Author: rareddy
Date: 2010-03-27 16:35:57 -0400 (Sat, 27 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 2005
TEIID-807: fixing the console build so that plugin is correctly deployed through build
Modified: trunk/console/pom.xml
--- trunk/console/pom.xml 2010-03-26 14:26:05 UTC (rev 2004)
+++ trunk/console/pom.xml 2010-03-27 20:35:57 UTC (rev 2005)
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
- <description>This project is for the RHQ plugin that supports the
- TEIID Console </description>
+ <description>This project is for the RHQ plugin that supports the TEIID Console
@@ -20,104 +19,11 @@
- <build>
- <pluginManagement>
- <plugins>
- <!--
- Fixes how test resources of a project can be used in projects
- dependent on it
- -->
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-jar-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>2.2</version>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </pluginManagement>
- <plugins>
- <!-- Specify the compiler options and settings -->
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-compiler-plugin</artifactId>
- <configuration>
- <source>1.6</source>
- <target>1.6</target>
- <showDeprecation>false</showDeprecation>
- <showWarnings>false</showWarnings>
- </configuration>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
- <version>2.2-beta-2</version>
- <configuration>
- <descriptors>
- <descriptor>src/assembly/binaries.xml</descriptor>
- </descriptors>
- <outputDirectory>target/distribution</outputDirectory>
- <workDirectory>target/assembly/work</workDirectory>
- </configuration>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>make-assembly</id>
- <phase>package</phase>
- <goals>
- <goal>attached</goal>
- </goals>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
- <dependencies>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.apache.ant</groupId>
- <artifactId>ant</artifactId>
- <version>${apache.ant.version}</version>
- </dependency>
- </dependencies>
- <executions>
- <execution>
- <id>assemble-artifacts</id>
- <phase>package</phase>
- <configuration>
- <tasks>
- <property name="product.version"
value="${project.version}" />
- <property name=""
value="${project.artifactId}" />
- <ant antfile="src/assembly/assemble-artifacts.xml" />
- </tasks>
- </configuration>
- <goals>
- <goal>run</goal>
- </goals>
- </execution>
- </executions>
- </plugin>
- <plugin>
- <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
- <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
- <dependencies>
- <dependency>
- <groupId>org.apache.ant</groupId>
- <artifactId>ant</artifactId>
- <version>${apache.ant.version}</version>
- </dependency>
- </dependencies>
- </plugin>
- </plugins>
- </build>
Below are the core modules that are required dependencies of all
Copied: trunk/console/src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml (from rev 2001,
--- trunk/console/src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml (rev
+++ trunk/console/src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml 2010-03-27 20:35:57 UTC (rev
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+ <!--
+ * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source. * See the COPYRIGHT.txt
+ file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright
+ ownership. Some portions may be licensed * to Red Hat, Inc. under one
+ or more contributor license agreements. * * This library is free
+ software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms
+ of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free
+ Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
+ option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope
+ that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
+ PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *
+ License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA *
+ 02110-1301 USA. */
+ -->
+<plugin name="TeiidPlugin" displayName="Teiid Plugin"
+ version="2.0.0" description="Supports management and monitoring of JBoss
+ xmlns:c="urn:xmlns:rhq-configuration">
+ <depends plugin="JMX" />
+ <depends plugin="JBossAS5" useClasses="true" />
+ <server name="Data Services" description="JBoss Enterprise Data
+ class="PlatformComponent" discovery="PlatformDiscoveryComponent"
+ singleton="true">
+ <runs-inside>
+ <parent-resource-type name="JBossAS Server"
+ plugin="JBossAS5" />
+ </runs-inside>
+ <operation name="listLongRunningQueries" displayName="View current
long running queries"
+ description="List current queries executing against the Teiid System that have
surpassed the long running query threshhold">
+ <results>
+ <c:list-property name="list">
+ <c:map-property name="map">
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Session ID"
+ name="getSessionId" type="string"
+ description="The name of the resource whose availability is being
reported" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Request ID"
+ name="getRequestId" type="string" description="The id for
the request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="SQL String"
+ name="getCommand" type="string" description="The SQL
string for this query" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Source Request"
+ name="sourceRequest" type="string"
+ description="If false,this is the top level query. If true, this a physical
source query." />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Execution ID"
+ name="getExecutionId" type="string"
+ description="The execution id for this request (if this is a physical source
query)" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Start Time"
+ name="getCreatedTime" type="string" description="The time
this query began" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Start Time"
+ name="getProcessingTime" type="string"
description="Processing time for this request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Transaction ID"
+ name="getTransactionId" type="string"
+ description="The transaction XID if there is a transaction involved"
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Node ID" name="getNodeId"
+ type="string" description="The node ID of this query" />
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </results>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="getSessions" displayName="View current
+ description="Get current sessions connected to the Teiid instance">
+ <results>
+ <c:list-property name="list" displayName="Current Sessions"
+ description="Sessions currently connected to the Teiid system"
+ required="false">
+ <c:map-property name="map">
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Session ID"
+ name="getSessionId" type="string" description="The
identifier for this session" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Application Name"
+ name="getApplicationName" type="string"
+ description="The application associated with Session" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Created Time"
+ name="getCreatedTime" type="string" description="When the
session was created" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Client Host"
+ name="getClientHostName" type="string"
+ description="Host name from where the session created" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="IP Address"
+ name="getIPAddress" type="string"
+ description="IP address from where this session was created" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Last ping time"
+ name="getLastPingTime" type="string" description="Last
ping time" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="User Name"
+ type="string" description="User associated with this session"
+ <c:simple-property displayName="VDB Name" name="getVDBName"
+ type="string" description="VDB associated with this session"
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Security Domain"
+ name="getSecurityDomain" type="string"
+ description="Security Domain that session logged into" />
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </results>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="getRequests" displayName="View current
+ description="Get current requests executing against this Teiid
+ <results>
+ <c:list-property name="list" displayName="Current Request"
+ description="Requests currently executing against the Teiid system"
+ required="false">
+ <c:map-property name="map">
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Request ID"
+ name="getRequestId" type="string" description="The
request identifier" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Session ID"
+ name="getSessionId" type="string" description="Session
identifier" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Execution ID"
+ name="getExecutionId" type="string" description="Unique
Identifier for Request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Created Time"
+ name="getCreatedTime" type="string" description="Time
when request submitted" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Processing Time"
+ name="getProcessingTime" type="string"
description="Processing time for the request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Last ping time"
+ name="getCommand" type="string" description="SQL
Command" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Connector level request?"
+ name="sourceRequest" type="string"
+ description="True if this is a connector level request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Node ID" name="getNodeId"
+ type="string" description="The node identifier" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Tansaction identifier"
+ name="getTransactionId" type="string"
+ description="Transaction XID if a transaction is involved" />
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </results>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="cancelRequest" displayName="Terminate request"
+ description="Terminate the processing of a query and its source
+ <parameters>
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Session ID" name="sessionID"
+ type="long" required="true"
+ description="The ID of the session that the request to cancel is associated
with" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Request ID" name="requestID"
+ type="long" required="true" description="The ID of the
request to cancel" />
+ </parameters>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="terminateSession" displayName="Terminate
+ description="Terminate a specified session">
+ <parameters>
+ <c:simple-property displayName="SessionID" name="sessionID"
+ type="long" required="true" description="The ID of the
session to terminate" />
+ </parameters>
+ </operation>
+ <metric displayName="Query Count" defaultOn="true"
+ category="throughput" property="queryCount"
+ description="The number of queries for a given point in time" />
+ <metric displayName="Long Running Queries" defaultOn="true"
+ displayType="detail" category="performance"
+ description="The number of queries that have been running longer than the limit
set for queries." />
+ <metric displayName="Session Count" defaultOn="true"
+ displayType="detail" category="throughput"
+ description="The number of user connections for a given point in time"
+ <resource-configuration>
+ <c:group name="general" displayName="General"
+ hiddenByDefault="false">
+ <c:description>Query Configuration</c:description>
+ <c:simple-property name="longRunningQueryLimit"
+ type="integer" activationPolicy="immediate"
+ default="600" required="true" displayName="Long Running
Query limit"
+ description="The value (in seconds) to use to determine if a query is to be
considered 'long running'.">
+ <c:constraint>
+ <c:integer-constraint minimum="0" maximum="999999" />
+ </c:constraint>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ </c:group>
+ </resource-configuration>
+ <service name="Virtual Database (VDB)s"
+ description="JBoss Enterprise Data Services Virtual Databases"
+ discovery="VDBDiscoveryComponent" createDeletePolicy="both"
+ creationDataType="content">
+ <operation name="getSessions" displayName="View VDB Sessions"
+ description="Get current sessions currently connected to this VDB">
+ <results>
+ <c:list-property name="list" displayName="Current VDB
+ description="Sessions currently connected to this VDB"
+ <c:map-property name="map">
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Session ID"
+ name="getSessionId" type="string" description="The
identifier for this session" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Application Name"
+ name="getApplicationName" type="string"
+ description="The application associated with Session" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Created Time"
+ name="getCreatedTime" type="string" description="When
the session was created" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Client Host"
+ name="getClientHostName" type="string"
+ description="Host name from where the session created" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="IP Address"
+ name="getIPAddress" type="string"
+ description="IP address from where this session was created" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Last ping time"
+ name="getLastPingTime" type="string" description="Last
ping time" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="User Name"
+ name="getUserName" type="string" description="User
associated with this session" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Security Domain"
+ name="getSecurityDomain" type="string"
+ description="Security Domain that session logged into" />
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </results>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="getRequests" displayName="View VDB requests"
+ description="Get current requests executing against this VDB">
+ <results>
+ <c:list-property name="list" displayName="Current Request"
+ description="Requests currently executing against the Teiid system"
+ required="false">
+ <c:map-property name="map">
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Request ID"
+ name="getRequestId" type="string" description="The
request identifier" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Session ID"
+ name="getSessionId" type="string" description="Session
identifier" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Execution ID"
+ name="getExecutionId" type="string" description="Unique
Identifier for Request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Created Time"
+ name="getCreatedTime" type="string" description="Time
when request submitted" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Processing Time"
+ name="getProcessingTime" type="string"
description="Processing time for the request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Last ping time"
+ name="getCommand" type="string" description="SQL
Command" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Connector level request?"
+ name="sourceRequest" type="string"
+ description="True if this is a connector level request" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Node ID" name="getNodeId"
+ type="string" description="The node identifier" />
+ <c:simple-property displayName="Tansaction identifier"
+ name="getTransactionId" type="string"
+ description="Transaction XID if a transaction is involved" />
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </results>
+ </operation>
+ <metric displayName="Status" defaultOn="true"
dataType="trait" displayType="summary"
+ category="availability" property="status"
+ description="The status of this VDB" />
+ <content name="vdb" displayName="VDB Archive"
+ isCreationType="true">
+ </content>
+ <resource-configuration>
+ <c:group name="general" displayName="General"
+ hiddenByDefault="false">
+ <c:simple-property name="name" type="string"
+ description="The Virtual Database Name" required="false"/>
+ <c:simple-property name="version" type="string"
+ description="The Virtual Database Version"
+ <c:simple-property name="description" type="string"
+ description="The Virtual Database Description"
+ <c:simple-property name="status" type="string"
+ description="The Virtual Database Status" required="false"
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option value="ACTIVE" name="ACTIVE" />
+ <c:option value="INACTIVE" name="INACTIVE"
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="url" type="string"
+ description="The Virtual Database URL" required="false"/>
+ </c:group>
+ <c:group name="Models" displayName="Models"
+ hiddenByDefault="false">
+ <c:list-property name="sourceModels" description="The source
models for this VDB">
+ <c:map-property name="model">
+ <c:simple-property name="name" displayName="Name"
+ description="Name of the model" required="true"
+ <c:simple-property name="sourceName" displayName="Source
+ description="Source name for this model" required="false"
+ <c:simple-property name="jndiName" displayName="Connector
Binding JNDI Name"
+ description="JNDI name for this connector binding"
+ <c:simple-property name="visibility"
+ displayName="Visible" description="Visibility of the model"
+ required="true">
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option value="true" name="true" />
+ <c:option value="false" name="false"
+ default="true" />
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ <c:simple-property name="supportsMultiSource"
+ displayName="Supports Multi-source?" description="Determines if
this model supports multi-source bindings"
+ required="true">
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option value="true" name="true" />
+ <c:option value="false" name="false"
+ default="true" />
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ <c:list-property name="logicalModels" description="The logical
models for this VDB">
+ <c:map-property name="model">
+ <c:simple-property name="name" displayName="Name"
+ description="Name of the model" required="true" />
+ <c:simple-property name="type" displayName="Type"
+ description="type of logical model" required="true" />
+ <c:simple-property name="visibility"
+ displayName="Visible" description="Visbility of the model"
+ required="true">
+ <c:property-options>
+ <c:option value="true" name="true" />
+ <c:option value="false" name="false"
+ default="true" />
+ </c:property-options>
+ </c:simple-property>
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </c:group>
+ <c:group name="errors" displayName="Errors"
+ hiddenByDefault="false" >
+ <c:list-property name="errorList" description="VDB Errors"
+ <c:map-property name="errorMap" summary="true">
+ <c:simple-property name="severity" displayName="Severity"
+ description="Severity" readOnly="true"
+ <c:simple-property name="message" displayName="Message"
+ description="Error message" readOnly="true"
+ </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property>
+ </c:group>
+ </resource-configuration>
+ <!--
+ <operation name="getProperties" displayName="View VDB
+ description="List the properties of this VDB"> <results>
+ <c:list-property name="list"> <c:map-property
+ <c:simple-property name="Name" type="string"
description="The name
+ of this property" /> <c:simple-property name="Value"
+ description="The value of this property" /> </c:map-property>
+ </c:list-property> </results> </operation>
+ -->
+ </service>
+ </server>
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/console/src/main/resources/META-INF/rhq-plugin.xml
Name: svn:mime-type
+ text/plain