Author: rareddy
Date: 2010-09-07 19:28:26 -0400 (Tue, 07 Sep 2010)
New Revision: 2539
TEIID-1027: verbose messages in the "" file. These are legacy
messages did not get deleted when the code got refactored.
branches/7.1.x/connectors/translator-ldap/src/main/resources/org/teiid/translator/ldap/ 2010-09-07
22:36:07 UTC (rev 2538)
branches/7.1.x/connectors/translator-ldap/src/main/resources/org/teiid/translator/ldap/ 2010-09-07
23:28:26 UTC (rev 2539)
@@ -24,13 +24,7 @@
LDAPConnection.urlPropNotFound=Ldap URL property not found.
LDAPConnection.adminUserDNPropNotFound=Ldap Admin User DN property not found.
LDAPConnection.adminUserPassPropNotFound=Ldap Admin password property not found.
-LDAPConnection.maxCriteriaParseError=Ldap Max Criteria property has an invalid format.
-LDAPConnection.maxCriteriaPropNotFound=Ldap Max Criteria property not found.
-LDAPConnection.contextInitFailed=LDAP context initialization failed. Please check
connector properties, and verify against LDAP server.
-LDAPConnection.propertyFileParseFailed=The Properties file could not be parsed.
LDAPConnection.directoryNamingError=Initializing LDAP directory context failed. Please
check LDAP connection properties, including username and password: {0}
-LDAPConnection.directoryInitError=Initializing LDAP directory context failed.
-LDAPConnection.unsupportedExecMode=LDAPConnector does not support requested execution
LDAPConnection.contextCloseError=The Connection failed to close LDAP context: {0}
Modified: branches/7.1.x/engine/src/main/resources/org/teiid/query/
--- branches/7.1.x/engine/src/main/resources/org/teiid/query/ 2010-09-07
22:36:07 UTC (rev 2538)
+++ branches/7.1.x/engine/src/main/resources/org/teiid/query/ 2010-09-07
23:28:26 UTC (rev 2539)
@@ -98,13 +98,6 @@
ERR.015.001.0071 = Unknown type signature for evaluating function of: {0} ({1})
# mapping (002)
-QueryTreeConverter.jdomErr=Unable to create a JDOM document with string ({0})
-QueryTreeConverter.nullNode=QueryNode to convert is null.
-QueryTreeConverter.errConverting=Unable to create Query Node.
-QueryTreeMapper.errParseBinding=Unable to parse expression for binding: {0}, {1}
-QueryTreeMapper.errMapping=Unable to map the following symbols: {0}
-QueryTreeMapper.symbolParseErr=Unable to parse query for symbol mapping: {0}
-QueryTreeMapper.cantMapGroup=Unable to map the group name {0}
ERR.015.002.0008 = Mapping file or stream must be specified prior to initializing mapping
ERR.015.002.0009 = Search direction arg ''{0}'' is not one of the search
constants defined in MappingNodeConstants.
ERR.015.002.0010 = Value for property ''{0}'' is null.
@@ -116,9 +109,7 @@
# parser (005)
QueryParser.emptysql=Parser cannot parse an empty sql statement.
QueryParser.parsingError=Parsing error: {0}
-QueryParser.parsingErrorWithLocation=Parsing error at line {0}, column {1}: {2}
QueryParser.nullSqlCrit=Parser cannot parse a null sql criteria.
-QueryParser.nullBlock= Parser cannot parse a null block.
QueryParser.lexicalError= Lexical error: {0}
QueryParser.nullSqlExpr= Parser cannot parse a null sql expression.
QueryParser.xqueryCompilation= Direct usage of XQuery is no longer supported, use
XMLQUERY instead.
@@ -408,24 +399,11 @@
# validator (012)
MSG.015.012.0001 =
-SQLParser.Cant_alias_star=Symbols such as {0} cannot be named with an alias.
SQLParser.Unknown_join_type=Unknown join type: {0}
-SQLParser.Aggregate_only_top_level=Aggregate expressions are allowed only as top level
functions in the SELECT and HAVING clauses.
-SQLParser.Unknown_agg_func=Unknown aggregate function: {0}
SQLParser.Invalid_func=Invalid function name: [{0}]
-SQLParser.Integer_parse=Unable to parse integer literal: {0}
-SQLParser.Float_parse=Unable to parse floating point literal: {0}
-SQLParser.Boolean_parse=Illegal boolean format: {0}, expecting
'{'b'true''}' or '{'b'false''}'
-SQLParser.Timestamp_parse=Illegal timestamp format: {0}, expecting
'{'d'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS[.XXX]''}'
-SQLParser.Date_parse=Illegal date format: {0}, expecting
-SQLParser.Time_parse=Illegal time format: {0}, expecting
-SQLParser.Invalid_id=Invalid metadata ID format: [{0}]
SQLParser.Invalid_alias=Invalid alias format: [{0}]
SQLParser.Invalid_short_name=Invalid simple identifier format: [{0}]
-SQLParser.Invalid_char={0} value must be a single character: [{1}].
-SQLParser.expected_non_reserved=Expected non-reserved word {0}, but was {1}.
SystemSource.Add_desc=Add two numbers
SystemSource.Add_result_desc=Left operand + right operand
SystemSource.Subtract_desc=Subtract two numbers
@@ -540,8 +518,6 @@
SystemSource.Rand_desc=Random Number
SystemSource.Rand_result_desc=Generated Random Number
SystemSource.Atan_arg1=Number parameter1
SystemSource.Atan_arg2=Number parameter2
@@ -576,16 +552,6 @@
SystemSource.Timestampadd_ts_arg2=Count number
SystemSource.Timestampadd_ts_arg3=Timestamp type
SystemSource.Timestampadd_ts_result=Returned modified timestamp
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_d_desc=Calculate estimated number of intervals between start
and end date
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_d_arg1=Interval type
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_d_arg2=Start day
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_d_arg3=End day
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_result_desc=Returns estimated number of intervals between
start and end date
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_t_desc=Calculate estimated number of intervals between start
and end time
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_t_arg1=Interval type
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_t_arg2=Start time
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_t_arg3=End time
-SystemSource.Timestampdiff_t_result_desc=Returns estimated number of intervals between
start and end time
SystemSource.Timestampdiff_ts_desc=Calculate estimated number of intervals between start
and end timestamp
SystemSource.Timestampdiff_ts_arg1=Interval type
SystemSource.Timestampdiff_ts_arg2=Start timestamp
@@ -668,11 +634,6 @@
SystemSource.Lpad_arg2=Padded length
SystemSource.Lpad_result=Padded string
-SystemSource.Lpad2_desc=Pad the input string on the left to length with pad character
-SystemSource.Lpad2_arg2=Padded length
-SystemSource.Lpad2_arg3=Pad character
-SystemSource.Lpad2_result=Padded string
SystemSource.Lpad3_desc=Pad the input string on the left to length with pad character
SystemSource.Lpad3_arg2=Padded length
@@ -682,11 +643,6 @@
SystemSource.Rpad1_arg2=Padded length
SystemSource.Rpad1_result=Padded string
-SystemSource.Rpad2_desc=Pad the input string on the right to length with pad character
-SystemSource.Rpad2_arg2=Padded length
-SystemSource.Rpad2_arg3=Pad character
-SystemSource.Rpad2_result=Padded string
SystemSource.Rpad3_desc=Pad the input string on the right to length with pad character
SystemSource.Rpad3_arg2=Padded length
@@ -704,17 +660,6 @@
SystemSource.Context_arg1=XML context tag
SystemSource.Context_arg2=XML element
SystemSource.Context_result=Expression in higher context
-SystemSource.Relate_desc=Evaluate XML expression using the sibling relationship mode
-SystemSource.Relate_arg1=Relationship mapping root
-SystemSource.Relate_arg2=Relationship source root
-SystemSource.Relate_arg3=Relationship object root
-SystemSource.Relate_result=Same expression
-SystemSource.RelateSource_desc=Apply XML expression to the source entity when using XML
relationship mode
-SystemSource.RelateSource_result=Same expression
-SystemSource.RelateTarget_desc=Apply XML expression to the target entity when using XML
relationship mode
-SystemSource.RelateTarget_result=Same expression
SystemSource.Rowlimit_desc=Limit the number of rows from an XML mapping class
SystemSource.RowlimitException_desc=Limit the number of rows from an XML mapping class,
throw Exception if passed
SystemSource.Rowlimit_arg1=XML tag in the scope of a mapping class
@@ -770,19 +715,13 @@
SystemSource.Bitfunc2_arg2=Second integer
SystemSource.Convert_desc=Convert from {0} to target type
SystemSource.xpathvalue_description=Retrieve the first match content for an XPath
-SystemSource.xpath_description=Evaluate the XPath expression against a document
SystemSource.xpath_param1=Source document
SystemSource.xpath_param2=XPath expression
SystemSource.xpathvalue_result=Single result
-SystemSource.xpath_result=XPath result
SystemSource.xsltransform_description=Transform the document with the given stylesheet.
SystemSource.xsltransform_param1=Source document
SystemSource.xsltransform_param2=XSL stylesheet
SystemSource.xsltransform_result=Clob result
-SystemSource.xmlelement_description=Create an XML element.
-SystemSource.xmlelement_param1=Element name
-SystemSource.xmlelement_param2=Element contents
-SystemSource.xmlelement_result=XML result
SystemSource.xmlconcat_description=Concat XML types.
SystemSource.xmlconcat_param1=First element
SystemSource.xmlcomment_description=Create an XML comment.
@@ -810,7 +749,6 @@
SystemSource.from_unixtime_result=Timestamp value
SystemSource.nullif_description=Equivalent to case when (param1 = param2) then null else
SystemSource.nullif_param1=First parameter
-SystemSource.nullif_param2=Second parameter
SystemSource.nullif_result=null if the parameters are equivalent else param1
SystemSource.coalesce_description=Returns the first non-null parameter
@@ -828,36 +766,20 @@
ExpressionEvaluator.Must_push=Function {0} is marked in the function metadata as a
function that must be evaluated at the source.
ExpressionEvaluator.Eval_failed=Unable to evaluate {0}: {1}
XMLSerialize.resolvingError=XMLSerialize is valid only for XML expressions: {0}
-QueryString.resolvingError=All query string expressions must be convertable to string.
Evaluator.xmlserialize=XMLSerialize: data exception - not an xml document
Evaluator.xmlquery=Error evaluating XMLQuery: {0}
-Evaluator.xmlquery_content=XQuery evaluation was expected to return content, but it
returned a sequence.
-FunctionDefinitionsReader.Read_error=Error reading FunctionDefinitions.xmi: {0}
-FunctionDefinitionsSource.Read_error=Error reading {0}
ExecResolver.Param_convert_fail=Unable to convert procedural parameter of type {0} to
expected type {1}
DynamicCommandResolver.SQL_String=Expected dynamic command sql to be of type STRING
instead of type {0}.
-UnionQueryResolver.type_conversion_fail=Union query projected element {0} with type {1}
and projected element {2} with type {3} are not compatible.
UnionQueryResolver.type_conversion=The Expression {0} used in a nested UNION ORDER BY
clause cannot be implicitly converted from type {1} to type {2}.
ValidationVisitor.select_into_no_implicit_conversion=There is no implicit conversion
between the source element type ({0}) and the target element type ({1}) at position {2} of
the query: {3}
ValidationVisitor.excpet_intersect_all=EXCEPT ALL and INTERSECT ALL are currently
-ValidationVisitor.batch_command_updated_invalid_group=Only physical tables can be updated
by a batched command. Cannot update {0} within a batch.
-ValidationVisitor.select_into_too_few_elements=Too few elements being SELECTed INTO the
target table. Must select exactly {0} elements.
ValidationVisitor.element_updates_not_allowed=Metadata does not allow updates on the
element: {0}
-ValidationVisitor.validateAccessPattern1=Access pattern is not satisfied for query {0}
ValidationVisitor.invalid_batch_command=Only INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT ... INTO
statements are allowed within a batch.
-ValidationVisitor.badoffset1=The row offset in the LIMIT clause must be an integer
ValidationVisitor.badoffset2=The row offset in the LIMIT clause must be >= 0
-ValidationVisitor.badlimit1=The row limit in the LIMIT clause must be an integer literal
ValidationVisitor.badlimit2=The row limit in the LIMIT clause must be >= 0
-ValidationVisitor.pi_isNotNull=Cannot have a negated null check on a procedure input
-ValidationVisitor.proc_input_element=The assignment expression ''{0}'' is
invalid. A procedure input element cannot be set to another element
ValidationVisitor.invalid_scalar_group_reference=Cannot reference a scalar group as a
table: {0}
-ValidationVisitor.temp_group_in_dynamic=Only temp groups should be specified in a dyanmic
command into clause
-ValidationVisitor.if_subquery=If and while criteria cannot contain subqueries.
-ValidationVisitor.assignment_subquery=Assignment, declaration, dynamic SQL, and dynamic
SQL USING expressions cannot contain subqueries. A separate assignment statement should
be used for each subquery.
ValidationVisitor.select_into_wrong_elements=Wrong number of elements being SELECTed INTO
the target table. Expected {0} elements, but was {1}.
SimpleQueryResolver.Query_was_redirected_to_Mat_table=The query against {0} was
redirected to the materialization table {1}.
-SimpleQueryResolver.Loading_materialized_table=The query is loading materialized group
{0} so primary transformation was used.
SimpleQueryResolver.ambiguous_all_in_group=The symbol {0} refers to more than one group
defined in the FROM clause.
SimpleQueryResolver.Proc_Relational_Name_conflict=Cannot access procedure {0} using table
semantics since the parameter and result set column names are not all unique.
QueryResolver.invalid_xpath=Invalid xpath value: {0}
@@ -867,8 +789,6 @@
SimpleQueryResolver.procedure_cache_used=Procedure caching will be used for {0}.
SimpleQueryResolver.procedure_cache_not_usable=Procedure caching will not be used for {0}
since the result set cache is disabled or the results/parameters cannot be cached.
SimpleQueryResolver.procedure_cache_not_used=Procedure caching will not be used for {0}
due to the use of OPTION NOCACHE.
-ValidationVisitor.input_variable_data_type_not_match=The expression "{0}"
assigned to input variable "{1}" is of type "{2}" which cannot be
implicitly converted to the expected type "{3}".
-ValidationVisitor.input_variable_can_not_in_function=Input variable "{0}"
cannot be an argument of a function in the criteria.
ValidationVisitor.groupby_subquery=Expressions used in a GROUP BY cannot be constant and
must not contain subqueries: "{0}".
ValidationVisitor.Procedure_should_have_query=Procedure must execute at least one command
to define the procedure result set.
ValidationVisitor.Procedure_has_group_self_reference=Procedure cannot have a Group
reference to itself.
@@ -880,13 +800,7 @@
ValidationVisitor.2=The ''rowlimit'' and
''rowlimitexception'' functions arg must be an XML node symbol
ValidationVisitor.3=''Rowlimit'' and
''rowlimitexception'' functions can only be used within a compare criteria
which is entirely a single conjunct.
ValidationVisitor.Context_function_nested=Context functions cannot be nested
-ValidationVisitor.update_temp=Update or Delete operations are not allowed on temporary
tables: ''{0}''
ERR.015.004.0036= First argument in ''context'' must be the name of a
node in the XML document model. Found Object {0} of Class {1}
-XMLSystemFunctions.xpathvalue_takes_only_string=The XPathValue function can only accept
XML data in string form. The input is of type {0}.
-XMLSystemFunctions.wrap_exception=Error occurred evaluating XPathValue with
XPath=''{0}'': {1}
-FunctionMethods.cant_execute_relate=The relate function may only be used in XML queries.
-FunctionMethods.cant_execute_relateSource=The relateSource function may only be used in
XML relationship models and queries.
-FunctionMethods.cant_execute_relateTarget=The relateTarget function may only be used in
XML relationship models and queries.
ExecResolver.invalid_named_params=Invalid param name(s): {0}. Name(s) of params without
explicit values: {1}
ExecResolver.duplicate_named_params=Duplicate named param ''{0}''
ResolverUtil.required_param=Required parameter ''{0}'' has no value was
set or is an invalid parameter.
@@ -895,14 +809,10 @@
ResolverUtil.setquery_order_expression=ORDER BY expression ''{0}'' cannot
be used with a set query.
ResolverUtil.invalid_unrelated=Unrelated order by column {0} cannot be used in a SET
XMLQueryResolver.xml_only_valid_alone=If any symbol in SELECT clause is
''xml'' or group.''xml'' , then no other element is
-EvaluateExpressionVisitor.Cant_get_iterator=Unable to retrieve ValueIterator with
independent value expression: {0}
-ResolveFunctionsVisitor.xpath_cant_be_null=XPath cannot be null
ResolveVariablesVisitor.datatype_for_the_expression_not_resolvable=The datatype for the
expression was not resolvable.
-Create.type_not_supported=The data type "{0}" is not supported.
TempTableResolver.unqualified_name_required=Cannot create temporary table
"{0}". Local temporary tables must be created with unqualified names.
TempTableResolver.table_already_exists=Cannot create temporary table "{0}". A
table with the same name already exists.
ValidationVisitor.drop_of_nontemptable=Cannot drop a non temporary table
-ValidationVisitor.unrelated_orderby_xml=XML queries cannot order by an unrelated order by
ValidationVisitor.orderby_expression_xml=XML queries cannot order by an expression.
ValidationVisitor.text_table_invalid_width=For a fixed width text table, all columns must
have width set.
ValidationVisitor.text_table_width=Fixed width text tables should not have DELIMITER,
QUOTE, ESCAPE, or HEADER specified.
@@ -924,20 +834,16 @@
ValidationVisitor.xmlserialize_type=XMLSERIALIZE expects a STRING, CLOB, or BLOB value.
ValidationVisitor.invalid_encoding=Encoding {0} is not valid.
UpdateProcedureResolver.only_variables=Element symbol "{0}" cannot be assigned
a value. Only declared VARIABLES can be assigned values.
-wrong_result_type=No results found; or non-XML result object has been produced as a
result of the execution of XQuery expression. Please note that only XML type results are
MappingLoader.unknown_node_type=Unknown Node Type "{0}" being loaded by the XML
mapping document.
-MappingLoader.invalid_parent=Attribute or Comment nodes can not have children.
MappingLoader.invalid_criteria_node=Invalid criteria node found; A criteria node must
have criteria specified or it must be a default node.
WrongTypeChild=Wrong type of child node is being added.
NoCriteria=Failed to add the node, because Criteria nodes must have "criteria"
value set on them, or they need to be the default node.
root_cannotbe_null=Root node assigned to a document can be null.
invalid_recurive_node= Found recursive node {0} without recursive root node.
-criteria_node_not_allowed=Criteria Nodes can be only added on the Choice nodes; Wrong
type of parent found.
SaxonXQueryExpression.bad_xquery=Failed to evaluate XQuery expression; Please check the
query and correct errors in syntax or usage.
SaxonXQueryExpression.compile_failed=Could not compile XQuery; Please check the query for
syntax or usage errors.
SaxonXQueryExpression.invalid_path=Column "{0}" has an invalid path expression:
SaxonXQueryExpression.bad_context=Error building Source for context item.
-SimpleQueryResolver.unknown_group_in_nocache=Unknown group "{0}" found in the
Option NOCACHE hint.
MappingLoader.invalidName=Null or blank name found in the Mapping Document, Must have
valid name. Re-build the VDB
MatchCriteria.invalid_escape=Invalid escape sequence "{0}" with escape
character "{1}"
QueryUtil.wrong_number_of_values=The number of bound values ''{0}'' does
not match the number of parameters ''{1}'' in the prepared statement.
@@ -947,12 +853,10 @@
NewCalculateCostUtil.badCost=Unexpected format encountered for max or min value
WorkerPool.Max_thread=Reached maximum thread count "{0}" for worker pool
"{1}" with a queue size of "{2}".
-WorkerPool.New_thread=Created worker thread "{0}".
WorkerPool.uncaughtException=Uncaught exception processing work
-XMLSystemFunctions.invalid_namespaces=Invalid namespaces supplied for XPath expression -
TempTable.duplicate_key=Duplicate key
ValidationVisitor.group_in_both_dep=Table specified in both dependent and independent
queries '{0}'
XMLQuery.resolvingError=Failed to resolve the query '{0}'
-SQLParser.non_position_constant=Invalid order by at {0}
\ No newline at end of file
+SQLParser.non_position_constant=Invalid order by at {0}