[JBoss JIRA] (TEIID-5131) Create ansible playbooks for the ansible service broker
by Steven Hawkins (JIRA)
Steven Hawkins created TEIID-5131:
Summary: Create ansible playbooks for the ansible service broker
Key: TEIID-5131
URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-5131
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Enhancement
Components: Build/Kits
Reporter: Steven Hawkins
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Fix For: 10.x
For some of the most common usage patterns, we …
[View More]should create playbooks that contribute service brokers via the ansible service broker. This could be:
salesforce as db
couchbase as db/odata
mongodb as db/odata
other openshift databases as odata
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7 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] (TEIID-4892) oData v4 error using $expand
by RH Bugzilla Integration (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-4892?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
RH Bugzilla Integration commented on TEIID-4892:
Van Halbert <vhalbert(a)redhat.com> changed the Status of [bug 1506985|https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1506985] from NEW to ON_QA
> oData v4 error using $expand
> ----------------------------
> Key: TEIID-4892
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/…
[View More]TEIID-4892
> Project: Teiid
> Issue Type: Bug
> Components: OData
> Affects Versions: 9.1.4
> Environment: Teiid 9.1.4 with WildFly 10.0.0.Final running on Windows server 2012 R2 Datacenter Edition.
> Reporter: Marco Monti
> Assignee: Steven Hawkins
> Fix For: 9.3, 8.12.x-6.4, 9.1.5, 9.2.3
> Attachments: server.log
> Hello,
> we are querying Teiid 9.1.4 using the following oData v4 syntax:
> {{http://host:port/odata4/<vdbname>/<model-name>/<table-name>?$expand=<navigation>}}
> It doesn't matter what navigation property we choose; we always get following error message:
> {{{"error":{"code":null,"message":"String index out of range: -1"}}}}
> Please find the attached logfile.
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7 years, 4 months
[JBoss JIRA] (TEIID-4876) Salesforce connector not working properly in 9.2.2 release
by Van Halbert (JIRA)
[ https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-4876?page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin... ]
Van Halbert updated TEIID-4876:
Fix Version/s: 8.12.x-6.4
> Salesforce connector not working properly in 9.2.2 release
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Key: TEIID-4876
> URL: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/TEIID-4876
> Project: Teiid
> Issue Type: Bug
> …
[View More]Components: Salesforce Connector
> Affects Versions: 9.2.2
> Environment: MacOS{{monospaced text}}
> Reporter: Jeff Davis
> Assignee: Steven Hawkins
> Fix For: 9.3, 8.12.x-6.4, 9.2.3
> The Salesforce connector does not appear to work in the 9.2.2 release (using resource adpater salesforce-34). Here's the relevant entry in the standalone-teiid.xml file:
> {{<resource-adapter id="sf34">
> <module slot="main" id="org.jboss.teiid.resource-adapter.salesforce-34"/>
> <transaction-support>NoTransaction</transaction-support>
> <connection-definitions>
> <connection-definition class-name="org.teiid.resource.adapter.salesforce.SalesForceManagedConnectionFactory" jndi-name="java:/sfDS" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" pool-name="teiid-sf-ds">
> <config-property name="URL">
> https://www.salesforce.com/services/Soap/u/34.0
> </config-property>
> <config-property name="password">
> [[not shown]]
> </config-property>
> <config-property name="username">
> lightning(a)zazarie.com
> </config-property>
> </connection-definition>
> </connection-definitions>
> </resource-adapter>}}
> And here is my dynamic VDB xml (SFDCVdb-vdb.xml):
> {{<vdb name="SFDCVdb" version="1">
> <description/>
> <property name="validationDateTime" value="Fri Apr 21 14:41:27 MDT 2017"/>
> <property name="validationVersion" value="9.2.2"/>
> <model name="SFSourceModel">
> <source connection-jndi-name="java:/sfDS" name="SFSourceModel"
> translator-name="salesforce-34"/>
> <metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
> Id string(18) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'Generated upon creation' OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Id', NATIVE_TYPE 'id', "teiid_sf:Defaulted on Create" 'TRUE'),
> IsDeleted boolean OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'IsDeleted', NATIVE_TYPE 'boolean', "teiid_sf:Defaulted on Create" 'TRUE'),
> MasterRecordId string(18) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'MasterRecordId', NATIVE_TYPE 'id'),
> Name string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Name', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> Type string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Type', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'Prospect,Customer - Direct,Customer - Channel,Channel Partner / Reseller,Installation Partner,Technology Partner,Other'),
> ParentId string(18) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'ParentId', NATIVE_TYPE 'id'),
> BillingStreet string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'BillingStreet', NATIVE_TYPE 'textarea', SEARCHABLE 'UNSEARCHABLE'),
> BillingCity string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'BillingCity', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> BillingState string(80) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'BillingState', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> BillingPostalCode string(20) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'BillingPostalCode', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> BillingCountry string(80) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'BillingCountry', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> ShippingStreet string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'ShippingStreet', NATIVE_TYPE 'textarea', SEARCHABLE 'UNSEARCHABLE'),
> ShippingCity string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'ShippingCity', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> ShippingState string(80) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'ShippingState', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> ShippingPostalCode string(20) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'ShippingPostalCode', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> ShippingCountry string(80) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'ShippingCountry', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> Phone string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Phone', NATIVE_TYPE 'phone'),
> Fax string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Fax', NATIVE_TYPE 'phone'),
> AccountNumber string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'AccountNumber', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> Website string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Website', NATIVE_TYPE 'url'),
> Sic string(20) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Sic', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> Industry string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Industry', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'Agriculture,Apparel,Banking,Biotechnology,Chemicals,Communications,Construction,Consulting,Education,Electronics,Energy,Engineering,Entertainment,Environmental,Finance,Food & Beverage,Government,Healthcare,Hospitality,Insurance,Machinery,Manufacturing,Media,Not For Profit,Recreation,Retail,Shipping,Technology,Telecommunications,Transportation,Utilities,Other'),
> AnnualRevenue double OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'AnnualRevenue', NATIVE_TYPE 'currency', CURRENCY 'TRUE'),
> NumberOfEmployees integer OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'NumberOfEmployees', NATIVE_TYPE 'int'),
> Ownership string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Ownership', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'Public,Private,Subsidiary,Other'),
> TickerSymbol string(20) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'TickerSymbol', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> Description string(32000) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Description', NATIVE_TYPE 'textarea', SEARCHABLE 'UNSEARCHABLE'),
> Rating string(40) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Rating', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'Hot,Warm,Cold'),
> Site string(80) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Site', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> OwnerId string(18) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'OwnerId', NATIVE_TYPE 'id', "teiid_sf:Defaulted on Create" 'TRUE'),
> LastActivityDate date OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'LastActivityDate', NATIVE_TYPE 'date'),
> Jigsaw string(20) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Jigsaw', NATIVE_TYPE 'string'),
> pnccanvaspck__CustomerPriority__c string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__CustomerPriority__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'High,Low,Medium', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__SLA__c string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__SLA__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'Gold,Silver,Platinum,Bronze', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__Active__c string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__Active__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'No,Yes', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__NumberofLocations__c double OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__NumberofLocations__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'double', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__UpsellOpportunity__c string(255) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__UpsellOpportunity__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'picklist', "teiid_sf:Picklist Values" 'Maybe,No,Yes', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__SLASerialNumber__c string(10) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__SLASerialNumber__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'string', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__SLAExpirationDate__c date OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__SLAExpirationDate__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'date', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__Business_Hours__c string(100) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__Business_Hours__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'string', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__Location__Latitude__s double OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__Location__Latitude__s', NATIVE_TYPE 'double', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__Location__Longitude__s double OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__Location__Longitude__s', NATIVE_TYPE 'double', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> pnccanvaspck__Time_Zone__c string(10) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'pnccanvaspck__Time_Zone__c', NATIVE_TYPE 'string', "teiid_sf:Custom" 'TRUE'),
> ) OPTIONS(NAMEINSOURCE 'Account', UPDATABLE 'TRUE', "teiid_sf:Supports Search" 'TRUE', "teiid_sf:Supports Replicate" 'TRUE', "teiid_sf:Supports Merge" 'TRUE', "teiid_sf:Supports Create" 'TRUE', "teiid_sf:Supports Delete" 'TRUE', "teiid_sf:Supports Query" 'TRUE', "teiid_sf:Supports Retrieve" 'TRUE')
> ]]></metadata>
> </model>
> <model name="SFViewModel" type="VIRTUAL">
> <property name="imports" value="SFSourceModel"/>
> <metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
> CREATE VIEW Account (
> Name string(255)
> AS
> SFSourceModel.Account.Name
> SFSourceModel.Account;
> ]]></metadata>
> </model>
> </vdb>}}
> I tried this same exact configuration in the 8.13.7 release and it worked.
> Steven remarked the following:
> "It looks like the change to build using the feature-packs broke the dependencies for the salesforce-34 resource adapter."
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7 years, 4 months