Steven Hawkins updated TEIID-5395:
Issue Type: Bug (was: Enhancement)
Priority: Major (was: Minor)
Looks like there are some pretty big bugs that were addressed here. I'll evaluate the
change for inclusion into 10.x as well.
Improvement of JPA translator join behavior
Key: TEIID-5395
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Misc. Connectors
Affects Versions: 10.2.1
Reporter: Harold Campbell
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Fix For: 11.0
The behavior of the JPA connector has a number of issues regarding entity relationships.
* Implicit joins (those needed to get child entity id's) are made INNER JOINS,
preventing getting any rows where the value would be null.
* Something odd is done with *ToMany relationships which blows up the size of
* If a parent entity and a child entity use the same name for their id property, only one
gets mapped.
* It's not possible to join the same entity more than once.