "Really big
message line 8, "
- + "Really big
message line 9, "
- + "Really big
message line 10, "
- + "Really big
message line 11, "
- + "Really big
message line 12, "
- + "Really big
message line 13, "
- + "Really big
message line 14, "
- + "Really big
message line 15, "
- + "Really big
message line 16, "
- + "Really big
message line 17, "
- + "Really big
message line 18, "
- + "Really big
message line 19, "
- + "Really big
message line 20, "
- + "Really big
message line 21, "
- + "Really big
message line 22, "
- + "Really big
message line 23, "
- + "Really big
message line 24, "
- + "Really big
message line 25, "
- + "Really big
message line 26, "
- + "Really big
message line 27, "
- + "Really big
message line 28, "
- + "Really big
message line 29, "
- + "Really big
message line 30, "
- + "Really big
message line 31, "
- + "Really big
message line 32, "
- + "Really big
message line 33, "
- + "Really big
message line 34, "
- + "Really big
message line 35, "
- + "Really big
message line 36, "
- + "Really big
message line 37, "
- + "Really big
message line 38, "
- + "Really big
message line 39, "
- + "Really big
message line 40, ");
- final MultipleException multErr = new MultipleException();
- multErr.setExceptions(java.util.Arrays.asList(new Throwable[] {new
java.awt.AWTError("AWT error"), new NullPointerException(), new
RuntimeException("Runtime error")}));
-// err.setChild(multErr);
- final ErrorDialog dlg = new ErrorDialog((Frame)null, "test Dialog",
"statement", "1 reason for statement\n" +
- "2 reason for statement\n" +
- "3 reason for statement\n" +
- "4 reason for statement\n" +
- "5 reason for statement\n" +
- "6 reason for statement\n" +
- "7 reason for statement\n" +
- "8 reason for statement\n" +
- "9 reason for statement\n" +
- "10 reason for statement\n" +
- "11 reason for statement\n" +
- "12 reason for statement\n" +
- "13 reason for statement\n" +
- "14 reason for statement\n" +
- "15 reason for statement\n" +
- "16 reason for statement\n" +
- "17 reason for statement\n" +
- "18 reason for statement\n" +
- "19 reason for statement\n" +
- "20 reason for statement\n" +
- "21 reason for statement\n" +
- "22 reason for statement\n",
- err);
- dlg.setVisible(true);
- new ErrorDialog((Frame)null, "test
Dialog","statement","reason for statement", new
- new ErrorDialog((Frame)null, "test
Dialog","statement","reason for statement", "detailed
message", "details").setVisible(true);
- new ErrorDialog((Frame)null, "test
Dialog","statement","reason for statement", new
InvocationTargetException(new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal
- System.exit(0);
- }
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/toolbox/ui/widget/tree/ 2009-04-01
21:08:15 UTC (rev 688)
trunk/console/src/main/java/com/metamatrix/toolbox/ui/widget/tree/ 2009-04-01
21:41:45 UTC (rev 689)
@@ -27,14 +27,12 @@
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
+import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
import javax.swing.event.TreeModelEvent;
import javax.swing.event.TreeModelListener;
import javax.swing.tree.TreeModel;
import javax.swing.tree.TreePath;
-import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;
-import com.metamatrix.api.exception.MultipleRuntimeException;
import com.metamatrix.common.log.LogManager;
import com.metamatrix.common.transaction.TransactionException;
import com.metamatrix.common.transaction.UserTransaction;
@@ -43,7 +41,6 @@
import com.metamatrix.common.tree.TreeView;
import com.metamatrix.core.MetaMatrixRuntimeException;
import com.metamatrix.core.util.Assertion;
import com.metamatrix.toolbox.ui.widget.TreeWidget;
@@ -207,9 +204,7 @@
} catch (final TransactionException err) {
if (delayedErr == null) {
delayedErr = err;
- } else {
- delayedErr = new MultipleRuntimeException(new Throwable[] {delayedErr, err});
- }
+ }
} finally {
if (delayedErr != null) {
if (!(delayedErr instanceof RuntimeException)) {