Steven Hawkins commented on TEIID-5434:
A quick glance at the plans would suggest that they only differ in projected symbols and
the additional grouping operation for the count plan. Can you provide the query plan
after execution showing the processing node row counts?
count(*) returns different nr of rows compared to normal select
Key: TEIID-5434
Project: Teiid
Issue Type: Bug
Affects Versions: 10.3.3
Reporter: Bram Gadeyne
Assignee: Steven Hawkins
Priority: Critical
Attachments: count_plan.txt, select_plan.txt
Normal select return 162175 rows:
select pa.ICUSessionID,11074, obr.DateTime, obr.varvalue, true, 15001866
from tv_retrieve_observrec obr
join kd_matric.ExtrPatICUAdmissions epa on epa.PatientID = obr.admissionid
join kd_matric.PatICUAdmissions pa on pa.ICUSessionID = epa.ICUSessionID and pa.BatchID
< 1152
where obr.VariableID = 15001866;
count query return a count of 11573
select count(*)
from tv_retrieve_observrec obr
join kd_matric.ExtrPatICUAdmissions epa on epa.PatientID = obr.admissionid
join kd_matric.PatICUAdmissions pa on pa.ICUSessionID = epa.ICUSessionID and pa.BatchID
< 1152
where obr.VariableID = 15001866;
This was detected on a snapshot release of 10.3.3